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AMC: Thursday

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how cute were Ryan, Annie and Emma? Those 3 are a fresh of breath air and really refreshing to watch. I love how they are drama free, yet still interesting and entertain me. Best thing AMC has going for it

I hate Barbera, but glad Jack slept with her only bc Erica saw. I dont want to see those 2 together

Also really glad we got a break from the Chandler/Carey drama

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I told you guys to take heart! Sheesh! This stuff was taped after the announcement that McWhorebag was gone, so it's only a matter of weeks. Her damage has been done. She can't harm us anymore. In the repetitive words of TKFP, "It's over... It's finally over." There's nothing to worry about. Let's remain joyous, shall we?!

Anyway, on to Hannah... I like this actress. I don't know where they're headed with the character since I've unexpectedly haven't read spoilers in quite sometime (it wasn't intentional to be spoiler free -- it just happened). But I do like the actress. Her look and her style give the show a little more class and maturity. She makes me take notice and want to hear what Hannah has to say.

Marla Kanelos actually did a good job with the script today. I liked the natural flow of the dialog.

I'm also happy that today was Carey Whore-Free! :D

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Amen I do not like Jeff/Erica they are boring together whereas I love Jack/Erica they were meant to be....now I want to see a catfight tomorrow between Erica and Barbara and I mean dirty like ripping off bras, squeezing shampoo up their nose and into their mouthes and in between the breasts, you know just a deep down dirty catfight...my money is on Erica :)

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I love Hannah. She's seems like a smart strong woman; something that has been lacking on AMC since McT returned (for me more proof that Kay Alden has been tinkering with the scripts).

The Zoe/Betty/Josh/Bianca scenes were wonderful. My only complaint was that Colin seemed to struggle with his lines when Josh was trying to explain transgenderism to Betty.

Erica's breakup with Jeff was so long in coming. I was thrilled that finally she admitted she will always love Jack.

Did anyone else notice that there was absolutely no mention of Babe yesterday? The breakdown writer was Amanda "Obviously No-Agenda" Beall.

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So, Beall's material is immune to Alden's tinkering? :unsure:


I agree that McTavish would never introduce a smart strong woman right off the bat. Either she would've been a slut, or she would've been weak and needed Ryan to save her. McTavish doesn't believe in strong, smart, independent women.

Coincidentally (if that), Hannah has a Phyllis (Michelle Stafford) from Y&R quality to her. More "proof" that Kay Alden has been tinkering with the scripts. ;)

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