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AMC: Monday

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And that's my point. I did put "celebrate" in quotes. And no one else in the thread thought I meant like throw a party on Babe's grave. That's cause we know Erica. She should be telling KWAK she's sorry, but at least know she knows what Bianca went through, and maybe she'll learn to feel just a little bit of what Bianca felt. Erica isn't the biggest [!@#$%^&*] in the world, but she's not a softy either, and she holds a grudge.LOL We talk about POD Erica and we talk about this version of her, we know what we're saying.

I was quick to attack her crying, because that's lame, phoney, and not Erica. Not even for Kendall or Bianca. Erica knew Bianca loved Frankie and she didn't shed a tear for her. She's not going to shed one for Babe. Especially after what Babe put her through. The Erica I know and love, would have made the fetus think she was upset, got what she wanted from him (him to stay in PV), go [!@#$%^&*] at KWAK, go call David, and then be done iwth the whole thing.

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This whole turn of events was a disappointment. First, the lackluster attack scene in the parking garage. Even if I didn't give a rat's ass about Babe being attacked, for dramatic purposes, it could've been MUCH more compelling. Especially since they went about shelling out a few bucks from their "Fire the Vets" budget for a realistic looking parking garage -- instead of the usual "One Car Parked at an Angle" look they usually have. All of that room, and all we get is Babe being slammed up against the hood of a car... which is most likely how she spent many a night in San Diego.

Secondly, are you kidding me with the town rallying at the hospital for Babe? The way yesterday's (2/12) episode was written, everyone in town cared for this whore and would be effected deeply by the news of her attack... as if the world stood still the minute each person heard... "Babe Chandler was hit..." Sh!t, I'm surprised Tad didn't go running into the Chandler Mansion yelling:

Tad: "JR, what are you still doing here?! Babe Chandler was attacked!"

JR: "Oh, my God! Babe Chandler?! Babe Chandler's my wife!"


Third, Zoe's on my sh!tlist now. I was totally into the Zarf/Zoe storyline, rooting for her, understanding her struggle as a GLBT viewer myself... and then, somehow, Zoe went from being involved in a storyline with Bianca, to being a Babe prop. I think between Josh and Zoe, there is very little need for a scriptwriter to write anything. Colin and Jeffrey must know by now that all they have to do is show up on set, and just say "Babe... Babe. Babe. Babe. Babe. Babe, Babe... Babe. JR is evil and doesn't deserve Babe. Babe. Babe. Babe... Babe. Babe... Babe." I was into the transgender storyline. Not the newest recruit spewing dialog from the Bianca Montgomery founded religion of Babe is Love.

Honestly. The sound of her name is HONESTLY irritating me. I get this burning sensation in the pit of my stomach every time I hear that name come out of any character's mouth.

Fourth, am I the only one (I haven't had the patience to skim through 8 pages of posts... especially when certain people's opinions -- which should NEVER be challenged -- started making me want to put my fist through my monitor) who finds a glaringly HUGE flaw in Ryass's... and I use this term loosely... "logic?"

Okay... Ryan wants Spike away from Zach and Kendall because, even if they have security cameras and body guards, the killer can still get past them to get to Spike... so, in Ryan's pea-sized caveman brain, if the killer knows that Spike is AWAY from the security cameras and bodyguards, and is only protected by Annie, then the killer will just say "Eh! Why bother?!" and just leave Spike alone?


With this asswipe apparently having rights and priviledges at the police station and murder crime scenes (don't even GET me started on why this asshat is getting all of these rights), he's not around "protecting" Spike. He's too busy interferring with the police investigation, demanding to be in on every last bit of information, and blaming Zach and Kendall for all of the carnage. So, if the killer wants Spike, WHY wouldn't it be hella easy for them to just shove a needle in Annie's ass, storm in and get to Spike?

What's Annie gonna do? Suffocate him with her big pillowy lips? :unsure:

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Sorry, R, but I love that they say Babe so much.

"Babe," "Babe," "Babe..."

I LOVE that McTavish gave her such a soapy name! Not something boring like Mandy or Taylor or Jan. But "Babe!!1" "wubj:

Oh, and to whoever said they shelled out money for a garage set, are you sure? I'm almost positive they just used their studio's own garage, lol. It was TOO realistic. And ABC gave it away by blurring the logos on each of the cars in the garage. Oh no!!! I'll see if's a Lexus or a Cadillac and ABC didn't get paid for that ad!!


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Why roll the eyes, R? Criticize my love for Babe, but I'M NOT in the minority of those who think ABC's blurring of sponsors on SOAPS and NON-REALITY programming is VERY intrusive and ruins the whole experience, the "illusion" of being transported to "Another World." You quoted my entire post, which suggests you found that silly, too. But I daresay that's not the case!! Be free!!! Confess!!!

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I'm HOOKED as of right now. The past two months. I've been watching, off and on, for five years. At least. Granted, that may mean one show a week, or none a week or one a month, but I have never, EVER heard them call Babe anything other than Babe -- and you can bet your bippy I've watched the show longer than 12 minutes!!!

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