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Everything posted by Roman

  1. Salem, Illinois. Roman walks into the living room and picks up the morning paper. He looks at it and smiles, and continues to drink his coffee. The door opens and someone walks in. The person stops for a moment, stares at Roman, walks over to him and slaps him hard across his face. Roman recoils, rubbing his jaw........ As Marlena stands in front of him demanding to know...... Marlena: Why did you do that......you sick bastard?! Roman: Because I can, Marlena. Next time, tell your husband to keep his nose out of my business. Marlena: After everything you put him through.......you still would try and destroy him. Roman: That man spending time in prison is EXACTLY where he should be. He’s made my life a living hell, so.......I just returned the favor. Marlena: Well, Roman......let’s see if you’ll return favors laying in the morgue..... And she pulls a gun and points it at Roman’s face. She begins to squeeze the trigger when Eric {Played By James Scott} runs in and grabs her hand. He saves Roman’s life, but truly didn’t want to. Roman: Take your mother and get her out of my house, young man. Eric: With pleasure, Roman. You’ll pay one day for what you’ve done to my dad. Roman: More threats. Your father should have taught you some manners. Eric: He did. Why don’t I show you. Eric grabs Roman by his collar and the two men start to wrestle, as Sami runs in and her and Marlena help break them up. Eric and Sami look at one another as she asks.... Sami: Please.......just leave. We have enough drama in our lives, ok? Eric: For now.......ok. But you {Pointing at Roman}.....you stay away from my family. Roman: Tell your father I said hi. Marlena puts her gun away and leads Eric out of the Brady Mansion. Sami looks at Roman and wonders why he had Eric’s father thrown in jail. Roman says that he has been a thorn in his side for 25 years. It’s time for him to pay for everything he and his family have ruined for him. Sami wants Roman to stop with this.....and Roman begs her not to say the word “Vendetta”. She looks at him strangely and said she wasn’t going to. Roman walks over to his chess board and makes a move on it, with Sami making a countermove. He remarks that she has learned this game remarkably well, and she says she had a wonderful teacher. Just then, her cell phone rings, and she looks at the number. She excuses herself and leaves out, as Roman taps his chin with his finger. He then makes a phone call himself, telling one of his men..... Roman: She just got another phone call. Make sure you keep your eye on her. I don’t want anything to happen to my daughter.....understood? Meanwhile, at The Pub, Marlena and Eric walk in and she scolds him for how he acted. Eric tells her she is one to talk, having pulled a gun on a person. Marlena is silent, and says she’s going to go call the station to check up on his father. As she walks outside, Caroline walks out and her and Eric sit down. He ask how Uncle Victor is doing, and she says that he won’t sit still. All he wants to do is work in The Pub. Eric says he’ll talk to him, and Caroline thanks him, saying that Victor always listened to him. At that moment, Shawn Sr. walks in, flanked by Nico. Eric stands and protects his great aunt, while Shawn Sr. tells him she has nothing to worry about. Caroline agrees, and says that if he promises not to make a scene, she’ll talk to him. Eric says he’ll go find Victor and keep him from walking in. Shawn and Caroline look at one another, and he tells her that he can still take her away from all of this. She once again declines. Shawn tells her that he has no problem destroying Victor if it will bring them closer. Caroline demands that he leave Victor alone. She made her choice years ago, and doesn’t regret it for one second. Billie then walks in......and ask her mother if everything is ok. She says everything is fine. Shawn was just leaving. He says.... Shawn Sr.: For now, my dear. Nico opens the door and walks behind Shawn as they leave, and Billie takes her clearly shaken mother and sits her down, as Victor and Eric come back out. Victor wonders what happened, and Caroline lies and says she just not feeling well. Victor ask who was just there, and she won’t respond, telling him that it doesn’t matter. Victor says it damn well does matter, and goes to get his coat and take off...... After Shawn. Eric follows him and says he’ll keep an eye out, as Billie calls her brother and fills him in...... Billie: Aye, bro. We got problems. Steve Kiriakis: What is it now, sis? Billie: Poppa just took off after Shawn. Steve: I’m really sick of this, sis. Where did he go? Billie: I don’t know, but Eric went after him. Steve: Get Eric on the phone and tell him I’ll take care of it. Billie: Ok. Thanks, bro. Steve: No problem. Steve and Billie hang up and he walks into his office. He grabs his gun and walks down the hall to the Director’s office...... Steve: Aye, boss, I need some time off. Shane Donovan: Again? What now, Steve? Steve: It’s Pop and Shawn. He’s going after the old man again. Shane: Steve.........how many times do I have to tell you this? F.B.I. Agents don’t run off and deal with family issues whenever they want to. Shane: Come on, Shane. You know the bad blood between them. After a few moments, Shane says...... Shane: Yes I do. Ok. You’;ve got one week. And then I want you back on this Ewing/Carrington case, you got that? Steve: Yes sir. Thanks, Shane. Shane: Just get out of here. As Steve runs off...... Stefano sits in his office. He gets a visitor from the Govenor of Illinois, asking him. Gov. Abe Craver: What are you going to do to stop this violence between Roman Brady and your son? Stefano: Let me worry about that. Abe: After the way you handled that Night Stalker case? You must be out of your mind. Stefano: Look, I’m the Chief Of Police around here, not you. You don’t tell me how to run my department. Abe: After what your son did, I most certainly will do that. Stefano: Get the hell out of my office.......sir. Abe: With pleasure. But remember this.........if I have my way, your son will never see the light of day again. Before Stefano can respond, Abe has walked out of his office. He slams his fist on his desk, saying..... Stefano: Damn you, Roman. You’ll pay for this......even if I have to go outside the law to do it. Meanwhile, the guards of the S.P.D. take their prisoner into a visitor’s room. The prisoner’s daughter is waiting for him, and tells him..... Carrie: It’s so good to see you. Prisoner: Thank you, sweetie. How’s everyone? How’s your mom? Carrie: Holding up. I swear, Dad......those damn Bradys will pay for this one. Prisoner: No! Don’t get involved in this. Your brother Lucas already left us because of the violence. I can’t lose a child to this, ok? Carrie: Well, for now.....ok. But if I see that bitch Sami Brady, I’ll...... Prisoner: You’ll do nothing. Promise me. Carrie pauses, and takes her father’s hand, as she says..... Carrie: I promise. Carrie kisses her father on the cheek, and they hug as she leaves. But, in her mind, she will strike at the Bradys, and her first target...... Samantha Brady herself. At that moment, Bo walks up to the front door of the Horton home. He rings the doorbell, and a beautiful woman runs to the door and answers it, saying...... Hope: Glad you came by, Bo. Bo: I am too. Hope invites him in, and she ask him how he’s been. He says fine, but tells her that with Megan’s illness, he doesn’t know how he’ll make it if anything happened to her. Hope tells him that Megan is a wonderful lady, and he is very lucky to have married her. Bo is just glad that he and Hope met. He says there is something about her that he finds......comfortable. She smiles, saying that she feels the same way. The look at each other as her aunt Maggie walks in. Hope introduces Bo to her, and they shake hands. Maggie invites him to stay for dinner, but he says he has to run. His wife is ill, and he should be by her side. Maggie tells Bo how sorry she is, and gives him a rain check on that dinner. Bo accepts. As Hope walks him out, Maggie ask her what is she thinking? She can’t get involved with him. Hope begs to differ, saying...... Hope: Once that bitch Megan Hathaway-Kiriakis is out of the way.......Bo Kiriakis will be all mine. At police headquarters, Marlena walks into Stefano’s office and ask why he called her down there at that hour of the night..... Stefano: Because, my dear, I have a surprise for you. As Stefano walks out, he comes back with the prisoner......his son. Marlena’s eyes grow wide with shock, and at that moment...... Sami and Roman continue to play chess. In walks her sister, who says to her...... Stephanie: Well, looks like you’re going to lose again. Sami: God, I hate your guts. Roman: Enough! I’m sick of this arguing. That’s all you two ever do. Drives me up a wall. A woman walks in and says the same thing. She then adds..... Kristen Blake-Brady: It’s amazing you two turned out so differently. As Sami and Stephanie stare hatred at one another...... Marlena runs over and hugs her husband deeply. He returns this loving embrace, and over his shoulder she silently says “Thank You” to Stefano for arranging this meeting . She pulls away, and tells her husband.... Marlena: It’s so good to see you. He looks at her and says: {Click Here To See Marlena's Husband!}Likewise, Doc. The scene freeze frames on this loving couple and then slowly fades to black.
  2. Roman

    Thank Yous

    I just wanted to say, before I post this......... Thank you to some special people. To AML Production. You took a principaled stand, and you did it out of respect and kindness for me. I don't know if I ever told you, but I will always be very grateful for that one act of yours. You are good, good people. To Tishy. You never stopped believing in me. You kept telling me that I could do this, and you stuck by myside the whole time. You are a truly splendid lady, and I thank you. To Daysfan. You had my back in the days after SL ended, and your kind words and good talks gave me inspiration to move on from the past and look to the future. I thank you. And to Ryan Chandler (Or whatever your real name is ), thanks man. For everthing. You knowwhat I mean. And now, everyone...........it's about to be here. Salem Lives: Elseworld. Chapter One. Enjoy (Hopefully - <Prays to Jesus>).
  3. Come back to a Salem that many of you have grown up on. Only this time.......things are alittle.......... Different. See the people that you know act and react.........fall in love.........and deal with the many obsticals that confront them. But also..........witness a world where things are the same, yet........ Changed. And, this Monday.........witness the beginning........ Of Salem Lives: Elseworld. Right here............on SON.
  4. Roman


    This Monday.........be witness to another universe. Elseworld begins.
  5. Soap Opera Network had a chance to sit down on-set with Head Writer & Executive Producer Pat Ewing about the return of one of the most well-received blogs in recent memory. SON: Thank you so much for giving us a chance to catch up, Pat. PE: It's great to be here. SON: First question: What made you come back? PE: Two things.........the readers, who humbled me by telling me how much they missed SL and wanted it to continue. Their constant positive voice and their feelings on the blog were truly enough to start it back up again. That, and the fact that with the current state of DOOL, it was time to give it another shot to see if people would enjoy it. SON: So then, with Elseworld, your new mini-series, you are aiming to do just that. PE: Yes.......with a twist. There are some who have not heard of the concept of Elseworld, and comic books fans have. I truly hope they will enjoy it. SON: We also wanted to ask you about the recent changes at your sister show, DOOL. How do you feel about the firings of Hogan Sheffer, his staff, and the recent firing of some key veterans, most notably Joe Mascolo (Stefano)? PE: Personally, it is very unfortunate. Joe and some of the other great actors let go never got the chance, IMO, to really show what they could do with their characters. Plus, with Joe, to get fired over the phone after creating one of the most memorable characters in daytime history........a true shame. But, that's what happens when decisions are made on the wim withput any forthought to them, especially when his character did not come nowhere close to being gi8ven the proper send-off or was fleshed oout properly. Well, not recently.......the last time Stefano meant anything sunstantial was when Hogan and his writing team were still on board. SON: So you feel that all these snap decisions were not the right course of action. PE: I feel that whoever is in charge over there needs to ask themself a question.......what is more important: bowing to wims and fanbases or writing good, compelling drama? They had that with the last writing team. I don't know what they have now. SON: Which brings us to Salem Lives. What can we look forward to? PE: Well, that depends on the readers. Rest assured I will not write stupid crap just because it fits in with the short term. Anyone who hasn't thought out stories in advance and writes for the moment, wrapping characters around plots instead of the other way around is selling everyone that reads his/her blog down the river.......and they are insulting the intelligence of the readers at the same time. It WILL BE character-based here. No exceptions. If I can get someone who believes, as I do, that characters make each and every plot, and that the shock-and-awe bullshit is garbage best left for novices......we might can have a meeting of the minds (Laughter). SON: Well, Pat, thank you so much for your time. PE: Thank you as well. And I hope everyone tunes in next Monday, May 12th, for Part One of Elseworld. It will be a blast!
  6. Roman


    I have done an interview that will be posted very soon. Keep your eyes out for that.
  7. Roman

    In Two Weeks

    Salem Lives: Elseworld begins.
  8. Roman

    An Update

    The story is finished. And now.......the build-up begins.
  9. Roman

    A Statement.

    Hi everyone! All new episodes of SL will now be published in Salem Lives II, which is also on SONBC. I hope that you will follow me over there. I am writing a 5-part, 5 day miniseries caled Salem Lives: Elseworld. I hope you enjoy it, and it's success will determine if SL continues. But......I thank each and every one of you for reading SL, and truly apologise for the abrubt way it ended. You didn't deserve that, especially at this time. So.......join me over at SL II.......and let's get the show on the road!
  10. For the readers out there........please feel free to comment of things you liked about SL, and things that you were not too happy with. I promise that everything will be taken into consideration. It is very important to me to know what you thought. Thank you so much.
  11. Roman

    Hello Everyone.

    I would just like to say how sorry I am for SL to have stopped like it did. After a time of reflection, I think it's time to get the show back on the road, and for the most important people. You. The readers. I want to thank each and every one of you for making the time I spent on SL a true pleasure. And Now.........what I am writing is a 5-part Miniseries called Salem Lives: Elseworld. And for the comic book fans out there, they will know exactly what I'm talking about. The series is being written by me right now, and judging by that will determine if SL II will continue. If it is successful, and you like what I did, I will pick up from SL I with no loss in story. That blog proved to be popular, and I feel you deserve for that to go on, since you all took the time out to read the blog at your leasure. Once again, I thank you. And now...... Let all of us begin once again.
  12. Josh...... Your blog just might get me into watching the real GL. You do wonderful work, my friend.
  13. I'll wait to see what you have in store with your casting choices before I say anything else, but trust you will do a great job with them all.
  14. Very, very good read. The dialouge is truly starting to jell nicely. Keep it up.
  15. Good episode, but i have one question.... Is Drake's character John Black or Roman Brady, because I have seen him called by both names......sometimes in the same episode, and sometimes in the same scene. Just wondering.
  16. Thanks for the wonderful comment.
  17. Nice to see Robert in town once again, arriving as only he could. It was also great writing to have Nick and Carly happy one minute.... And then Nick terrified the next as he watched Carly's car go over the bridge. Who is this psycho in the sedan? Something tells me that a huge story has started with this accident. Great work. To the point, and emotional. Kudos.
  18. Roman


    OK. The Cassidines and the DiMeras are related? One hell of a twist.
  19. Ok. That was one hell of an ending. Didn't expect to see that at all. Good work.
  20. Roman


    Well, I'll put it this way... That was the best episode, by far, that has been written for this blog. The humor and and tension with E.J. and Sami, the shocking confession from Hope to Julie, all of the people being on the island.... And, the best moment of all.....Roman standing at the very spot that changed his life......forever. Waiting for his greatest enemy so can do battle one last time.... Excellent work, DF. And don't take so long to post the next episode!
  21. Ok. Darin needs his [&#33;@#&#036;%^&amp;*] ass kicked. I'm sick of this arrogant little punk. He feels he can slam doors and talk to everyone anyway he sees fit. Please have SOMEONE in that town beat the [&#33;@#&#036;%^&amp;*] out of. Please? For me? Sonny needs to get his act together. shutting folks out is not the way. I'm really interested in seeing where this story with Bobbie is going. But, for that ashsole Darin to bring that up.... Just whup his ass, yall. Damn.
  22. I love J. Judy to death! Great casting and great episode.
  23. Damn. That was wild, crazy.....and well written. Good, strong work.
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