Members jjjg Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 GH deserves it with the hostage story, but now if it goes back to Sonny/Carly, Jason 24/7 the ratings won't be able to be sustained. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members evermore Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 GH's hostage story was pretty well done overall but I have no hope at all that Frons/Phelps/Guza will learn from this ratings spike that audiences like seeing ALL of the show's characters and not just a select few day after day. I also worry that they will believe that killing off beloved veterans is a fantastic way to goose ratings; if I were Lesley Charleson, John Ingle, Jane Elliott or Jackie Zeman, I'd be printing my resume right about now. Let's hope Guza joins Mactavish in the unemployment line Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Chris B Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 B&B IS bad, despite good writers and a good cast. The headwriter is the worst in daytime, he is not creative and does the same stories over and over again. Everyone hated Ridge with Bridget so he did it twice, now he's doing it again with Phoebe and Rick. According to his interview at, he couldn't care less what the fans think of it. In addition you have this amazing cast sitting on the sidelines doing nothing. Lesli Kay was so good they brought her back from a TERMINAL ILLNESS! Where the freak is she now?! Bridget? Donna? Storm? Harry (who should be with Phoebe)? Clarke? CJ? The only people being used are Ridge, Brooke, Phoebe, Rick, Nick and Taylor. Stephanie and Eric's story is a B story to the others which are on every fricking day. Hopefully AMC can make a HUGE turnaround (with the new hw) and take #3. Brad Bell needed to be fired four or five years ago. B&B needs a wakeup call already! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Ponz Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 Hogan better have a thrilling May Sweeps in store. The show's future is riding on it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members SpiritualJunkie Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 GL's 2.1 hurts. I can't comment on what they deserved, though since I was out of town all week and haven't gotten around to watching those episodes. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members R!ck Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 Congrats Hogan & Team you have managed to tie DAYS lowest day rating ever. Oh yeah the last time DAYS ht a 2.1 was when JER was there. I have basically tuned out of the show anyway. I haven't watched a full episode since December, and when I do record I FF and watch it in 15 minutes. It's a boring mess and doesn't liike like it's going to change anytime soon. Of course when you butcher half the cast, introduce 5-6 newbies and refuse to write for the glue that holds the show together (Marlena, John, Bo, Hope) that's what happens. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members numberonedaysfan Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 days is committing the ultimate sin---putting not one not two but four of its biggest stars on the backburner.I am talking bo,hope john and marlena!its disgraceful......i thought hogan did family stories...whatever to the hortons that we know?! ken corday is praising hogans current work?days has fallen to number 7 in the ratings and will go down even more if they(the show) dont make a change now! oh and add some more black characters..if lexie has disappeared why isnt abe looking for her?mimi killed her dad and in a blink of the eye she leaves town?shawn and belle on an island?no interaction with other characters?the list goes on and on! why do soaps act like they want to lose viewers? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members R!ck Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 Carrie, Austin, Jack, Jennifer, Tek, Stephanie, Frankie, Patrick, Lexie, Bonnie, Mimi, Jason Cook have all left within the last 6 months. DAYS Big 4 (Marlena, John, Hope, Bo) are on the backburner and looks like they will stay there for months. Abby, Max, Jed, Nick, Chelsea, Willow, Shawn, Belle, Phillip on the frontburner EJ is the main character on the show. The Vets/Hortons are non existant. But hey the writing is good (i.e Boring) I would rather have JER back. The writing wasn't up to par. but at least he he wrote for John, Marlena, Bo, Hope and knew how to balance the show. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Ryan Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 People are acting like it's Hogan's fault the ratings dipped. I don't know if you realized, but ALL of the soaps took a dive in the ratings this past week. I could see the outrage if DAYS was the only show that fell, but it wasn't. Jesus, when things are going good it's going good and everyone wants to ride the coattails. The first sign of trouble and people want to jump off the bandwagon. It's not Hogan's fault that actors are taking vacations. It's not Hogan's fault that there may not (though it was denied) be enough money to pay the pricey vets. He got a show that was in shambles and have made GREAT improvements since his time on the show. I'm not going to blast him and his team for writing under the cirumstances they have to work with at DAYS. As I said before, DAYS is not the only show that has fallen. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Ryan Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 And many of those exits were done because of the budget. Hogan received a show with a bloated cast. He could have asked for all the vets to be fired and only keep the younger actors. Would people have been happy then? Why mention the characters that left? They didn't do anything to raise the ratings. They were just there eating up money. And NONE of those are characters that Hogan brought on. All JER's returns and creations. As I said before, I'm not going to blast his team for working on the conditions they are. At the first sign of trouble it appears that people are jumping off his "bandwagon" and that's just sad. I'd much rather see a "boring" show than see the crap we were force fed under JER. I may not be happy with some of the storylines and the backburnering of certain characters, but I know they are coming back soon and I continue to have hope. The last thing DAYS needs now is for its fans to start turning on the regime just because of a bad week. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members R!ck Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 I've been is this state of mind for amlmost 2 months. DAYS hasn't been "going good" (Ratings wise) since Hogan took over, sure he got a couple 2.7's but so did JER back in the winter and early spring 2006 JER's Feb Sweeps 2.6 2.6 2.7 2.6 2007 Hogan's Feb sweeps 2.6 2.5 2.5 2.4 A lot of the other soaps are up vs last years Feb sweeps, so we cant use the old faithful "all soaps have fallen since last year" lol I wasn't aware that the actors were taking vacations? I know Drake and Dee are not on vacation? I am, because if it's really the budget (which it's not), then he could stop writing for Sami, EJ, Nick, Abby, Chelsea, Shawn, Belle, and Phillip 5 days a week. Use the teen/20somethings 2-3 days, and free up some money for J/M, and B/H the other 2-3 days Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Ridge Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 It is Hogan's fault that DAYS ratings dipped (and have dipped). Hogan hasn't written good for DAYS in a while at least not good story telling, good quality yes. If Hogan wanted DAYS ratings to rise, he would be writing a kick-ass show and many people do not feel that is what DAYS is right now. I'm not turning on the show because of a bad week, it has been a BAD MONTH! I remember at the beginning of February people were saying "February just started... stop complaining"... No matter how good the current gang is you can't just throw familiarity out of the picture and stop storylines and expect people to just tune in because the quality is good. That's not how it works and I don't think this is the case for DAYS alone, if other soaps did what Hogan and crew did with DAYS these past 2 months they would be recieving flak and probably ratings drops as well. DAYS has been in trouble since the middle of January when the balance went out the window and I think the current writing regime has had A LOT of time to work out its kinks and tell a good story. Heck, Corday even came out and said there was nothing going on behind the scenes, especially with the budget, so then what excuse does the regime have?? And furthermore December, well late December, was kick-butt, so that shows that this regime is quite capable of telling awesome stories!! Quality is essential for a soap. But Quality is supposed to accompany GOOD story telling. Good story telling includes well connected, cohesive storylines that progress normally with beginnings, middle and ends. Hogan has not really had that yet. But yeah... the quality is so much better.... IA with everything you said Rick. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members King Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 Masturbate. THANK YOU! Muchas gracias, Ricardo. We agree for once! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Ryan Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 Like I said...when it's good it's good. When it's bad everyone wants to jump off the bandwagon. Whatever.... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Reddi Posted March 1, 2007 Members Share Posted March 1, 2007 I'd think it was due to President's day. Y/R has a pretty strong youth demo, and many teens/college were off school. Also, some parents probably stayed home from work either due to a day off or having to watch the kids who were off from school. Last week was much higher... I wonder if that bad weather in the east did account for more of a jump than we realized, as more folks were home (again, parents home if kids had a snow day, and some workplaces closed). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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