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AMC: Thursday

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^^Haha - they are good scenes with Zach. They've always had a great friendship.

I HATE Erica's decision bc it was all for Josh. But I LOVED the way Erica shot down Adam and told him to 'get over it'. Classic Erica Kane. Loved that.

Oh and yes, Di is now the new Simone - except more friendly and mellow. :(


LOL - Adam is boarding up the mansion to keep "the vermin out"....this is hilarious.

HAHA - I freaking LOVE 'secretary Lily'. Please keep it up Lily, you have me rolling with your dialogue....

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I'm fearful from what I've just read thus far. Erica is dead to me too if she told Adam to "get over it". She hasn't! I don't know how she can care about that fetus when he is an ass all the time.

Please tell me that Kendall did not hire that b*tch Annie! Pretty please. I saw the previws and that is not how you treat a potential employer.

I just may be though with AMC until the new head writers come on board.

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What?! Are you serious?! :(

I don't know if I can watch then. First Kendall loses her mind and hugs this skank and now she hires her?! Ugh....Please tell me that Kendall put this Greenlee wannabe in her place at least. Or made her beg for a job. Or let her know who is the HBIC.

Fusion should burn. Enchantment should return.

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None of that. They went back and forth calling each other b!tches and then Annie says she's leavign and then Kendall is like "Wait. If you can keep up, you have the job." They made Kendall a little b!tch today (and not the good kind).

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Kendall Slater needs to get her pathetic, selfish, hateful ass kicked. Im getting sick of her and she's down in Babe and Krystal's territory. I used to love all 3 but cant stand either of them now. I wanted Annie to slap the living daylights out of her today. She's mean for absolutely no reason

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HUH Cheap what are you talking about? Annie got in HER face, A Kane woman never backs down from a fight, and Annie knows that.

Actually I thought Annie came across as a jealous vindictive !@#$%^&*]. She's the one who threw the fact that she mothered Spike for awhile in Kendall's face and other crap too.

Kendall needs to go all Kane on the Banana.

I don't get why Annie would act this way to someone she wants to hire her.

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This show is in the toilet. I'd never hire someone who b*tched me out in my place of business. You better head to the welfare office!

Maybe I'll watch for the Adam scenes but it seems like they are writing him like a clown for jokes.

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Annie rubbed in Kendall's face that she she was mothering a kidnapped child?!! Those are fighting words. At least OLTL is getting better. This show is just pissing me off. Kendall needs to be fim like Nash is with that whiny Jessica.

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Oh yeah Annie was in Kendall's place of business, threw Spike in her face, threw that Annie and Ryan make love(Kendall never batted an eye) and other crap. Annie's the one who kept bringing up Ryan, Kendall could care less.

So I don't get how Kendall is at at fault in any of this.

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