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ALL: I've given up DAYS, Need a new soap

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NBC is the one that forced JER back on DAYS in the first place, and they weren't happy when Corday fired him last summer. It's my opinion that DAYS would probably have been in much more trouble then if Corday hadn't hired an acclaimed, four time Emmy winner to replace JER.

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You know, I have to say I really don´t understand what this boycotting the show is going to prove. I mean, while people are angry that B/H a J/M doesn´t have airtime now, they are still on the show and they still can and eventually will appear. If DAYS is really canceled in 2009, that´s it. The chance that Drake and Deidre will ever get a contract part on a different soap, when those soaps are all very giddy to get rid of all their own veterans, is smaller than zero. Even KA a PR will be probably lucky to get some quest appearances on primetime shows here and there, but nothing major.

I used to be supporter of the lower ratings means change theory, but that´s obviously not the case anymore. Corday will not fire Sheffer. And NBC is probably happy his first sweeps were so unsuccesfull. So, it´s lose lose situation.

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Exactly Jane and Hogan. It's sad but true and that is the main drive behind my posts in this thread. It's not like it was under JER. This is it. Hogan isn't going anywhere and I would think fans would want to enjoy Days for as long as we have it. I mean, if fans can stick it out through Langan, Higley, and JER, how can they quit when the writing is good but the stories have just slowed down and the balance is off. It could be worse and has been worse.

I guess part of my frustration is these fanbases. I read all over the net and you have such responses as "Why is Billie in a scene with Bo?" "Why don't they get rid of her?" "Why does she always have to be around Bo?" Funny...when was the last time Billie was even near Bo? Not for months. Billie and Bo are connected and they have a daughter yet the fanbases don't care. That is where most of my frustration lies. Stuff like that and stuff like that damn comforter drive me nuts.

I think those of us that are going to stick with it should just stick to our guns and enjoy it. When it gets good, people will come back and all will be right with their world. Just like it always is.

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I don't really care what other fans think about DAYS myself. I'm just going to enjoy it for as long as I can. It just bothers me like you said Phoenix, that after suffering through all the Langan/Higley/JER crap, fans are throwing in the towel NOW when we have a talented writer who knows what he's doing, but the pace is a little slow. I realize some people are gonna be bored, but it just doesn't make sense to me, especially when most of these are the same people who complained during Langan/Higley/JER.

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I suggest ATWT for you to watch, it is getting better, and it might even be great to a person who has not been watching it, because the storylines are somewhat good, it is just we see the same characters all the time, so it is hard for us regulars of the show to call it great, but to a newbie it might be really interesting. :) Plus another bonus for you would be that our head writer does not use history at all, so it would be easy to pick up on things, because the storylines are only based on things that are happening today, heck she even forgets what happened a month ago sometimes. :D

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Awww, Wednesday was really fun at GH.. it was Sonny-free day and a lot of Tracy, Luke, Lulu, Dillon, and the new guy Cooper with another new guy Logan that is someone's son...

Today we are back to Sonny, Jax and Carly... :rollseyes: But hopefully, you will like it as well! :)

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I too have wondered about Beth Milstein as HW. I did enjoy what she wrote and she actually used Days history in her stories.

Its sad to see longtime fans dropping out. If Days were as good as some say it is, I think we would see more postings in the daily threads.

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