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AMC: Megan Mctavish's E-mail Doesn't Work/Is She Gone?/Sweeps (Merged Threads)

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Isn't that always the catch twenty-two with these situations? Same with Tanisha Lynn. You want them and their characters to be utilized on this show, but you also want them to work as talented actresses and get the respect they deserve on a show that will allow it... and alas, we can't have both. :(

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How about this, the email still doesnt work, and they changed it because of the hate mail.

I am on the record of never sending MMTrash any mail whatsoever so if she got hate me, it was not by me.

I feel better. Now let say they changed her email, don't they have to give out her new email ?

Anyone know the answer ?

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Friday night and nothing else to do. Seeing this on page one still makes me kind of happy and hopeful. Sorry to those who thought there might be scoop. Just bumping it up thinking that maybe Errol or Toups or somebody might have a little tidbit to share with us. That's all. :D

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I myself have put this on the front page a couple of times before, and to tell you the truth I stilled thought MMT would be fired.. Now SON carried it first and although the thread was pull they have to this date never said straight out that she still is not going to be fired.

And as for Errol, he is pretty nice he stayed on another thread about this and answered alot of questions..

So if Errol,Troup,Ryan, Jackie or anyone else wants to stop by here and say, get over it because the fans are screwed once again.. Cool

Just saying nicely, its cool to have this bump. Because I still want the Trash taken out.

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Sylph, I started wondering if she was gone and still the name stayed on instead of not having a HW.. but I wished she was gone too much.. and if you have an answer for a question I have please answer it.

The email isnt working, but wouldnt TPTB if they changed her email, have to give out the new one.

It doesnt make sense that she got too much hate mail, and so they disconnect, because she still has to have an email, now would they have to give it out to the public ?

The email doesnt work, but she there... true..

OK and by the way I laugh really with dead and over...

Until the truth really comes out.. and either way I want the truth.. if she is there and not leaving, I think the fans should know.. if she is leaving at a certain time we should know.

But that would mean that TPTB respect us.. and they dont

I just seen the previews on Soap Net.. and Annie said her DNA wont match.. anyone want to go there and say that Madden installed Kate inside her . after Kate was born by Dixie..

Now before everyone gets angry at me. Lets all say ABORTION. AMC would go there and not blink.

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Megan is still very much there.

ABC is not going to come out and say she's staying, since they never said she was leaving in the first place.

My educated guess is that she'll be gone by the end of next April unless she gets the ratings up. In the interim, whether she'll be on her own of have a co-headwriter (which I maintain will never fly) remains to be seen.

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Sorry I wasn't clear.

If Megan email no longer is working, but she still is, means that they changed her email, because of lets just say hate mail. Doesn't TPTB have to post her new email ?

See it doesn't make sense that they would change it, if it has to be public knowledge again ?

So that is my question, her email is not working, so if she still is, they would of given her a new email address, but doesn't that have to be public knowledge. Then why change it ?

And LookingGlass I thank you for answering the question that she still is there.. See I just want the truth.. I want her gone, and if they still dont see the need for that, they are the suits.

But in truth all i want to know is the truth..

Gone or still there for however .

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