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AMC: Wednesday

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Ok thank you Jack for calling Jonathan out on his hypocrisy...and saying what he said about J holding his daughters in a cave and holding on to his anger for too long. Great stuff that needed to be addressed.>>

I've been dreading these scenes since I first read the scoops because I didn't want Jack to have to forget what Jonathan did to his girls in order to once again prop an Lavery criminal. I was glad the way the scenes turned out and that history wasn't erased as its been so many times the last couple of years.

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I cant beleive people are hating on Ryan here. Kendall was in the wrong and there's no justification for her actions. She has some nerve demanding an apology tomorrow when its her that should be apologizing to him. Kendall is my favorite female but she needs to be called out on her sh-t. I know Ryan is one of the most hated on the show but he has every right to feel the way he does right now and I dont see why he should be bashed for it

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Uh why should she apologize to the sperm donor? That's all he is. He has no rights to Emma. So is he going to get mad at everyone who knew? I doubt it.

No he doesn't have the right to feel the way he does. Sperm donors are anonymous for a reason.

What gets me is he'll spit in Kendall's face, but then I bet he won't tell Annie. Hypocrite much :rolleyes:

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I have to agree with Cheap here. Ryan is not in the wrong for being outraged that Kendell kept a secret like this from him. Further more Kendell has gone threw this before when her and Ryan were fighting about Spike. The "sperm donor" arguement doesn't hold any weight for me because Ryan wanted to be a father to Spike and he was a sperm donation as well. So that really isn't an arguement. Spike and Emma were both concieved the same way and logic would tell Kendell that Ryan would want to be a father to Emma just as he was to Spike. Adding in the fact that Ryan and Emma have bonded just makes things all the more worse.

He may not have any rights but he is emotionally involved and he deserved to know. Especially since Kendell is his friend as well. He has every right to feel the way he does.

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How is him being a sperm donor not relevant? That's how Emma was conceived.

Just because he might want to be Emma's dad, doesn't mean he has any rights. He only is a father to Spike(and I use the word "father" loosely after yesterday) because Kendall gave him rights to Spike.

So is he going to track down every child that resulted from his donation? No I doubt it, then he has no right to be outraged.

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Overall decent show today. LOL Zach was awesome and Thorsten played it wonderfully. I love the Kendall/Annie [!@#$%^&*]iness and that obviously has just begun, wait until she finds out who Emma's daddy is. I have to say, the twist making Emma Ryan's child was a good one. It's created a good storyline, for me anyway. I think this will end Rendall for good, at least I can hope.

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He feels teh way he dpoes bc Kendall is a friend to him and she has been lying to him for months. IA with Skin. He cant just be dismissed as a simple sperm donor. Its not like Emma is some random kid. He IS involved in her life and is dating her mother. They are living with him and are both very important to him. He has feelings for that child and I dont think its right to say he doesnt have a right feel upset bc he alerady cares for her. What he and Annie decide to do then about it is up to them. Kendall should ahve informed him about what she knew. How can you justify her lies and secrets? She's been very sneaky, selfish and greedy. Like Annie said, she doesnt want Ryan yet she doesnt want anyone else to have him either. She is so jealous of Emma adn Annie and she has no reason to be bc she has a husband and she has a kid.

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I'm just loving AMC! So glad I decided to add it to my weekday tapings. :)

Having said that, KENNY IS SUCH A ... well... I'm not sure I can even say what I want to call him, but he's THAT. Yes, that "p" word. NO MAN, in the history of SANE MEN, acts the way he does. And visiting Dani, a girl he NEVER knew, just because she was part of Fusion? And all about this helping give birth to Fusion crap?! SOMEONE LOCK THIS IDIOT UP! He's crazy! He's a whackjob!

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You watch Passions so I take your praise with a canister of salt.


People are honestly believing Ryan has any rights to know if Emma was his child or not? Are you kidding? HE HAS NO RIGHTS! YOU SIGN WAIVERS WHEN YOU DONATE SPERM!

Obviously, people who are preaching how wrong Kendall was for keeping this from Ryan because of his right to know obviously DIDN'T WATCH THE SHOW AT ALL BACK IN 1998 WHEN RYAN DONATED THE SPERM IN THE FIRST PLACE!

Ryan donated his sperm to the fertility clinic because he was looking for easy cash -- after Liza caught him in the act of taking kickbacks from advertisers when he was working in the ad department of WRCW. Ryan was a con man through and through, and his donating sperm was eight months into his tenure at AMC, and McTavish didn't even attempt to redeem his con artist ways until a month later when TKFP was raped. So, for those of us who remember, Ryan has no right to be acting like his rights were violated BECAUSE HE SIGNED THEM AWAY FOR AN EASY BUCK! Ryan had zero desire to be a father.

So are all the people who used his sperm sample and became pregnant and didn't tell Ryan -- are they all in the wrong and violating his rights as an anonymous sperm donor? Ryan's just mad because of the exact reasons that fell from his mouth. HE WASN'T IN ON IT. That's all. Ryan has issues. He has to not only be "in" on everything, HE has to have FINAL SAY over everything. When someone actually dares to act like Ryan's two cents aren't needed, he has his little hissy fits.

That's why he and Kendall broke up back in 2004. He knew what was best, and Kendall dared to tell him otherwise. He wanted Greenlee and Kendall to be partners, and Kendall wasn't having it. So what does he do? He dumps Kendall, and literally asks Greenlee to marry him in the same episode... OUT OF SPITE because Kendall wouldn't do what he wanted.

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It's not an insult -- it's an observation. JER and McTavish apparently went to the same school of writing, because their styles are incredibly similar. Their styles and the "true" style of AMC don't mesh well, so if a Passions fan is enjoying AMC right now under McTavish, I have to take it with a grain of salt because I, personally, don't think a JER Passions fan is a true represenative of how "great" AMC is. Anyone who thinks a show with witches and talking dolls and monkeys and magic spells is good, then they won't have a problem with transgender lesbian rock stars, unaborted fetuses, and an entire family involved in incest (the Chandlers -- Adam's brother Stuart is married to Adam's daughter's grandmother Marian. Adam's wife Krystal is pregnant with his grandson's aunt. Babe and JR are step-sibling AND husband and wife... all woven by McTavish during her last two tenures).

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