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AMC: Tuesday

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I really hated Tad today. First, he showed no sympathy to Colby when she was concerned that her father was missing and then he got up in Adam's face about Krystal & the baby. This plot against Adam had me loathing Tad for the first time in over 25 years of watching.

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I forgot to say how much I loved the Kendall/Bianca/Erica scenes. It felt like they were written by a different person, imo (Kay Alden?). I was thrilled when Kendall mentioned the pressure of being Erica's daughter since it was such a huge story point for Bianca during her younger years.

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Tad has been in the pits ever since he was revealed to be Madden's killer. That was totally out-of-character for him. I seriously wonder where McT's head is because she wrote good for these characters in the past. I can't think of any character under her that hasn't been slightly or completely ruined.

Looking forward to Adam and Janet's wrath!!!!!!

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I love AMC sooooo much!!! Today was another EXCELLENT episode!!!

- The Kane women were great. I love it when Erica has scenes with her daughters!!

- LOL at the Naked/Crazy Adam scenes. But I was getting upset with Tad today. I wish that he would've listened to Krystal.

- PERFECT ending!!! MY JANET'S BACK!!!!! :) :) :)

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Yesterday's show was for the dogs!

It was absolutely disgusting, and all I saw was a little. I am trying to hang on til the REAL writer comes in, but that is not easy.

Just disgusting writing.

Again, Adam is a raving lunatic? Why? I think the audience would have bought it had the Hack From Hell restored Adam of old and had him throw out the whores and Adam Junior. Then he would have CALMLY exacted his revenge. What did the audience get instead? This laughable creature who can't hold his own against 2 pig whores? THIS is NOT Adam! Then he's in the looney bin? Adam will become so desperate to regain control of HIS house that he will enlist the help of Janet? Say it aint so!

Then you have Toad who decides that Adam should not return to ADAM'S HOUSE until after Pig Whore i has her baby? Need I remind anyone with at the very least 2 pieces of intelligence THAT IT IS ADAM'S HOUSE DAMN IT! The Martins can all go to hell. They have been destroyed!!!!!

Then I get Erica, but her screentime is with Skeletor and Babe Disciple I??? Not interested!

I won't rant any longer because I honestly believe many of you feel exactly what I feel, and there are just no words to describe this "story". None whatsoever! I would like to try the word, "heinous", but this does not even do this garbage justice. There are simply no words...

Thank goodness McHack will be with her siamese twin Hack Reilly in the unemployment line. Perhaps the 2 can collaborate together. Imagine the piece of trash that will be!


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