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GH's 24...

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Where was Scott today? Where was Robert? His daughter has been shot and he is nowhere to be found? There are a lot of holes in this story that are pissing me off.

And you can't tell me that there isn't another way to open the vault. There has to be. But Stupid Sam had to screw it up.

One good thing, Lucky looks smokin hot!

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Skye has sunk to a new low with her constant defending and only protecting of Lorenzo. Having the nerve to defend him to Patrick while his girlfriend lay dying due to a gun shot.

Also could she care even less about all the hostages? Damn, Jason cared more for the Q's than Skye.

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I'm very much enjoying it. I would like to see Luke and Robert Scorpio become heroes in this as well. My big disappointment is that once again it focuses on the bad guys and makes them heroes instead of the good guys.

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GH is doing a really good job with the storyline.

I agree that Robert and Anna should be there, but I don't think that they are still on the show. The last time we saw Robert was around Luke & Laura's wedding. They didn't even give him a send off, they just stopped writing for him.

The one thing that I am pleased out (barely), is that when Alan dies it is not because he has been arrested for Rick Webber's murder. I had read that he was going to be arrested in Feb. for sweeps and then have a heart attack. So at least they are not trashing his charcter the way they trashed the actor!!!

I wonder if Skye is going to feel guilty about Alan's death?

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I didn't watch today's episode just yet, but Thursday's episode was soooo good! The game was sooo freaky and scary and I loved it! But when he shot Robin out of nowhere, I jumped in my seat. I mean, I knew she was getting shot, but I didn't know it would be on that eppy!

I am liking GH and it has my attention! :D

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Like I've always said about GH's stunts... yes, they're stunts. But as long as they're entertaining, that's all that matters. Entertainment is the bottom line. GH can't be faulted about doing their annual "Emmy Stunt." I mean, other soaps could jump on the bandwagon... there's no rule saying they can't.

I always watch GH during these big events. It's just frustrating to me that in most cases, it all comes out of nowhere. Like, the stunts are never something that is built towards over the period of several weeks or months. It's just all very random. Then, while it's happening, it's entertaining as hell. And when it's over with, the storylines that were "put on pause" over the course of the stunt are picked up where they left off and it returns to same ole, same ole. That's annoying for any soap.

In the moment, though, it's damn entertaining. And even if it only lasts for two or three weeks... those are two or three weeks of good eatin'. It might involve characters I hate, but the story is exciting, and story is the bottom line. They certainly can't be faulted for it. I just wish they were better at the "before and after." They have the 'during' down pat, but they could use some help with the buildup and the fallout. I mean, the only person who dies will be as the result of something unrelated to the gunplay or the explosion, LoL. Or so I've read...

I'm loving the action, but I wish there were bigger after-effects to make the action more enhanced.

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I flove Jane Elliot. Traci is one character who can never bore me. The only one who is bugging me is Sonny. I wish MB was putting more effort into his acting for this story. His quivering lips at the end of the show looked so fake. I can't wait to see how they all get out though. I'm not reading any spoilers for this.

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Stunt or not, I am loving it! At least something is going on... I am pretty much spoiler free for this one, so it's exciting... :D

DAYS is pretty much blah for me now and YR.. well, I don't really like any of the storylines...

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