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Everything posted by Roman

  1. Roman


    Dude, when is the next episode? Great work. She got what she deserved. That is exactly what Marlena and the rest of her former family should have said to her after that latest garbage. On top of all the other crap she has done, and knowing her mother's history, she does this?! Sick, sick little girl.
  2. Yes, IA. We will have to make the story very good to get rid of those demons.
  3. Excellent casting. He will fit in perfectly.
  4. Roman

    Episode 44

    How many kids did this dog sire, anyway? Everytime he turns around, one of C.C.'s supposed children come out of the woodwork. I know it said she wasn't his, but I wonder if the test results have been changed? Aye.....what am I saying?! This isn't Days Of Our Lives! Great, great work, Juniorz. I will be looking forward to Monday indeed.
  5. Sami should go to prison for that, though. She is some piece of work.
  6. Roman


    Damn! The Lord family is involved in Steves "death"?! Now that's wild! Keep this stuff up. Wonderful.
  7. Roman

    Episode 38

    Your work is splendid, indeed. Keep up the great work. I am loving everything, But the Mason/Julia stuff and the Sophia story are really my two favorites. I'm telling you.....you should send this to NBC, so when they cancel Passions, this may make it back on the air.
  8. Roman

    Episode 36

    Excellent move with Deborah. I always loved her as Kate on Days. And Mason.....I got tired of that. She can't continue to put her life on hold waiting for him to figure things out. I know his mother just "died", but still. She also needs to stop pushing him away because that got really old when I used to watch SB on NBC.
  9. You have me hooked into the Mayoral Race. I'm catching up too with everything, so give me some time.
  10. Roman


    So now Vivian is going to do battle with her real nephew for the Alamain billions? Can't wait to see how this one turns out.
  11. Roman

    Episode 34

    Ok. What the [!@#$%^&*] is going on?! Now that's a twist!
  12. Roman

    Episode 260

    John is such an ass. I also hope she gets him in line. Great work.
  13. I love you, but I hate you. Man, Now that's interesting! Now, I have to wait until Saturday. Well, do your magic tomorrow night then.
  14. Roman


    Wow. This is one great storyline. I really want to know who did this, and hope they pay big time for this evil. Wonderfully written. I wish you posted epsidoes on the week ends!
  15. This is my first time posting. Great work, Tishy. Loved the ending. A massive heart attack. I'll be reading much more. I also think I'll go back to the beginning and catch up.
  16. Roman


    What in the [!@#$%^&*] was Steve thinking?! To trust the I.S.A.?! JACKASS!!!!!!!
  17. Roman

    ANOTHER CUT!!!!!!!!!

    If you have no story, why keep them around? Great move.
  18. Roman


    I'm reading more and more. A raven's feather........Jan being part of that family.......Marlena being a suspect........that's good writing. Very good writing.
  19. Great addition to your cast. I know you have something planned for him, and I hope it's everything you want it to be.
  20. Roman

    Episode 259

    Great use of all of your stories, and your writing flows so very well. I read every time you post. Keep this up, please.
  21. Roman

    Episode 32

    Well, my friend, you have written a masterpiece. I'm so emotional right now. Sad for Sophia's family,but beyond pissed off at C.C. He's so damn busy kissing Elizabeth, he doesn't even realizehis wife is dying and, he has never cared about that woman. She has always put herself ahead of her family and her own life, and all he can do is be a playboy. Sorry for the rant. That's just how good it was.
  22. Sounds fine to me. I don't blame you one bit, my friend. I would have done the very same thing.
  23. Roman


    Another great episode. I really feel for Bo and Hope. And I'm really glad that John/Roman is finally starting to except his true identity.
  24. Roman


    Once again, a wonderful ending. I read your preview, and wonder why Bo or Hopewould be the one responsible for their son's death, but I leave that in your very capable hands. Keep this up.
  25. Roman

    Episode 31

    Excellently paced and wonderfully written especially the dialouge sections. Sophia was right to be pissed off, but what she did to her sister out of the name of the family? Disgusting. Now, she's lying on the floor of the bathroom fighting for her life. Serves the [!@#$%^&*] right. Excellent work, Juniorz. Can't wait for the next installment, and it better be soon, my friend.
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