Very good episode. The dialogue was tight. Kept everything moving on in a nice flow. Lucas is sounding a bit selfish, but it may come back to get him down the road. I'll be reading to see hoiw this all lays out.
Very well written, and very well done.
The Commish is going to get to the bottom of that, sooner or later.
And, why does old boy at the end have a look on his face? Can't he figure it out?
Is this a Frons Production?!
Sorry........just mad that the Rams suck balls.
Great episode.
Ok. That was short. I know we write North And South at SL, so I liked it.
Glad Abe is running things. It's the first time Roman had to take orders from him.
Helena is nuts, period.
Wonderful montage after the episode. Also, Liz aint worth [!@#$%^&*]. Lucky needs to tell he to keep her legs closed. How about that, the skank?!
(Sorry for yelling. Didn't mean to do that).
Damn! Helena is a real piece of work.
This woman is off her rocker........and I love it! Stefano has never went up against anyone this determined to destroy him.
Good, good work.
Wow. She's pregnant. This is going to be good! And Sonny slipping away once again. Sounds like he has some Cassidine in him somewhere!
I knoew that all I had to do was start reading, and I would enjoy your work. This team is putting together a GH blog that would destroy the current show. Brian Frons should read your work (If he isn't already).
No wonder old boy won't come out of his coma. That gal stinks so bad he can't regain consciousness!
Sonny is out for blood! NOW it's time to go to school!
good work, as always.