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Sam owes Liz A LOT. Liz is a hypocrite but she has ome through for Sam more than once. She risked her job to help Sam escape. Sam acting like a decent human being shouldn't be applauded. It's what she should've been doing for the past few months instead of acting like an ungrateful [!@#$%^&*].

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Correction, Liz risked her job for Jason. She couldnt give a rat's ass about Sam

F--k you Tracy and F U Edward. This day is painful for Skye fans. I hate that the writers have ruined the Edward/Skye relationship bc it was once my favorite. Im glad when she yelled at him for insulting her daughter. Its a shame that Alan is gone bc he's the only Q that has always accepted her. I guess could be thrown in that category as well

Leave Lulu alone! Why do they keep threatening to kill her every half hour? Nik has an outburst? Lets shoot Lulu. Luke doesnt want to cooperate? Let's shoot Lulu. Spinelli cant get the vault open? Let's shoot Lulu? Seriously, thats how it is every single episode. Enough already

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I guess it is because this is the second time that Lorenzo put LuLu's life in danger. Last year Lorenzo made sure that Skye got the vaccine before Lulu even though Lulu needed it and was at death's door. So yes people will do anything to protect their children, but Skye's child as safe and Luke's was not. Just a few months ago, Skye was willing to do anything to keep her baby away from Lorenzo because he was dangerous.

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I am loving this, this is one my favorite storylines so far in my short experience with soaps, I only really watched soaps since 2003ish, and GH since the summer...but with this storyline, GH is currently my favorite soap...

Loving the whole action and scenes with Spinelli; plus the interaction between Sam & Liz was interesting, I can really say they have me wishing for the next episode...Great stuff..

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Comments on Wednesday's episode:

I wanted Skye to just slap Tracy and Edward! God! I'm glad she jumped at Edward when he insulted her baby girl! Jesus, leave her alone! It's not REALLY Skye's fault! Nor Lorenzo's for that matter... But great acting in those scenes!

Okay, I agree that Lulu went a bit far with her disobedience! I mean, okay.. she tried once to be a hero and she got caught.. but twice? Girl, love ya, but I was hoping you'd see that you CAN'T do anything by yourself, so RUN! Now she has gotten Spinelli in this.. but okay, as long as it's good drama, I don't really care.. lol

I actually liked Sam/Liz chat... they've gotten friendly and now when the truth comes out about Jason being the father, it's gonna be fun to watch!

Georgie needs to STFU! Was it necessary for her to jump on Lucky like that? Geez... okay, she's scared for her sister, but no one said that Maxie should be left there to die.

We're coming to final two episodes! Can't wait! Should be great!

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nothing like Luke's kid? What's that supposed to mean, like Lucky?

Sonny needs to shut up. He's convinced that Carly knows the code bc she must have found out when she was married to Lorenzo. Forgot the fact that its ridculous that she'd even know it and remember 2 years later. Does he not remember that when she was married to Lorenzo, she was going crazy! She couldnt even get the numbers of the year right, let alone a number to a briefcase

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