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Everything posted by Roman

  1. Jeremy is such a punk. Who better than the Queen Bee to get in his tail! Good work indeed.
  2. Man, way to come out the box. It's taken from the current Days, but your great writing is branching off very nicely. I'm once again a loyal reader, and will tune in faithfully.
  3. I see how the blog you are writing is slowly and steadily branching off. Great work indeed. I'll be interested to see what happens between Roman and Kate. I would love to see a Kate vs. Anna story. Keep it up!
  4. Glad to have you back on board!!! Will be reading your take on the people of Salem as long as you write it. Really dug the exchange between Alexandra and Sami. Keep up the great work!
  5. You can let me know as well.
  6. Thank you for the kind words, and you remembered one thing above all else..... Always go out with the utmost class! Great, great work. I hope you return one day. Until then........
  7. Roman


    Wonderfully and beautifully done. Excellent and very, very touching. You really should be proud, my dear.
  8. Roman

    Episode 288

    I didn't know we had a show! I hope it isn't on NBC!! Thanks so much, Dusty! We are honered and humbled to be included in your blog. And BTW.....the episosde was fantastic. Great work, especially the musical motages that went along with the material you wrote. Wonderful job.
  9. Roman


    And now you're leaving us. I hate to hear this news. But, I don't blame you as well. You lit thefire under many of us to undertake this writing dream with passion, and for that I will be forever grateful. I'll be reading until the last strand of sand runs out. Until then.......thank you.....for everything.
  10. I know, Actor, but please stay tuned. And thanks for commenting.
  11. Dude, no need to apologize. Things happen. I can wait for your episodes, dude. It's worth waiting for.
  12. Roman

    Episode 285

    Ok. One, excellent job with the music. Hearing that with the scene was great. And the ending? Man, I was floored. Great work. Be proud, Dusty. Please keep this up.
  13. Thanks Tishy. We felt it was beyond time for her to grow up and mature. She hasn't lost her edge at all, so don't worry about that. She is just finally coming into her own. We're glad you like the new and improved Sami.
  14. Tishy, I think you will be quite intrigued by what is coming up. Trust us.
  15. Thanks, King, for your comment. It will all be revealed soon, as Phoenix said.
  16. Roman

    New Staff Members!

    Daysfan, glad to be onboard. And my first thought on you blog..... KILL EVERYONE!!! Wouldn't that be a great storyline? J/K.
  17. Roman


    Great ending. Nice work in the Roman/Marlena scenes. I loved the tension between them. Glad you gave FauxRoman a family. Is Willow his daughter? I wonder. Great work.
  18. Roman


    The link to the picture doesn't work, King.
  19. Roman

    Episode 280

    After having water torture used on me, and after a threat of complete and TOTAL destruction, I am happily commenting on today's episode. Great work. Actor, your writing is top-notch. I read the blog every other day, and really have now gotten into the show because of it. Keep this up, please. Shows the real life hacks how to do it right.
  20. The Spawn was gone........and you let her back in?! Every time we think she's out......you pull her back in! Just playing.
  21. A great opening! Excellent work by all! I'm sorry for not postinmg more, but will from now on. I really enjoyed that.
  22. Roman

    Episode 48

    The right man is on the case. Cruz will get to the bottom of all this.... If he survives. Great episode, Juniorz.
  23. Excellent Feb. Sweeps preview. I'm glad that John will finally drop that name and go back to calling himself Roman Brady. I can't wait. Keep it up.
  24. Roman


    Serves that [!@#$%^&*] right! And, I hope, King, that she spends some time in there thinking about her sh!t. Wonderfully written. Great work all around.
  25. Roman

    Episode 45

    Brilliant work. CC has his nerve. I hate his guts. He shouldn't have the right to mourn Sophia. He didn't give a damn about all the times he cheated on her. Edmund is just creepy. I don't know how our heroine will escapethis, but I'll keep reading everyu day to find out.
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