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AMC: Wednesday

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So the guy coming to Dani's room is Kenny! I love it - anyone else think that Kenny and Aiden are HOT together? Hmmm.... I also love Di's look today and I love that Livia is playing a part in this storyline.

I'm liking the Bianca/JR scenes - mainly bc Eden and Jacob work so well together.

Ryan is still ultra-annoying today - but finally the idea that Emma is his daugther is out in the open! About time!

Oh God - Jonathan just needs to get his as$ kicked...I can't stand him beating up Kenny - he is out of control once again.

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JR/Bianca scenes are god today. I love the way JR's hair looks now that it is longer. (he's so dreamy)

I also liked the little banter between Jamie and Tad at the beginning

Tad: Go Home, Zach isn't paying both of us to be here.

Jamie: Your not getting paid? (Tad looks at Jamie) Oh wow, this is awkward.

I think Justin's best scenes are with Michael E. Knight.

I also love that Livia is a part of the SK storyline. It's sad though that as soon as this is over we probably won't see Livia for awhile and we have also lost Dani as well. :(

Annie/Kendall scenes are ok. As much as I love Rebecca Budig, I think it could be interesting if they brought Greenlee back onto the canvas (I doubt RB would return so we would have to deal with a recast.) It would be kind of fun to see Greenlee (not the step-wife version) and Kendall team up against Annie.

I'm glad Zach told Ryan the truth, It will be interesting how Ryan will react when he finds out he is Emma's father.

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Wow this is making Kendall look really bad...but I guess she sort of deserves it. Thankfully I don't care about Ryan right now that I'm still on Kendall's side of this upcoming feud.

Krystal looks good today.

Ok thank you Jack for calling Jonathan out on his hypocrisy...and saying what he said about J holding his daughters in a cave and holding on to his anger for too long. Great stuff that needed to be addressed.

Ugh - so they are done with Livia too and just shipped her off to Maui with Dani, Mimi, and Tom. At least they mentioned Mimi finally!

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I'm having a major problem with Ryan's reaction to being Emma's father.

His reaction would make sense if this were a WTD storyline and he was made to believe he wasn't the father, but then just found out Kendall was lying and he actually was the father.

But in this case, he should be more shocked over the idea that he is even Emma's father - I would think shock and confusion should be the emotion coming out and not the anger of Kendall lying. If I just found out I had a 4 year old daughter by Annie, a woman I've never met - then I would be shocked and want to know how it were possible before just going off on Kendall for lying.

I don't know - the reaction is off to me.

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I think Kendall is stupid...for one thing and that is for having territorial feelings over Ryan (particuarly after the way he treated her in 2004-2005).

Ryan donated sperm, he could have literally 100's of kids, he has no right to act indignant about ANY of them being "KEPT" from him. Why? Because, again, he donated sperm ANONYMOUSLY and could have hundreds of kids. And literally speaking, Kendall hasn't kept Emma from him, she just hasn't told him one of the fruits of his donated sperm is living with him.

But yeah I agree Ryan's initial and overwhelming reaction should be more disbelief at the coincidence.

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Kendall needs to shut up about ryass and ryass needs to shut up about kendall. Why kendall keeps hatin on annie is a mystery to me, she loves zack and she has spike, who cares who ryan is with. Now if that person would harm spike, kendall would have a point, but annie is good with children, so I just don't understand kendalls jealousy towards annie/ryass's relationship.

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Kendall is getting on my last nerve. Where does she get off on getting mad at Annie bc Emma wants Ryan to be her father. B-tch, he IS her father. I hate the fact taht she's lying to everyone and keeping this secret. I dont get why she is doing this other than the fact that she's is being incredibly selfish. She has a husband who loves her and a kid. She needs to shut up and stop being greedy. I love Annie telling her like it is bc Kendall is way out of line

I laughed when Krystal said that she adn Babe should tie handcuff themselves together. Thats a great idea bc thats an easier way to kill the both of them

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TK was frickin amazing in these scenes. I love the "BUSTED" from Zach as well. LMAO Josh got busted too.

Ryan needs to STFU and I'm so beyond sick of Jonathan the "vigilante" and I'm sick of Jack being used to prop Jonathan's sorry ass :angry:

FYI Ryan you have no Rights to Emma, that's why sperm donors are anonymous

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GREAT show today!!!

Is Livia gone? I was just getting happy that she was involved in the story, and now she goes off to Hawaii with Danielle?!

LOVED the talk of David from Jamie, Tad, and Ryan. The Tad and Jamie scenes were really good.

JR looked really hot today. For a while, he was kind of on the nasty looking side but now he's back to his old sexy self!

Even though I love Kendall, I LOVED her getting busted (mainly because of the way Alicia Minshew was playing her). I hate Ryan so much!!!

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Here's a little helpful tip for the viewers who were heartbroken after Livia expressed an overwhelming joy of leaving Pine Valley for Maui...

If a character you like, that's never used for more than once or twice a month, all of a sudden looks like they will be involved in a big story -- THEY'RE BEING WRITTEN OFF!

And what's even worse about it, is that they're only being given story because they serve a purpose to the greater good of TIIC's pets -- not because it's an honorable and respectful thing to do to a character/actor the viewers seem to like.

Janet? Gone without fanfare (all rumors and speculations aside).

Reggie? Gone without fanfare.

Brooke? Gone without fanfare.

Jamal? Gone without fanfare... okay, maybe he wasn't a fan favorite, but who cares? I thought the actor was fcukin' HAWT!!! I mean, did you all SEE the pics of him with his shirt off and his pants hanging down to about... there? Sheesh, where's a drool smiley when you need one?

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Daddy Day Care Ryan

Uh oh so now Ryan has found out that he has not just one child but two children in Emma and Spike (btw love those names)! So what is a superhero in training supposed to do over this predicament? Well it helps to drink some Super Kiddo Kool Aid to get into shape and have energy boosts to pick up Emma's doo doo and change her super diapers after she goes nuclear poopy in them. But can we expect Ryan to do any of this? He is probably trying to solve the Da Vinci code or see if global warming exists or perhaps if the devil wears prada but until then let's leave the children in the hands of a more responsible adult since Ryan still has to learn his ABCs and how to read (I wonder who can finish "My Pet Goat" quicker-Dubya or Ryan?)-but he can manage to run a multi million dollar business without any college degree! Hard to believe he can master that but not the ABCs and make Vanna White proud. Last but not least maybe instead of raising his children Ryan can go live like King Tut and be the King of De Nile over denying his existence and end his life but right before he solves a clue from Mr. Riddle as BatRyan...the riddle is: What do the dwarves from Snow White and someone meeting face to face with Ryan have in common? Answer: They both say "hi ho"

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