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GL: Monday 01/22.

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I thought it was done well!

I liked Nicole Forrester. She was hysterical or anything, she was worried, but hopeful.

It's gonna be so sad... when is Tammy's last airdate?

Oh, and that commercial for Thursday's eppy... it was great! Did they show clips from FIRST GL episode?! :o

It should be a good one on Thursday! But consider long history, GL should have done a whole week of remeniscing!

BTW, I like the girl playing Daisy...

And Ron Raines is also great, but how will they save Alan this time from going to prison?

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How can they possibly redeem Alan? I'm sure in Sucksman's world, Alan can get away with anything, but this is just ridiculous.

The 70th anniversay episode looks and sounds really good from that commercial and everything that I've read in the mags.

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I'm going to download the clips and watch it on the weekend. It will be so sad.

Alan is a worthless character. He already got away with "killing" Phillip and torturing Harley! He can only be redeemed if Tammy is secretly alive.

I don't understnd why Jammy couldn't have had a better ending after months of crap.

I feel for Cassie; people drop like flies around her.

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Alan's been a horrible, horrible man for over 20 years now.

I found today's episode a little slow, but I'm hoping it will pick up tomorrow. In a way, I feel like it's over already because Tammy's never get her strength back. It's going to be weak Tammy in the hospital slowly slipping away while people cry around her and they remember the good times. I hate this. It really does remind me of Lujack and Beth except that couple didn't get their sweet little wedding before being torn apart by death.

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I like Nicole Forester...I do however wish this were my beloved Laura Wright playing these powerful scenes, there would be so much power behind them, history and everything!!!

They should have banged Tammy up a whole lot more than they did! And I am not feeling this whole Daisy is younger than Tammy, which is such crap...

Overall an okay episode!!

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Oh, man...I just finished watching today's episode and I'm still crying. :(

I could have done without the Josh/Reva crap. It just makes me angrier that Reva is still going to get a chance to live after all the things she put her familiy through.

I can't believe they actually showed Tammy getting hit by the car.

Poor Jonathan...surprisingly, he's more collected than Cassie.

Great performances by Tom Pelphrey, Nicole Forester, and dare I say, Lawrence St. Victor. I really felt Remy's guilt in refusing Tammy's original plea for help.

Gus, Gus, Gus...*shakes head*...I can just see tensions happening between Harley & Cassie over this whole ordeal. Looks like Daisy was in the car when Gillepsie tried to kill Jonathan.

Alan can just go straight to hell. The guy has no soul. :angry:

Thursday's show looks good!

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I'm only up to last Thursday's show, but I have to chime in here. First, I give the disclaimer of never having been much of a Tammy fan and I really could barely stand Jammy, although I love Jon.

That said, I need Cassie to finally get to go crazy over this one. The woman should be on a rampage of hate and anger right now. If I were in her place I'd have to committ myself for a few weeks and be heavily sedated. Seriously. This whole situation is so unjust. Just thinking about it pisses me off so much. Those scenes where Cassie and Tammy were talking about her time in foster care were so sad. It's like they over came all of that just to have Tammy's life cut down by Lizzie, Alan and even Jon's selfishness.

I'm sure a lot of people will disagree with me, but I do blame him for this (not as much as Alan and Lizzie, but still) and if I were Cassie someone would have to hold me back. Tammy made her choice to be with Jon, but I sure wouldn't be hearing that logic for a long time.

I can understand the show wanting to make Tammy's death mostly about Jon, since TP is leaving and their are a lot of Jammy fans, but when he's gone they really need to give Cassie her day. I will never be able to forgive Alan for this and it's going to be a long time before I can be a Lizzie fan again.

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