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AMC: Wednesday

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Erica was a cartoon again today as usual, her Ryan propping is sickening. Poor LaLucci having to spew that BS.

"Kendall's son" that's all Erica refers to Spike as :rolleyes:

I liked Annie standing up to Erica, she gets her backbone back away from Ryan.

I want to keep Raymond, I flove him already :)

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Rewatched some of AMC with my Mom last nite...loved Spike laughing/smiling. Love those twin girls who play the Spikester...can't wait till they have scenes with both TK and AM again!

Little A saying 'Pretend it's a bat!' and then 'Eat some cookies!' was too cute and funny at the same time.

AMC kids rocks! :)

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On that, I don't blame him. JR's watched Tad barge into Adam's house and spew insults for years. It was bound to rub off.

And I do agree that JR and his Transgender slurs are getting obnoxious. One, because the scriptwriters are atrocious, and two, because Jacob Young is unbearable in his "Stick Up the Ass" acting style.

I wish they'd recast Spike. Those babies look exactly like what they are. GIRLS! The babies are adorable, but still.

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For those who say Annie has no personality, they need to watch yesterday's show. Annie was hilarious! I love how she worked Erica and she totally owned Erica in these scenes. The diva doesnt know what to think or do with herself. Go Annie! You have succesfully gone head to head with Erica and stood your ground

Is it just me or did anyone else find the writers channeling Greenlee in that scene? Annie reminded me so much of her down to the sarcastic wit. I think the writers are trying to make her feud with Erica and Kendall like Greens did. Only difference is Annie is actually sane and composed and not impuslive and selfish like she was

Another thing I need to add is that I love to hate Erica but she needs to get a life. Hers is so screwed up that she has nothing better to do than mess and micromanage her children's. She had absolutely no reason to go to Ryan's apartment and be so nasty to Annie. I wish Ryan was there to tell her off too

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