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AMC: Thursday

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I fast forwarded through most of it in about 20 minutes. After seeing dumbass Ryan take a swing at the cops, I was like "this [!@#$%^&*] is ridiculous." :rolleyes:

I'm just glad he was arrested. Ryan's been needing to be knocked down 20 pegs. He's thinking he's above the law, because the worshippers in Pine Valley tell him so.

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The Green Mile Ryan

So the dufus does something stupid (what else is new with Ryan?) and punches a cop in the face and is now serving a little bit of time in jail and the worst part is the a$$ goblin gets Tad into trouble as well! Since when should Tad have to pay for your stupidity, St. Ryan of the Hypocrisy Tail? So now maybe there will be a lot of good come out of Ryan's temporary stay in jail and it will now be elevated to him walking the green mile and being executed but intead of electricity passed through him well just dump a bunch of poop all over him and then he says, "Smells like chicken" (thankfully he does know not to taste it). But that would be something if he just gets the death penalty and never bothers anyone with his sanctimonious pontificating and he is off to Neverland to get skivvied and shagged by Michael Jackson of the Monkey Hair Porcelain Face. Ahhhh a great day will come when Ryan finally dies either by lethal injection or being rolled off a Dynamite Kiddo Hill or suffocated by being sat on by Sally Struthers and then she says, "Oh I see said the blind man as he moved his fat a$$...bubble me up!"

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I already know for a fact that Lily has worked about 3 days in a row this week ;) I hope you are right about the new writers too.

ROFL!! I knew it was only a matter of time before she let him know her true feelings. This alone is worth watching. Again, thanks for giving me the incentive to watch today's show. I hope to get to it a bit later on.

LMAO..If I can watch the show later tonight, I will put the clip on my YouTube site and post the link here

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Ronald Guttman truly is Alexander Cambias. He is just memorizing to watch. The lines he is given as well. I just love him.

He was truly amazing with Zach. How he relived his death and totally lost it. Wow. He is a psycho but you sort of half felt for him there.

Poor Kendall. :(

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The only good part for me was the Erica/Barbera stuff bc I loved the slap. Barbera is a cheap imitation of Erica. She comes off as childish and immature but whereas Erica can pull it off, Barbera just looks stupid and annoying. This isnt even a fun rivalry bc she's so pathetic. Bring back Brooke for Erica to spar with

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Her best one in a while!

Lately Pod Erica has been in hibernation. Ever since Erica slept with Jeff.... she has been on a total rampage. I guess after all these years he still isn't much of a lover by Kane standards ;)

Go Erica!

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Dear God, I love that woman. :wub: First of all, I haven't seen live Erica (watched the Erica Jeff nastiness, but my eyes were covered therough 95% of it) in over a year and she is so gorgeous. That hair, and that outfit. OMG....she's hot too. Hehe. ;)

And that slap, she just like FU'd her PODdom, and belted that b*tch. It was beautiful. Eeeeeeeeeeee. God, that was perfect. Welcome Back Erica! Girl, you have been missed. :D

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