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Posts posted by Forever8

  1. 6 minutes ago, amybrickwallace said:

    Or wearing the same clothes for months on end! I think Whitney wore the sweater with the musical notes on it for six months. 🤣😂

    I still remember that one summer when Marla GIbbs was guest starring as Aunt Irma and Amelia Marshall's Liz wearing the same orange sundress for the entire summer as she waited on Irma to tell everyone that Eve used to be a whore. 😂

  2. 1 minute ago, slick jones said:

    Jeff Branson was meh as Ronan and doesn't scream Lucky to me at all.

    Jon who?   Oh the easily forgotten about Mike Kasnoff. Nah.  


    You need an actor with charisma and heart for Lucky.  He's supposed to be the "best" parts of Luke and Laura.  That's what got lost with JY. JJ embodied the soul of who Lucky was supposed to be.  The horrible writing and that gawdawful Siobhan character and ALL the crying were lousy, and I'm sure that and the call of prime time were the top reasons he bolted. If ever a new Lucky is cast (and it won't be with #firefrank in charge) I'd love an arrival with his fiancee Brenda Barrett in tow.  Of course it's just a cover story for Brenda to go for Sonny and Lucky to win back his first love, and reconnect with his kids, his mother and family.

    Because let's be honest Ronan wasn't that much of a character in my opinion. The long-lost son of Nina Webster should've had more going for him than generic conflicted hero. 

    Too bad Mark Lawson was already on here. I think he would've been a good Lucky too. 

  3. 2 hours ago, FrenchBug82 said:

    That is a VERY inspired idea. I totally co-sign. He even LOOKS like a mix of the previous Luckys and he has the range. Would never have crossed my mind but kudos for thinking of it.

    You're Welcome!!! I've seen some people wishful casting him for a few years now. 


  4. Due to that scene, several viewers think Lucky never should return again and that he is essentially worse than Peter August. I, on the other hand, disagree with that. They're characters who have done and said far worse things than what he said, and they get reprieve after reprieve. My dream casting for Lucky will be Jeff Branson. I think some people forget Lucky Spencer has ties on the screen other than Liz; 

    He has a son he hardly sees and stepsons he hadn't seen since Obama was in the White House. 


    If the show was motivated in bringing back Lucky, Tommy Hardy, and Serena Baldwin. I swear I would shut up on Twitter wishing for it everyday. 

  5. 5 hours ago, FrenchBug82 said:

    On the other hand, a lot of the problem with the writing comes down to the fact it is only 22min. The incestuous cast, the very bizarre pacing, the unbalanced way characters and stories are played...
    I bet B&B would be a vastly superior soap if it did full episodes.

    Me personally I don't think that is not a good enough excuse. The UK soaps our essentially half hour and they tell for the most part multiple stories. I think the pendulum swings back and forth at Brad Bell's feet. He needs a co head-writer who can be like "Brad, maybe this story shouldn't involve Liam." Or Brad, maybe we should add a new family with a fashion house that rivals Forrester and actually succeed." 

  6. 4 hours ago, Vee said:

    With JJ gone, ABC wanted a hunkier Lucky and JY was hot at the time from B&B. The network (and perhaps Riche) didn't care about anything else. I would love to know who else auditioned back then, I know it was a contentious process and that GF didn't want Jonathan replaced at all while TG drove a hard bargain as well.

    The J.R. role on AMC ultimately played to Young's strengths - he could be loud, arrogant, boorish, etc. And he has improved as an actor a lot since his GH days, to be fair; he's come a long way. But he was never exactly subtle, and that did not change at AMC or later when he returned to B&B.

    As for Georgie, both she and Emily were terrible mistakes to kill off. They could both easily be resurrected and then sent off-canvas til needed.

    I would've sent Georgie off to Johns Hopkins since she was studying to become a doctor until she was needed on the canvas again. 

  7. 6 hours ago, Liberty City said:

    Well, they even tried it recently with Jason Cook and Kirsten Storms, and even that did not feel the same.

    The chemistry wasn't there anymore as Maxie and Matt. 

    10 hours ago, titan1978 said:

    I think Park would make a great Tom Hardy.  And I am only really for Tom coming back if the show is going to invest in Tommy as well.  They missed a perfect opportunity to utilize that family line when they decided to copy Grey’s Anatomy with their already cooking Sopranos recipe when Patrick, Robin, and the rest of the hospital characters were being used prominently again.

    I think Michael Park would be a good recast for Tom Hardy too. But the man is booked and busy with Netflix and HBO. I do agree Tom/Simone/Tommy/Jeff all need to be on canvas some point soon. I can see Grant Aleksander as Tom Hardy. Though I think he is mainly on the East Coast too. 

    My choice for Tommy would be Robert Ri'chard  but Nathan Owens would be a decent  too. And my ideal choice for Simone would be Amelia Marshall. She doesn't have to be on contract. But I just remember she is on the East Coast too though she might be willing appear if it is a substantial role. 

  8. Just now, amybrickwallace said:

    I like that idea, and I think he and Genie would be an inspired pairing. Is Robert Newman based in LA now or is he still living on the East Coast?

    According to his episode on the SOD podcast last year. He said he was still on the East Coast but if a role on a soap that meaning would turn up he would consider it.

  9. On 7/6/2021 at 4:57 PM, yrfan1983 said:

    Speaking of mis-dated episodes...

    I am currently watching Feb 3 '95 on @YRfan23 's playlist: 

    but in the vault is also a ep labeled 2-3-95, and it's a different ep, with only 16 minutes.

    I'm guessing the vault version is a later ep than Feb 3. Anyone know the actual date?

    ETA: Ah, in comparing YRFan23's version of 2-13-95, I think the vault version labeled 2-3-95 is actually 2-13-95. Can someone who has access update the date?

    I love the music cue at the start with Nick and Sharon. 

  10. 36 minutes ago, FrenchBug82 said:

    It was never specified who he was "flirting with" but I didn't think it was TK yet at the time those were leaked. That cat-and-mouse game with RM lasted quite a while, it seems. Probably a lot of diva behavior even before the contract renegotiation.
    Peter Reckell would have been a TERRIBLE choice IMO

    Does anyone know who else was in the running for Ridge 2.0 after Ronn Moss left? 

  11. 13 hours ago, FrenchBug82 said:

    Zarf/Zoe's boy name was Freddie Luper. Did they ever explain on-screen why she had chosen "Zarf" as her stage name for her music? A backstory of some sorts?

    It felt like they couldn't come up with any other male names that start with Z to me. 

  12. 6 hours ago, Faulkner said:


    Wow. Really great scene that I don’t remember watching. These veteran actors add so much richness and wisdom to these stories. Such a shame these shows began to see older actors are expendable. (Even today, they could play Jackie Zeman with Eden McCoy more to tighten the Bobbie/Joss bond. It would add a lot of depth to Joss’s character.)

    I would love to see more scenes with Josslyn/Bobbie together. It is a shame they write Joss and mostly the teens on most of the soaps out of an episode of Happy Days. Josslyn should've had an issue or two about Carly marrying Jason. Instead of essentially sounding like she wanted to throw them a wedding reception. 


    I hope we get some stories at PCU with the teen canvas. i.e. sorority hazing, steroids, something. 

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