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Everything posted by Roman

  1. Roman


    A good solid episode..... With the last line being the best that has been written for this blog. I truly loved it.
  2. Roman

    Season 4 Run Down

    Thanks fore the updates, matt. t make sit easier for me to get caught up. I really appreciate it.
  3. Stacy Dash is one sexy ass woman. Just put a picture of her in the blog, and I'll read it every day (Especially with her layout in Playboy....but I read that for the articles).
  4. Roman


    This is building up to a nice payoff. I am intrigued with what is going on with Greta, because she still didn't get to see her mother. Good work.
  5. Ok, Matt. Hurry up with the season finale. Can't wait to see what happens.
  6. Roman

    PC: Episode 294

    The gay bashing is very topical. With some in this country thinking it's ok to disciminate, I'm gald that you are tackling this issue head on. The real GH could read this and once again understand how to do a story like this. I also like Nic doing what is best for his son. Even though he's a Cassadine, that doesn't matter. he recognizes that the love and welfare of his son comes first, and if he can give that to him....so much the better. the bloodline means nothing... But, once a Cassadine, always a Cassadine. I'm will be very interested to see where this story offshoots into.
  7. Ok. I am going to be reading to see how London survived. Good read, as always.
  8. I see the claws coming out for LuLu. Wow. Why is she so pissed off at that girl? I don't know the history, so I wanted to ask before sticking my foot in my mouth. LOL
  9. Been wanting to know what happened. I hope you have been taking care of yourself. Take your time and we'll be here waiting.
  10. Roman

    PC: Episode 291

    Sorry it has been so long since I have commented. Great scene with the warehouse. Someone is really making inroads into PC. Luke and the doctor truly don't see eye to eye. But, I don't care for the doctor anyway so it's nice that he is getting the [!@#$%^&*] thrown back into his face. I'll catch up soon. Great work indeed.
  11. Now, I know that girl won't be found. But I like how you did it. Very good work as always, my friend.
  12. Well, Nick had that coming. Guess he won't be rising form the dead after how he was doing. Good work as always, Matt.
  13. Roman


    Some serious death and destruction. Dead bodies everywhere. And how does Helena always have the upper hand against Stefano? Good work. This is getting very exciting.
  14. Roman

    Episode 96: The Will

    Very nice cliffhanger. Make sure you post the next one soon, so I can see who was awarded the child.
  15. Roman

    PCE: Episode 100

    Congrats on #100. And here's to 100 more!
  16. Wow. Nice cliffhanger. I hope she can make like Trinity form The Matrix and get out of that copter before they both go SPLAT! Good work.
  17. Roman


    Damn. Who the hell was THAT in the final scene?! And storm the palace?! It's time for Stefano to...... LET SLIP THE DOGS OF WAR!!!!
  18. Roman


    Well written. Alot of action in this episode. About time Roman flipped out and tried to kill Stefano for everything he's done to him and his family.
  19. When a doctor is more interested in his career than his patients, that's a recipe for disaster. David is cruising for a HUGE fall, and I'll be there when it happens. Good writing. To the point. Alot of sex going on in that hospital. LOL. Great work.
  20. Roman


    Thnak for clearing that up for me.
  21. Roman


    Nice cliffhanger. I'll be reading to see hwo got shot. But, which Victor was on the phone? Lord or Kiriakis?
  22. Roman

    PCE: Episode 98

    I took it the wrong way. I thought one way and posted it wrong. My bad. So sorry. He does have the right to be upset. I was wrong.
  23. Wish I could make history......... As the only male member of AlphaPhiFuckem. Good work, and great ending.
  24. Nick..... Must....... Die. What an ass! Please tell me this a**hole will get what's coming to him.
  25. Roman

    PCE: Episode 98

    Well written episode. Kevin is a real..... Dick. I had said that I thought Lucas brought this on himself. I was completely worng, and for that, I am truly sorry. It was all my mistake, and I want the readers to know that. Keep it coming, and I'll keep on reading.
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