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As the sun has set, a mournful nation is in shock and heartbroken over the assassination of their president. Lawrence’s body has been flown back to Washington D.C., and as the plane lands at the airport.......a distraught Forrest walks over to the staircase as Jennifer is being helped down. Their eyes lock.........and, once at the bottom of the staircase, she falls into Forrest’s arms and sobs deeply, only mustering the strength to say...... Jennifer: I’m so sorry. Forrest holds on to her, and Jack comes up and takes her from Forrest.........as he sees his brother’s body being brought off of the plane. The nation, and especially the citizens of Salem, watch is disbelief as the casket carrying the president is loaded into a hearse to be taken to the morgue. Jack, having placed Jennifer in her limousine, walks over to Forrest and tells him......... Jack: Sir, I have that file you requested. Forrest: Good. Get it to the F.B.I., the I.S.A. and Interpol. I know who killed my brother.......I just want the proof, so, when he is captured.......the charges will stick. But....... Jack: Yes? Forrest: Keep the identity of the person who ordered his assassination out of the media. They will only get in the way. Also.......contact Stefano DiMera and Shane Donovan. Tell them I’m signing off on their plan. Jack: Yes, sir. Forrest: And have Bo Kiriakis brought to Washington tomorrow. I’m going to offer him a job. I just hope he takes it. Jack: Yes.........Mr. President. As Jack walks off, Forrest asks him a question....... Forrest: Jack.........I need a man I can trust as my Vice President. Interested? Jack: {After a brief pause} With pleasure, sir. Forrest: Good. Both men walk to their cars. Forrest gets in his own limousine, and Jack sits in Jennifer’s limousine. As all the cars drive away from the runway and leave the airport, Jack places his hand on Jennifer’s hand........and it makes her break down once again. Jack puts his arm around her, and comforts her as she cries in his arms, as the motorcade drives off into the beautiful starlit night. In Salem, the Hortons sit in the family living room and cry at what they have witnessed on the television. Maggie remarks that she didn’t think someone would a man as honorable as Lawrence. Hope doesn’t know why she would think that. People die every day........why should his death be any more important? Maggie is shocked by Hope’s attitude, and Hope doesn’t care. All she wants is Bo. And she will have him........ Hope: Even if I have to get rid of that whore he’s married to. Maggie stands and looks at Hope, as the scene fades into....... The DiMera household, where Orpheus comes downstairs for dinner. He rolls up his sleeves and sits down to eat, and Eric and Lucas walk through the door. Marlena comes out of the kitchen with Carrie and everyone sits down to silently eat. Everyone keeps looking at Orpheus, and after minutes of this tension, he puts his fork down and says...... Orpheus: Ok. Your grandfather and I have a plan in place. I can’t tell you what it is. Lucas and Eric look at each other, with Lucas saying........ Lucas: I want in. Eric: So do I. Marlena: {Standing up} No. None of my children are getting involved. The country is in mourning. And you father and grandfather have enough on their plate without you two getting involved. Besides Lucas, you left home because of the violence. Carrie: And now you want to in. You too, Eric. Interesting. Lucas: I know all of that........I’m just sick of those damn Bradys running all over everything and everyone. Dad......you can see that, can’t you? Orpheus: Of course, son. But there are reason why none of you can have any part in this. (Turning to Marlena) Great food as always, my dear. You are truly a great cook. Marlena: Thank you, dear. Orpheus: And now.......I’m going to meet with some people. I’ll see you all tomorrow morning. Good evening. Orpheus heads out to meet with Stefano at the station, while Eric and Lucas decide to follow him. Marlena stays with Carrie, and as the men leave out........... Steve and the new president sit in the Oval Office, going over then plans to attack the Brady Mansion and bring Roman and Shawn Brady to justice.........as, 90 minutes later, Lucas and Eric sit in Lucas’s car and listen in on Orpheus’s meeting with his father......... Lucas: They need to get to the damn pont. I’m sick of sitting in this car. BTW.........how did you get that microphone into Stefano’s office? Eric: I’m a DiMera, as are you. You know we have our ways. Lucas: True. Wait a minute.........what did Dad just say? Both men listen intently and both of them hear the plan to attack the Brady compound. They look at each other as Eric tells Lucas to hit the peddle........ Eric: I have to get to the house and warn Sami. Lucas: What about the rest of the Bradys? Eric: To hell with the rest of them! She’s the only one a I care about. If anything happened to her....... Lucas: Calm down, little brother. We’re on our way. Lucas starts his car and guns it towards the Brady Mansion........... While Steve and Forrest converse with Shane on a conference call about when they strike. Forrest agrees that tomorrow is as good a time as any. He tells the men that he intends for Steve’s brother Bo to go along with them. Steve and Shane both ask why.........and Forrest tells him that the U.S. Attorney General is the highest ranking law enforcement officer in the country.......and that is what he intends to make Bo, if he excepts the position. Back in Salem, Lucas and Eric pull up down the street from the mansion. They look at each, shake hands, and Eric jumps out of the car, racing towards the compound. He tries to stay out of sight as Lucas starts his car and drives off. He then picks up his phone and calls Sami’s private phone. When she answers, Lucas tells her Eric is on the grounds, and needs to talk to her. She thanks Lucas for the phone call, and he says........ Lucas: It’s the least I could for my brother. Take care. As they both hang up........Bo’s private jet lands in Washington, D.C. He looks at the television as the nation mourns Lawrence’s death, and disembarks off the plane. He is met by F.B.I. agents and Secret Service agents, sent there by Forrest for his safety. He gets into a waiting limousine, the destination...... The White House. At the Horton home, Hope goes upstairs to see her sister, Kimberly. She sees her laying in her bed, sleeping. Hope walks in and silently sits next to her. She takes her hand and holds it, while also wiping tears from her eyes. She then leans forward and quietly starts talking to Kimberly, telling her........ Hope: I tried calling Bo, but he had left town. I can’t believe the president is dead. What are we going to do? I hope Bo can protect us. I just don’t know, Sis....... I just don’t know. In his limousine driving through Washington, Bo calls Megan, asking how she’s doing. She says his parents are doing a fine job taking care of her. He tells her not to overdo it, and she smiles, saying he needs to stop worrying. He should have his mind on more important things, and he tells her..... Bo: Nothing, and no one.......is more important than you. Megan: My dad will be happy to hear that. Thank you, Bo. Bo: For what? Megan: Being by my side. Bo then looks out the window, and tells Megan he has to go. They say their good-byes, and after they hang up, Bo’s car stops. Someone comes and opens the door, and as he gets out, he looks up at the beautiful White House Mansion........and slowly walks in. In Salem, Roman comes downstairs and sees Sami putting her jacket on. He ask where she’s going, and she says out. He demands to know why she is running around after what happened in Dallas today, to which Sami replies.......... Sami: I think you know EXACTLY what happened in Dallas today. Roman: What are you saying? Sami: {After a pause} Did you? Did you have the president killed? Roman: How dare you ask me something like that. What kind of damn monster do you take me for?! Sami: The same monster who has been trying to have Orpheus locked away for years. The same monster who held him from his family, the same monster who......... Roman: What?! Say it! At that moment the door opens, and a man walks in. He says to Roman and Sami........ Maxwell Brady: She won’t say it, Dad. She doesn’t have the guts. Roman and Sami just look at each other, and Sami then turns around. She smiles at her brother.........right before slapping him hard across his face. She storms out as he holds his chin, saying to Roman...... Maxwell: She still has that temper. Roman sighs deeply and welcomes his son home, and as they both walk into the main living room....... Sami runs out to her car. She gets in and starts it up.........as Eric sits up in the backseat. He startles her, and she reaches back and starts slapping him, telling him about scaring her. He says he’s sorry, and sits up all he way, telling her to drive. She looks at him with fear, and he tells her........ Eric: Yeah, it’s huge..........now get out of here. She puts her car in reverse, backs down the long driveway, puts her car in drive, and floors it towards her Aunt Kate’s home. As the two lovers drive through the night....... Bo sits down in Forrest’s Oval Office, as Jack walks in as well. As they sit, Bo offers his condolences for Lawrence’s death. Forrest thanks him, and says that’s one of the reason why he’s there. Bo doesn’t quite understand, and Forrest tells him that a plan has been put in place to take out the person responsible for his brother’s death. Bo looks at Jack, who shakes his head in agreement. Bo wonders what he has to do with it, and that is when a man, the Director of the C.I.A. walks in and tells him........ C.I.A. Director Ernesto Toscano: Everything, son. Let us know right now. Are you with us......... Or against us? Bo looks around the room and looks back at this man, as the scene freeze frames........ And slowly fades to black.
Next Time...........The Final Chapters......... Roman And Orpheus Play A Deadly Game Of Chess........ Enemies Will Do Battle......... Marlena And Kristen Race Down A Stretch Of Mountain Highway........ Life-Altering Changes Will Take Place....... A Surprise Return.........A Shocking Revelation.......And, Lines Drawn In The Sand...... And Lives Will Be Changed........ Forever. It's All Next Time...........In The Final THREE Episodes Of Salem Lives: Elseworld.
A new day has dawned, and President Alamain is in a hurry. The vice president and S.O.S. briefs him on his way to Air Force One on the plans he approved, and he tells them both to make sure that Governor Carver and Commissioner DiMera are briefed in full......he’s sick of the Bradys and what they are doing to the people of Salem. Jennifer looks out of the doorway of the helicopter, telling Lawrence to get a move on if they want to make it to Dallas on time. Lawrence shakes Forrest and Jack’s hand, and they part company, as the doors close and AF1 takes off into the Washington skyline. Jack ask if he thinks the president cal quell the tensions between the U.S.S.R., Germany & Japan. Forrest hopes so......or else things could get a whole lot worse before they get better. As both men head back into the White House...... Roman comes downstairs and sees Sami looking over some papers before she heads to the office. He ask how she is doing this morning, and Sami says fine. He also says that he understands she had a late night last night. Sami pauses for a moment and then says she had to run out for a while. Roman smiles, asking where did she go? Sami says....... Sami: Just out. Roman wonders why she won’t answer his question, and Sami says there is nothing to tell. She then goes over, kisses him on the cheek, bids him good-bye and leaves out. As she reaches her car, she calls Eric, and tells him that they have a big problem....they were followed last night. Eric tells her to head to her office......he’s on his way. Back inside, Stephanie walks into the master living room and ask her father..... Stephanie: What did she say? Roman: She didn’t say anything. I wonder if you made all this up just to hurt your sister. Stephanie: You know.....she’s not the goody two-shoes you always make her out to be. Kristen walks into the room, saying..... Kristen: No one ever said she was. Nobody is playing favorites.....but you two have been going at it for years. It’s your father’s right to question your motives. Roman: Thank you, my darling. Now.........I’ll keep an eye on Samantha. If she is doing what you said she is........I’ll put a stop to it. Fair enough? Stephanie: Fair enough. Stephanie bids her parents farewell and heads out, and as Roman and Kristen look at each other..... Lucas sits at the dining room table, eating breakfast. Marlena brings her oldest son his meal, and he says he’s been fiending for this ever since he left the last time. He then ask if the violence has calmed down. Marlena says yes......for now. Lucas says he’s glad. He and his father never did see eye to eye on that. Marlena tells Lucas she knows that, and Orpheus feels bad that the violence is what caused him to leave home. Lucas says it was something he just had to do. Eric walks in and says hopefully he’ll stick around longer. Lucas starts smiling as he sees his younger brother as both men walk over to each other, shake hands and hug, as Marlena smiles. Eric ask how Lucas has been. Lucas says living on a ship has it’s moments, but he probably will become a career man. Eric thinks that’s great. Eric then ask Marlena if they can talk for a few moments......alone. Marlena says sure. They need to catch up. Marlena goes upstairs.......as Eric and Lucas sit down. They wait until they hear the bedroom door close, and Eric tells Lucas....... Eric: I’ve got a problem. Lucas: Shoot, little brother. Eric: I think Roman knows about me and Sami. Lucas: [!@#$%^&*].......you do have a problem. Who else knows? Eric: Well, I told Mom. But Dad doesn’t know. Lucas: Are you crazy keeping this from him?! Eric: You know Dad’s temper. He’ll blow a gasket. Lucas: I do know his temper.......but he respects honesty. How is keeping the fact you are dating his enemy’s daughter the right thing to do? Eric: Not dating........engaged. Lucas: Oh [!@#$%^&*]. Eric: You gotta help me. Lucas pauses for a moment, shakes his head at his brother........and then tells him to head over to Sami’s office. He’ll meet them there.....and they can figure something out. Eric thanks him, and Lucas says he owes him big time. Eric says he’ll get him tickets for the Super Bowl.......50 yard line. Lucas will believe that when he sees it. As Eric leaves out and Lucas goes and continues his breakfast....... Shawn Sr. calls Roman from his limousine, asking if everything is in place in Dallas. Roman says everything is on point. They are just waiting for the president to land. Shawn tells him that they will get only one shot at this, and Roman knows that, saying that he knows what he’s doing. He has his best men for the job. Shawn tells him they’ll talk after it is over, and both men hang up. Roman calls his nephew, Philip, whose in Dallas, and ask him if everything is going well. Philip says that they are ready. Roman tells him....... Roman: No slip ups. Today.......we make history. Philip understands, and as both men hang up...... Bo sits at his desk in the D.A.’s office. Hope walks in and says hi. Bo smiles and greets her, saying this is a surprise. Hope says she’s known for her surprises. He says he’s real busy, though. Working on a case. She wonders if it has to do with Commissioner DiMera’s son, and Bo says he can’t answer that. Hope sees Bo turn around and walk back to his desk, and she then ask if he isn’t doing anything that night if he would stop by for dinner. He says he is having dinner with the Governor. She pouts like she’s sad, but he says that he’ll take a rain check. Steve then walks in and Hope says she’ll hold Bo to that, as she says hello to Steve as she walks out. Steve and Bo shake hands, and Bo ask how his brother is doing. Steve says he’ll be fine when Victor stops trying to do Shawn bodily harm. Steve then says that he thought Bo was on top of that, and Bo tells him not to give him any lip about that. Steve says he’ll give him grief anytime he wants. He says he has two good eyes and that they both see that Bo hasn’t done one thing to stop Victor. Bo says that between him, their mother and the rest of the family, if Victor and Shawn want to but heads......how can they stop it? Steve says that’s why he’s back home. They are going to take Roman Brady out......and he needs his help. Bo picks up the phone and calls in the Governor’s Chief Of Staff., and introduces her to Steve..... Bo: Steve, this is Kayla Devereaux. Kayla, my brother, Steve. Kayla: It’s a pleasure to meet you. Steve takes her hand, and both people can’t take their eyes off each other as Steve says.... Steve: The pleasure is mine........Sweetness. Bo shakes his head, asking why he says that to every woman he meets. Steve says he doesn’t say that to every woman.......just the few beautiful ones. Kayla smiles, saying that she should tell her brother Jack to keep an eye on you......seeing as he’s a federal agent. Steve smiles back and Bo tells them both to knock it off. That can wait until after the drama is done. As Steve and Kayla stare at one another...... AF1 lands at a major airport in Dallas. The president and first lady are greeted by the governor of the state.......as Roman and Kristen watch the event on MSNBC. Roman gets a phone call from Shawn, asking if he is watching. Roman says he is, and will keep his father up to date. As Roman hangs up the phone....... Abe stands and looks out his window. Stefano walks in and throws a folder on his desk. Abe looks at him, then at the folder, and opens it, sitting down to read it. Abe looks over the file, and says that he was wrong. He now sees that the Brady family was responsible for the explosion at the warehouse. Stefano says he told him that..........would have been nice if he would have listened. Abe says he’s listening now, and ask what does he have planned........ Stefano: First off........release my son. Abe: Done. Stefano: And second.......(Throwing Abe another folder).....these are plans approved by the president to bring the Bradys to justice. We roll tomorrow. Abe: (After a few moments).......Are you sure this will work? Stefano: If my son is leading the charge........you bet your ass it will. Abe: Good. Contact the D.A. and coordinate with him. You have my full backing. Stefano: Thank you. Stefano leaves Abe’s office. As Abe returns to his window... Lawrence and Jennifer proceed along a motorcade into downtown Dallas. They wave to onlookers and throngs of people as they proceed down the street......and, in Salem, Roman pours Kristen and his father a drink as they sit and watch the procession. Orpheus walks back into his home as Lucas and Eric watch Marlena walk in behind him. Orpheus is welcomed home by his sons as Marlena smiles.... And, in Dallas, the motorcade proceeds down the boulevard...... At The Pub, Victor and Caroline watch with other patrons as the president and first lady’s limousine stops near a grandstand. As secret service agents fan out and check each and every position......the president and his entourage walk towards the podium. In Salem, Stefano walks back into the precinct, goes to his office, sits down......and pours himself a drink of Strenga in celebration. In Dallas, Jennifer walks up to the podium and, once there. Turns around to wave at the crowd. Lawrence sees her and smiles, gets out of the car and starts to follow her up. With the nation looking on, everyone back in Salem is marveling at the First Couple. Jennifer smiles at her husband.........and as Lawrence looks at her, his smile starts to disappear. She looks at him, not seeing the red dot pointed at her heart. Lawrence and several Secret Service agents run towards her, and as Jennifer looks down........ From across the street, on the roof of a building, an assassin takes aim...... And Fires! Jennifer looks surprised........as she looks up at Lawrence. She lays on the ground, and Lawrence looks down at the bullet wound on his chest. He looks across the street, and sees Secret Service agents shoot and kill the assassin. He then slumps to his knees......... And falls forward. In Salem..........Stefano drops his glass, as it crashes to the floor........Victor and Caroline gasp in horror........and, at The Brady Mansion, Roman, Kristen & Shawn laugh evilly as they toast..... The assassination of a president. Jennifer crawls towards Lawrence and turns him over, as blood seeps from his heart. He is barely hanging on as the nation watches, and a country hears their leader tell the woman that he loves..... Lawrence: The best thing I ever did.......was to marry you. Good-bye, my love........ And then his head falls backwards into Jennifer’s arms, as the crowd screams in horror at what they just witnessed. Salemites are at a loss, with Victor holding a crying Caroline, Bo dropping his cell phone to the floor, Stefano slumping back down into his chair, and...... At his home, Orpheus sits, watching. He turns to a crying Marlena, gets up, walks over to comfort her, and tells her........ Orpheus: I know who did this.......and they will pay...... With their lives. The scene then freeze frames on his face.......as Jennifer holds the head of her dead husband, and, as both scenes split screen..... They slowly fade to black. Thank you for reading the dramatic cliffhanger to Parts One, Two & Three of Elseworld. Stay tuned, because this weekend will be the conclusion of this landmark mini-series!
Marlena ask Orpheus if he is ok. He says yes, but tells her he misses her and the children deeply. She can’t believe that Roman would have him charged with attempted murder. Orpheus tells her and Stefano that he didn’t know Kimberly Horton was near that warehouse when it exploded. He ask how she’s doing, and Stefano says that Tom Horton is taking good care of her. Marlena is glad, saying that even though he’s retired, he’s always been a wonderful doctor. Stefano also tells Orpheus that Alice Horton sent her love. He smiles, but then ask how he can get out of jail. Stefano says he has something in the works, and that is when his phone rings. He goes and answers it, saying...... Stefano: Good evening, Mr. Vice President. Forrest Alamain: Good evening, Commissioner. I have been briefed. How is Orpheus? Stefano: We need for him to be on the streets. That is the only way we can stop Shawn and Roman Brady cold. Forrest: I’ll talk to the president, and see if we can make some calls. You know we will have your gratitude. Stefano: Of course. And you know the DiMeras are a very powerful family. Forrest: I do indeed. We’ll speak in the morning. Give everyone our best. Both men hang up. Stefano sits back in his chair as Orpheus and Marlena look lovingly at one another. As they do..... Kristen walks over to both her daughters and tells them to knock it off. They need to start acting like young ladies and not like brats. Roman agrees, and tells both girls to give him and their mother time to talk. Sami and Stephanie walk in separate directions, as Sami’s phone rings once again. As Stephanie follows her down a separate hallway, Roman and Kristen sit down and talk..... Kristen: Brilliant move with Orpheus. Roman: Thank you, my dear. (Sipping brandy) Those DiMeras......what a family. Kristen: Indeed. How are your plans coming? Roman: As expected. By the end of the week........Orpheus and that whole clan will be wiped out. Kristen: Good. Then we can get back to more important things...... Roman: Yes......like this....... Roman kisses Kristen on her neck, then picks her up and takes her upstairs......for an evening of love making. Back at The Pub, Victor walks back in.......with his oldest daughter and Eric pushing him along. Eric says he got a phone call and must leave out, but wants Victor to promise he’ll stay there until Steve or Bo get there. Victor and Caroline’s daughter agrees, saying...... Anna Kiriakis: Do as we say for once, Poppa. Please. Victor: Don’t tell me what to do. I’m sick of those damn Bradys. After what happened between Roman and Orpheus..... Caroline: And Stefano will handle that. Orpheus will be just fine. Marlena will see to that. Victor: Maybe. Caroline: Well........you go upstairs. Your dinner is cold. Victor and Caroline excuse themselves and go upstairs, as Chelsea runs in. She tells Anna that she thinks she’s being followed again. Anna gets angry, pulls out her cell phone, and makes a phone call...... Anna: How dare you? Tony: Look, Anna........she’s my daughter as well. I’m just making sure she’s safe. Anna: You need to worry about your brother. Blowing up warehouses....... Tony: You know as well as I do Orpheus had nothing to do with that. Anna: I don’t care. Stay away from Chelsea until this mess is over. Anna hangs the phone up as Bo walks in, and tells her daughter that everything will be ok. Chelsea thanks her, kisses her Uncle Bo on his cheek, and goes upstairs to say hi to her grandparents. Bo and Anna sit down at a booth and talk..... Bo: What’s wrong, sis? Anna: Tony......again. Bo: I told you not to marry him. Anna: Bo, don’t start. You work with his brother and father. Bo: And both of them are good, good men. I trust them with my life. Anna: I think being District Attorney has made you question everything and everyone. Bo: Anyway......let me take care of Tony......and Roman Brady for that matter. Anna: What? Bo: Never did like that bastard. Bo and Anna take each other’s hand, and as they comfort each other...... Lawrence sits at his desk in the Oval Office. His wife walks in and tells him to put his papers up and come upstairs. The Secretary Of State walks in behind her, and Lawrence says that he has one other piece of business to take care of, and then he’ll be right up. His wife says...... Jennifer Rose Horton-Alamain: You promise? Lawrence: Of course, I do. Jennifer kisses Lawrence, looks over at the S.O.S and tells him.... Jennifer: Don’t keep him too long. Jack Devereaux: No ma’am. This won’t take long at all. Jennifer leaves out as Lawrence sees Forrest walk in, and all three men go and sit on the couches in the Oval Office. Forrest brings Lawrence and Jack up to speed about the showdown between the DiMeras, Kiriakises & Bradys in Salem. Jack is glad that the Horton family has stayed out of it. Lawrence is glad as well. He still can’t believe it has come to this. Forrest ask him what is he going to do. Lawrence says as a citizen of the U.S., he feels one way. But........as president he doesn’t know if he should get involved in the problems that is happening in Salem. Jack and Forrest look at each other, and Lawrence says that if they have a plan, by all means, bring it forth. Jack says it’s black bag.......covert. Lawrence looks at Forrest who lays out several dossiers on secret agents working in the F.B.I. & C.I.A. They are drawing up plans to neutralize the Brady family.......and the two people leading the mission will be Shane Donovan, F.B.I. Chief, and Steve Kiriakis, F.B.I. Agent. Lawrence looks at the files, then looks at both men, and after a few moments says...... Lawrence: Continue.....please. As the scene ascends upward over the three men...... Sami walks outside the Brady Mansion and calls her lover. She tells him that she’ll be at their special place as soon as she can get away. He tells her how much he loves her, and she says the very same thing, but reminds him that if they are caught......there will be hell to pay. He agrees, and tells her he’ll be waiting. As Sami hangs up and runs off, Stephanie walks from behind the bushes.......then smiles, and follows after her. As the night goes on, Bo starts cleaning up around The Pub, as Victor comes downstairs. Victor laughs, saying that he still cleans the table off just like when he was a little boy. Bo is glad, saying that Steve and Anna were always the messy ones. He ask about Billie, and Bo says she was the sensible one out of the kids. Victor tells him that he loves all his children, and Bo knows that. Bo ask what’s wrong. Victor says that trouble is heading their way once again. Bo says..... Bo: What else is new? But, we’ll deal with it like we always do. Victor: Yes we will, son. Yes we will. Bo finishes up, and Victor offers to buy him a beer. As both men sit down and drink....... Kate Reed gets a phone call from her niece. She is sitting in her office in the Titan Towers, and can’t seem to keep her mind on her work. When she answers the phone, she says.... Kate: It’s good to hear your voice. Sami: Yours too, Aunt Kate. I was wondering......could you do me a favor? Kate: Of course, my dear. Sami: Could you talk to Mom and try to make her see how I feel? Kate: Sami, believe it or not, your mother is on your side. My sister has always wanted the both of you to find good men. My question is this.......why won’t you tell your father? Sami: I can’t. I just can’t. He would kill me if he knew. Kate: He loves you, Sami...... Sami: I’ve never doubted that. I just don’t want him trying to dictate my life......like he’s done so many times in the past. Kate: I understand. Well, your mother and I will keep your secret.......for now. Sami: Thanks, Kate. Gotta go. Bye. Kate: Bye, sweety. As Kate hangs up.......Sami runs to the destination to see her lover..... And Lucas DiMera comes home to find the house.......empty. He knew at the airport that he wanted to surprise everyone with his arrival, but didn’t know that everyone would be gone. Being a Lieutenant Commander aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise curries some favor, but not much at all, and when he picks up that day’s paper, he sees that his father was arrested for attempted murder. The person who framed him? Roman Brady, whom Lucas calls...... Lucas: Jackass bastard. Never did like him. Lucas throws down the paper and runs out, heading to the police station. One hour later, at the station, Marlena and Orpheus catch up....... Marlena: You look well. Orpheus: Thank you. You look as beautiful as ever. You staying strong? Marlena: Of course. Orpheus: You still look at me differently. You miss my old face? Marlena: I told you......it will just take some getting used to. I know you are the man I fell in love with. Orpheus: That’s great hear. Roman really did a number on me. Marlena: Well, I’m sure you’ll make him pay for it. Stefano’s phone rings once again, and he answers it. He nods his head, and Orpheus knows what that means. Stefano tells them both that the president approved their plans. They hit the Bradys in 48 hours. Marlena ask Orpheus what does that mean, and Lucas wants to know as well. Orpheus and Stefano look at each other as Lucas and Marlena wait for an answer....... As Sami walks in the park, waiting for her lover to come out. She doesn’t have to wait long, as a young man walks up from behind her.........and puts his hand over her mouth. He slowly turns her around, and they both laugh, as they embrace each other lovingly. Sami asks this young man..... Sami: Did you miss me? Eric: Of course I did. I love you so much. Sami: Oh......I love you too. But you know......if we are ever found out...... Eric: I know. Our families would flip. Sami: A Brady and a DiMera......you realize the scandal? Eric: I know that. Our families are already at war. But we can leave all that behind. Sami: What do you mean? Eric: Samantha, my love...........marry me. Tomorrow. Sami watches as Eric goes down to one knee, pulls out a small box, opens it, and shows Sami a beautiful ring. Sami is shocked, and takes the ring and places it on her finger, telling Eric.... Sami: Yes........yes I’ll marry you. As Sami and Eric kiss, they do not notice the person who is watching them secretly........ Stephanie smiles as she sees what has taken place. She pulls out her phone, makes a phone call, and tells the person on the other end..... Stephanie: Oh my......you won’t BELIEVE what just happened. The scene freeze frames on her face, as Sami and Eric kiss in the background...... And the scene slowly fades to black.