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Big Casting Rumor for Y&R and DAYS fans


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Well sorry but I have read the same comments made about Y&R backstage. I am sure there has been one or two disgruntled actors from time to time, but I for one have never read anything about it not being fun to work at Y&R. I know that Braedan wasn't happy under Smith, but even he in TV Guide since Latham has come has said it is a much better place to work at.

I for one do remember as others that Davidson only returned for the flexible work schedule that Y&R offered her. Unless things have changed I am sure she likes having some time off. Plus as others have pointed out Eileen has a lot to do on the show in 7 years, and I know that she has been on a little more lately. And I feel that Latham will put her in a story too. Now whether Eileen will wait around for it who knows.

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Yeah I remember ED citing the schedule as why she went to Y&R but things may be different now. When she left Days, she wasc exhausted from all the characters. If she just returned as Kristen and was given a schedule like Y&R gives her (and Days has been very flexible with parents with families) then I don't see why not. Some of you act like she likes being on the backburner and I am sure she does not. She wants to work and the stories Y&R has given her have not been near the material of what Days gave her. She was able to show her range at Days and even got an emmy nod for heaven's sake and probably should've won. Only her breast cancer story, losing the baby, and John's death recently have given her really good material and even after John's death she has been walking around with nothing. She is on a little more now but it's taking forever and it has been long enough. Joe Mascolo had lods of material his first few years with B&B and his last year or two was much like ED's situation now and look what happened there. Actors want to work even if they have a flexible schedule. The big point is SOD cited her along with LeAnn Hunley, SN, and MBE as wanting to return to Days at last's year's 40th anniversary party only Corday did not have room. Well, SN and MBE came back so it's possible, especially now with ED's contract being up this spring.

I have heard great things about working for Days and Y&R but there has been some behind the scenes shakeups at Y&R and some tension so who knows. Maybe ED doesn't like LML? No one knows. The one thing I have heard over the years is that Days is more of a family unit and very close knit. That is not to say it isn't good to work for Y&R or other soaps but it just seems when you see them at parties that they are just more tight-knit. It's just a general observation and based on hearsay over the years.

We honestly don't know what Days can afford. They made cuts and are doing better in demos and such (not alot btter but a little better and their HH were better all summer). The reason Joe Mascolo hasn't come back is not because they can't afford him-they want him short term and he wants long term. Days may be bein watched financially but if they can bring back someone like ED and get good rewards back then they will do it somehow. Nobody is saying it will happen and it is rumor but this is keep coming up more and more and when these things never die there is usually something to them, especially with her contract soon to expire and her current situation.

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Oh come on, she created Ashley way back in 1982, she knows that character more than any other character she's played. She was even involved in casting Brenda, when she first left Y&R in 1989. If you've seen Eileen as Ashley in the 80's, you'd know just how important she is to Y&R history. Eileen still speaks of getting fan mail for her work as Ashley in the 80's, especially with that abortion storyline. She's never spoken about still receiving fan mail for her role as Kristen. Storyline or no storyline, Eileen is one of Y&R's biggest supporters.

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Why are we all arguing about which soap Eileen prefers? Of course she'd praise whichever show she's on at the moment. I recall her always boasting about DAYS and the stories they gave her. Until we hear from HER, we're just speculating about whether she is happy or not. I'm sure she's being patient and enjoying what is given to her. It just depends on how much DAYS wants her back and what Y&R is willing to do to keep her.

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