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AMC: Tuesday

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I am really liking the Erica and Adam scenes. She's playing with him about Babe being alive, while he is sniffing her and asking if she's on drugs or drunk. Haha - I love it. LOL at Erica: "Because a dead slut can cause just as much passion as a live one." (Talking about Babe and her influence over Josh and JR)

Courtney "Hot Mess" Bugler wrote the show today though! haha

Josh knowing Krystal and Babe's secret is not going to be good. He will be using that over them.

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Haha I just loved that line and Erica/Adam scenes are the best today!

I find it odd that Krystal doubled in size from yesterday. I wonder if that's why the first words that Adam says to Krystal today are "Wow, you've transformed." haha

I'm also really liking how Alexander Sr. is taunting the PV boys - JR especially. Weird that I actually like the Satin Slayer...haha

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Wow. Bad. So bad. Worse than yesterday. I did sort of enjoy Erica and Adam though.

I did snark at JR being so indignant about Alex' gloating, JR is always gloating after almost homicides even when he realizes he got the wrong person - so who's he to talk?

Jonathan, you too are a serial killer. Do not judge. Maybe Alex just has a tumor and can get it cut out.

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I still have the 2nd half to watch but the only thing of interest was Erica and Adam. A throwback to the good old days. Susan and David still have amazing chemistry, I wish they'd write them in scenes more often.

The dialouge as expected with hot mess writing was a hot mess.

I love the Satin Slayer too Alex!

"I've made fools of you for months.... why stop now?" :lol:

Ronald Guttman rocks :lol:

Just remember guys, we only have to put up with this drivel only a little while longer.

I want a date so we can start the countdown to Megan's last day in the credits!!!

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If only Joanna Cohen was a robot.... and could write 5 scripts a week :(

When you watch Bugler and Taylor.... then watch Cohen. OMG.

You were the first to champion this little script writer than could. Everyone is singing her accolades.

Pretty good for a writer who "isn't even on contract" with ABC ;)

By the way, where is our dear friend Jackie?

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Ok I just watched the second half:

Was Mary Poppins and Tarzan really necessary? Talk about a waste of my day! They better not have paid them for that....

I'm loving the Di/Julia/Annie girltalks about their boyfriends. I just wish Amanda could have gotten included :(

Erica has been the saving grace this week for me. She just cracks me up and I'm loving watching Susan play Erica lately. I like how she is in on this Babe secret and LOL'ed when she took the covers off Babe and told her to pack her things. Her scenes with Adam were great too.

I liked all the Dixie talk today too.

OHH and how did all the PV boys get home so quick? They take days (episodes) last week on a plane to get to Las Vegas, and all of a sudden they can get back to PV during the half-way commercial break in today's episode! WTF!?!

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Lost In Space Ryan

Wow so you just check out Zach and Kendall reuniting and spending some quality time together and then the camera flashes to deer in headlights bonanza Ryan and he looks lost and as if he saw Cinderella shoving her glass slipper up Darth Vader's gluteous maximus oh wait that would be bug eyes and holier than thou pontificating so nevermind geez I got something wrong that never should happen in his holiness' presence. Maybe someone will now come by and say he won the lottery but it is to actually get a brain and a dildo just for good measure but that brain may be smaller than Calista Flockhart's rack, which can be said to be a country in which we wage war with that look like star wars (since we are mentioning space here). But yea he just looked all expressionless and not showing any emotion so perhaps St. Ryan had an epiphany that would include jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge without a Dynamite Kiddo parachute. Oh wait he would use his backpack as the parachute and then go "oopsie I did it again" a la Britney Spears. What a useless dolt

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Just watched the second half...... Tarzan, Marry Poppins :blink: give me a friggin break. Leave the advertising to the commerical breaks Frons and Co. I so did not need to see that.

Erica, I an cheering you on! Show your "son" who's boss. I can't wait to see her spill the beans :lol:

I loved Annie and Jonathan scenes at the cemetary and what's this? Tad actually wrnt to Dixie's grave???? :o

Do my eyes decieve me?

I hope that is continued tomorrow, but my guess is it won't be.

Damn you Megan McTavish, Julie Hanan Carruthers and Brian Frons for killing Dixie off!

Yeah, that's right. You see me enjoying AMC again, yes, but I will never ever forgive you for what you did to Dixie and Cady McClain!

Ok rant over.

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