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AMC: Friday

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You do know Megan never wanted this couple to succeed despite her bragging "she can smell chemistry" to the press. Zach and Kendall was a short term thing. They knew they were losing Rebecca Budig, so she set it all up for Kendall and Ryan to end up back together, one thing she did not bank on however is Zach and Kendall being so popular, she basically was forced to go with them by Julie Hanan Carruthers and Frons.

Megan I think hates Zendall which is why it took so long for them to be written properly and I don't think that's her doing at all IMO now with the revelation of her dismissal.

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I must say I really do admire your dedication and loyalty to Megan McTavish. Its a hard feat and you've mastered it.

I always am happy to see fans impassioned by a soap opera and you certainly are impassioned by AMC and Megan's vision for it. Its refreshing. We may disagree but I just want to say its nice to see someone so excited by a soap :)

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It's true, Zendall was supposed to be a roadblock to Rendall reuiniting, but Zendall took off, even Frons was surprised by their popularity at SSW in 2005.

McTavish is a Ryass lover all the way, and she'd do Rendall in a heartbeat as proven by this past summer, cause she tried to do Zach/Dixie, Ryan/Kendall but Zendall fans weren't buying it. Hence them being reunited so fast again

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