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PSNS: Scoop

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Passions has done lots of great stories in the past few years:

-Eve's past getting exposed

-TC's shed secret revealed

-Beth, Edna, Precious...throwing Sheridan in the pit

-Beth being exposed and kidnapping Marty

-The Theresa/Ethan saga...Theresa getting pregnant with twins, Gwen going crazy

-Luis and Sheridan's break up

-Ivy's secret coming out

-Grace's return

-Charity and Miguel's reunion

-Fox and Kay's romance

-Fancy and Noah's romance

-Chad and Whitney being "siblings"

-Whitney's schemes to use Fox

-The Martin/Rachel mystery resolved

-Alistair being a badass

-Theresa becoming the most powerful woman on Earth

-Whitney becoming a nun to repent


-The introduction of JT

-Simone being a lesbian

The only story I have not liked over the years is Jessica and Spike: their relationship and entire storyline.

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The biggest shocker ever!!! It's a thirty year old rusted car!!! :rolleyes:

OMG! Someone hold me while I hyperventilate.

Just reading that cracks me up...

I must admit, Sheridan in the pit is my favorite story. Everything since late 2003 is crap.

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If Theresa's the most powerful woman on earth, why do Gwen and Ethan still have her kid? Making Theresa Alistair's wife and then widow was stupid because Theresa never used her power the right way. I can't believe that idiot thought giving Gwen a Job to get her away from Ethan was a good way to get Jane back. What a moron. She should have used her money and power to bribe a judge or hire the best custody lawyers in the country. That is what any Sane woman would to do if she was named heiress to a multi-billion dollar empire and wanted her child back.

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For me the thing about a lot of those stories is that they managed to undermine early plotlines without resolving anything or being all that entertaining.

For example, Martin and Rachel coming back to town. The show tried hard to justify Martin's departure without following through on the interesting idea that he was just a cad. And now they've dumped him. Same with Rachel- she came back, now she's not there anymore. But the thing that both returns did was disrupt the fun that was Sheridan and the Bloody Sheet- the flashback we sat through 7 million times during the first couple years the show was on. So Sheridan killed nobody? Wow. Shocking. Really big impact on the show there.

They did the same kind of thing with Fox/Kay's insta-romance. They didn't follow through with Fox/Whitney, cutting it off and destroying Kay in order to push F/K together. And now Fox is arguably ruined, too. All for a bland pairing of pretty "actors" who don't have that much chemistry, for a romance that was itself stuffed to the side when they brought back Miguel. Neat. And Charity's return only promises to make it better, because it worked so well the first time (not like they backburnered the romance between C/M and then wrote them off or anything).

And I can't even get into Chad, the reveal of the "secret" that he's not Eve and Julian's kid. With, y'know, all the exciting aftermath, the way the characters care so much about who they really are (wasn't that Chad's whole dang point?) and what happened to their children so long ago (didn't Eve nearly get caught several times reminiscing with memorabilia from her son that disappeared). That was good stuff.

So even if they had stories they needed to tell something besides borrowing from current events (managing to be tasteless without really crossing a line that will get the hate mail and negative attention they crave), what would be the point in getting all excited about it? If the show lasts they'll undermine it. If the show doesn't last, they've been on this "ha ha" kick with revealing things like the stupid tabloid and Gwen's involvement, and Lil' Ethan's paternity. They're experts at making things boring and meaningless.

Heck, what the Irwin things shows is that they can't even do a good tasteless shocker anymore.

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I was LMAO off during your whole rant. LOOOVE IIIIIIIT!!! Yes, some of it's true, but still, you insulted JER so much, and with the absence of any mercy, such that you also insulted fans. Come on, "Passions" fans have no lives and live to post on message boards? Gimme a break. That's a low, untrue, pathetic blow.

I am shocked about Luis' sting ray incident. Wow. But don't think this is "controversial" in the sense that it's the most shocking post-Irwin attack event. No, Bill Maher took the cake with his LIGHT YEARS more offensive Halloween costume. (For those who don't know, he dressed AS a dead Steve Irwin, complete with sting ray/bloody chest).

Anyway, I'm concerned about the sting ray thing, but Mean Sheridan ROCKS SO MUCH!!! :wub:

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Yeah I too always wondered about that dawn. Yet another plot hole :rolleyes: .

Ok Rion let's see how great these are:

Eve's past getting exposed -not bad and one of the few things not ruined.

-TC's shed secret revealed -sucked big time.

-Beth, Edna, Precious...throwing Sheridan in the pit -not bad but dragged out way too long and was the beginning of the destruction of Shuis.

-Beth being exposed and kidnapping Marty -dragged out way too long but not bad. Would be better if Shuis got their damn son back but I no longer care so whatever.

-The Theresa/Ethan saga...Theresa getting pregnant with twins, Gwen going crazy The Theresa/Ethan saga rocked early on but sucks and is pointless now. Gwen crazy was good until did a cop out and Theresa having twins was actually good.

-Luis and Sheridan's break up -sucked because been there, done that. At least it gave birth to"Lucy."

-Ivy's secret coming out -it was alright but not worth the 6 years of buildup.

-Grace's return -where? She is never on unless she in on the phone. Not even a story at this point.

-Charity and Miguel's reunion -no one cares since Migs can't act and it was predictable.

-Fox and Kay's romance -rushed from the start and sucks now.

-Fancy and Noah's romance -forced and not many care.

-Chad and Whitney being "siblings" -sucked big time.

-Whitney's schemes to use Fox -sucked big time.

-The Martin/Rachel mystery resolved -oh please. This was great. JER botched up KMART and Rachel and wasted the actors.

-Alistair being a badass -yeah all fine and good until he become a supervillain. I will go read a comic if I want that. That and the character became disgusting.

-Theresa becoming the most powerful woman on Earth -uh I love her too but they botched this as well.

-Whitney becoming a nun to repent -sucked and nearly destroyed her.

-VENDETTA-first half was crap and second half was tolerable.

-The introduction of JT -love Sabatino but drags out too much for a character we all know will die soon

-Simone being a lesbian -has potential but has never been untilized and I wouldn't even say it's a story at this point.

Out of all that Rion, you don't have alot of great stories. What you have is stuff that has gone on too long and is either terrible or ends up being ruined or terrible at some point. Not of that is actually great.

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Exactly. What you just said is EXACTLY right. The TC/Eve/Julian story had fallen too far at that point, and gotten to the point where everyone just lost interest.

Anyhoo, back on topic, I still think that sting ray thing is insulting and wish, even though they won't do it, Passions would back out of doing it.

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