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AMC: Cady's new blog entry

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Cady just wrote a new blog from her personal website. Read it - it's sad and makes me feel so bad for Cady :(

ITA about her comments regarding MEK....and then her last line :(

Anyway, here is the full entry from www.cadymcclain.com :


What Can You Do?

January 29th, 2007

Well, I DID watch today. It made me sad.

I felt bad for Michael. It’s traumatizing to play grief over and over again, and he’s had to do it for years. Grief or anger, which is equally exhausting. It doesn’t really seem fair, but what can you do?

I hope they quickly give him some wonderful “I’m a father again” scenes with Kate, and then quickly move into some campy comedy. He’s great at that and it’s a lot of fun to play. I had sort of hoped we’d both be moving into that territory but…what can you do?

I’m auditioning, which is sometimes fun and sometimes not. I memorized these huge speaches for one this week only to be given pages for a different character! Ah the life of an actor is full of highs and lows, but that’s the way it goes…what can you do?

It’s never easy when you stop being valuable, whether it’s in a relationship or a job. It hurts. It’s rough on the self-esteem. It makes you wonder whether you need to look at why you ended up in that situation in the first place, but it is every employer or partners perogative to say at any time in the game, “this isn’t working for me” and not have to give a whole lot of excuses. It’s just the way it goes…what can you do?

Here’s what I do:

Buy flowers.

Sit in the steam room at the gym for longer than usual.

Read great books about women who are taking life to another level.

Write every morning and get it all out.

Go for long walks.

Write revenge songs and sing them loudly and laugh.

Call my friends.

Change my hair until I feel like a sexy DIVA.


Watch “Ugly Betty” and think about how great that girl is.

Watch “24″ and think how there are really important political issues out there that I am totally NOT dealing with in my daily life and how lucky I am because I live in the USA.

Make a conscious choice to eat well every day, no matter what.

Keep my home clean and beautiful.

Be good to my animals.

Try to keep having fun at every audition, and trust that if it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be.

Take in kindness from strangers. Life can be a miraculous and beautiful thing.

Whether I rise or fall in the estimation of others is not as important as how I rise and fall in my own estimation. I read recently is is more important to practice being strong than it is to let yourself be weak, because either one can become a habit. I’d rather look back on my life when I am a groovy old lady, and think, “girl, you took some hits, but DAMN you rose above it. Good for you. Now go out there and hug EVERYBODY YOU CAN.”

Because life is too short to be miserable.

Did you hear the one about the soap star that got fired? She’s now a super nova.



PS Thank you for the 102 comments on the last blog. Whew. It was intense reading them. I have to say I feel incredibly touched and grateful and lucky that I was able to fufill my dream of reaching people whom I might never meet through my work. We are ALL important in this world. Every one of us. BTW, I posted them ALL. I think its so important to let everyone have their say. Be heard!!

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WOW :(

Thanks for posting this alwaysAMC; I wasn't going to check her blog anymore as I figured she'd said all she was going to say about this.

I still cannot believe this happened.

BTW I just finished reading Cady's entire SOW interview in context. She seems to single out Julie Carruthers as being the ultimate person behind this. Obviously Frons could have stopped it but he may not have initiated it. Cady says she will keep in touch with Nadine (Aronson, associate producer) and Ginger (Smith, Producer...#2 in command) from production....no mention of Julie who claims she has such a great relationship with Cady.

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I just want to invite everyone to a chat tonight in the wiggle room (the Tad & Dixie fans chat room). Visit us on my board (link below). It will be from like 10pm EST to midnight. Let's give Dixie a whiz bang wake.


You must have java enabled, and make sure your java is up to date. There's no password needed.

I am apalled that the death of a character that's been on for nearly 20 years took about 5 minutes of show time today. That was truly disgusting. Tad's speech had me blubbering so much I missed some of it because I was hiccuping through tears and snot. And when Dixie took of the mask to say Together forever... I swear she looked so young and beautiful... it only made it EVEN WORSE watching her die.

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It's disheartening to read that Cady feels sad and unvalued. I'm sure Julia Barr felt the same way and others like VI probably did too. I'm sad for me because there is no television I love more that fun, campy comedy with Tad and Dixie which they cheated us out of completely. They gave us misery and crap for a year and then just when a ray of sunshine was starting to appear, they bring on the biggest misery of all. She is sweet to want MEK and Tad to be happy without Dixie, but I don't and that is why I won't be watching. And I hope she gets the part!

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Thank you for posting this! I am glad to read this, but sad at the same time. I am pissed that Cady was treated like yesterday's trash. It's good to see that she is putting this in perspective.

Cady, ATWT NEEDS you badly!!!! Call them if they haven't called you! Bring back the real Craig! You can bring down AMC and save ATWT all in one week!

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