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AMC: Headwriter

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Changes that I would make. Let's see.

For the cast cuts:




Sydney (although she is pretty much gone)



Storylines I would like to see:

1. Erica/Jack reunited ASAP. The Kane/Montgomery clan front and center again and bring back Reggie. Josh becomes a distant memory and the Kane family becomes about the legacy of the Kane women again.

2. Tad dealing with the fact he murdered Madden and dealing with Dixie's death. I am not sure I want to see him in a pairing any time soon.

3. Carey's versus Kanes. I would like to see these two families at war with one another.

4. Kendall in a competely different pairing. She has really gotten extremely one note and boring now. I want to see her in a different pairing and away from Fusion. In fact, end Fusion. Or let her be a single mothe for a while.

5. Greenlee returns with revenge on her mind and goes back to being a selfish brat. And her and JR team up, wreck havoc and have a passionate affair!!

6. Noah and Julia reunite!!

That would be a start!! I would like more character driven writing and a respect for the history of the show. The new HW's have their work cut out for them though. I feel sorry for them and I think it will take some time to repair AMC.

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Cast Cuts --- Alexa Havins(Babe), Colin Egglesfield(Josh), Bobbie Eakes(Krystal), Taylor Gildersleeve(Sydney), Melissa Claire Egan(FakeLee Annie),Leven Rambin's new character Ava (what's the damned point anyhow!), & especially Jeffrey Carlson(Zarf/Zoe) & his coming soon mom and Ronald Guttman(Alexander). Charles Parnell(Derek) replaced by original Derek, Bill Christian.

Back on Contract --- Jill Larson(Opal), Tonya Pinkins(Livia)

Returns, besides Christian, Julia Barr(Brooke English), Cady McClain(Dixie Cooney), Tanisha Lynn(Dani), Michael B. Jordan(Reggie), plus Shari Headley(Mimi), Taylor Miller(Nina), Christian Campbell(Bobby), Elizabeth Hendrickson(Maggie) and bring in a soras'd Petey, a re-cast Liza, my pick Tonja Walker Davidson(ex-Alex Olanov, OLTL) and a re-cast Laura English(in a triangle with Bianca and Maggie) and at least temporarily, a good actor to take over the role of David Hayward, possibly Paul Satterfield (ex-Spencer Truman, OLTL).

I'd have David to have faked Dixie's death, by giving her some drug that stopped her heart and brain for a few hours (a drug like this was used in a storyline on CSI recently) and then to have replaced her body in the casket with a wax figure. After a couple months, Dixie would be end up being found by Tad and then eventually they'd find out Kathy is their daughter Kate. But Julia would fight them for custody.

Brooke would get front burner status, with her coupled up with either Jack or Jeff. Erica & Brooke's rivalry would be front and center. Laura would come back, annoucing she's a lesbian. Bianca would be attracted to Laura, complicating her reunion with a returned Maggie.

Josh, it would turn out, would NOT be Erica & Jeff's son. Madden faked it and he's really Madden's son. Josh would go psycho and kill Babe and Zarf. Zarf's mother would leave town. Josh would be shot to death by Derek after he tries to kill Erica.

I'd have Krystal be very,very upset about getting kicked out of the Chandler mansion by Adam and by Josh having killed her poor "babydoll" and be killed in a head on collision with an 18 wheeler. Sadly her & Tad's unborn child would die too. But Tad would have Dixie and Kate back.

Lily & Petey would be involved with Colby & Sean in the show's teen story.

I'd possibly have a triangle involving Aiden, Julia & Jamie. I might axe Di, whom almost seems redundant, especially if Dixie returned.

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I would definitely want to get rid of Blandie, I mean Annie. The only way I would keep her is they did a Amanda/Jonathan/Annie triangle and it turned out the child was Jonathan's instead of Ryan's. She is really boring with Ryan and they have absolutely NO chemistry, IMHO.

I would like to see Opal, Brooke, and Dixie return. An Adam and Brooke pairing would be fun to watch!! If David came back to the show, maybe hooking up David and Greenlee could be fun. I always wanted them paired up before.

The new writers need a way to erase the last three years of the show. It was all a bad dream!!

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That's precisely my point. Any truly innovative and creative writer can do thatm even with the a not so stellar cast. And obvious AMC has a fairly stellar cast with quite a few unlikeable characters, so I'm sure it could be done and certain it won't be. :lol:

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Cuts: Babe, kwak, ryan, annie, Jeff, and jonathan.

Bring back: david, lena, and brooke.

-I would undone the unabortion storyline and make josh kendall's twin, so his father would be richard fields instead of jeff.

-Add david and brooke to the mix in j/e's marriage, with david ending up with erica and brooke with jack.

-I love Jefferey C./Zarf, but I would rather he just be friends with binks, and she can help him adjust to becoming a woman or not as a friend. This storyline to me just screams that they are just trying to put binks with a man. Then bring lena back and pair binks with her.

-Pair josh with greenlee when and if she returns, erica will hate the pairing, but I can accept it and she will too since it would get babe away from him. I don't mind josh dating someone erica hates, but putting the woman that kidnapped erica grandchild with josh is just disgusting. Then josh would go back to being a doctor and instead having a gazillion jobs.

-Put jr with amanda or add him to the josh/greenlee storyline.

-The new beginnings plot is dropped and erica runs Enchantment again alongside kendall/binks and maybe greenlee.

-Before kwak/babe get their pink slip, binks deals them there final blow and says I've been pretending to like you all this time and I really don't. An behind the tramps back she steals babes stock in confusion, helps jr get custody of little adam and helps adam leave kwak penniless. Kendall/erica also helps.

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If alot of the characters were written properly, then I think alot would be more likable. That's just my opinion. I don't see the need for a major shake up in terms of the cast. As long as Frons as in charge its a pipe dream to think we will get Julia Barr back or any of the vets they fired. McTavish had nothing to do with that. I can accept stories focused around younger characters if written decent and intelligently. Hopefully we will get that.

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Probably get ruin of Del who really serves no purpose

-Real Adam returns permanently

-JR grows a set

-Babe grows up and stand on her own...no man/no mama!

-Kendall and Zach's baby is born...any baby drama(i.e-kidnapping) can happen after the little girl makes her big debut. Kendall and Zach after any baby drama, remain a strong couple with obstacles that don't destroy them

-Ryan is put on the backburner for a while

-Di, Aidan, Jonathan and Amanda are featured

-Friendship between Daidan/Zendall

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A simple cutting of characters you just don't like won't solve the problems. Like others have said, a good writer might make a character you dislike into someone you do. It's not as easy as saying "so and so are fired" and bingo, the problems go away.

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