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Posts posted by Forever8

  1. Imagined if Pam Long was brought onto save Loving in 1994/1995. I think she would've done well with Lisa Peluso's Ava; she probably would've seen her as this show's "Reva Shayne" She also would've probably written most of the men on the canvas pretty well since she flourished in writing good male characters for the most part. Though, I'm curious about how she would've written the black canvas. The shows she has written for weren't sprawling with minority excellence. I also can see her bringing on a new family too since that was her specialty on the soaps she has been at too, and she would've probably done well with the Rescott's too. Pam might've brought on some more members of the family and gave focus on Kate running the boarding house again,

  2. 6 minutes ago, soapfave06 said:

    I would love to see what Reilly would have done with OLTL in the late-90s had he gone there from DAYS. I love everything DAYS I have seen from 1993-96 (I think it got less balanced by 1997 plus the multiple recasts) 

    I especially would love to see what he would have done with Viki and Dorian and I think he would have kept the diverse roots intact. 

    I can see Reilly giving RJ a long-lost offspring much faster than he did in the early 2000's with Keri. 

  3. 10 minutes ago, dc11786 said:

    I'm particular to Dennis Parlato, but I haven't seen all that much of James Horan's work consistently. To be fair, I have a hard time distinguishing some of the writing from how I feel about the character.

    Those 1990-1991 episodes that have showed up have shown Clay as a bit cowardly and weak. I feel like Clay just sort of lets Trucker take the blame for the plane crash rather than actively playing a role in the set up, but maybe I'm remembering it wrong. Clay only becoming interested in Abril's baby because of the will was interesting. I would like to have seen a longer tale with James Horan's Clay married to Colleen Quinn's Carly while raising baby Tommy. I think the tension between the couple and Trucker and Trisha and the couple and Abril would have been very interesting. 

    Larkin Malloy's Clay was written by Walsh who briefly played Clay as this lovelorn romantic lead which didn't suit the character. By the time Clay becomes menancing again, I just couldn't rectify this with the overly sappy Clay who was helping Dinahlee to pretend to be Trucker for Hannah's sake several months earlier. If Malloy had stayed, maybe my mind would have changed. 

    Parlato plays Clay for the bulk of the gaslighting story and just embraces the darkness that Clay has within him beautifully. Then, Taggert and Guza humanize him a bit by making it clear he does care for Dinahlee despite all the terrible things he did. I think the potential of Clay and Curtis as rivals both romantic (for Dinahlee and maybe Tess) and business rivals (Curtis rejoined AE in July 1993 when Michael Lord took over) had potential. I wish the Clay - Cooper relationship had been developed more as I felt that was a dynamic that had serious potential to develop story. I also think Parlato did a good job selling the Clay / Steffi story which could have just felt creepy. 

    Had the show not been cancelled in 1995 and hobbled along a few more years, I wonder what they would have done when Parlato left in 1995. I think it might have been good to rest Clay for a little bit and to bring back Anne Alden back into the story. Similarly, with Wesley Addy passing in January 1996, I wonder what the show would have done with the Alden family all together. 

    Throughout the episodes I've watched in the last few years. One thing is quite clear to me. 

    Lisa Peluso is one of the unsung heroes of Loving.

    I wish Christopher Marcantel can get to interview with her and possibly have a virtual reunion with Randolph Mantooth. No matter how bad this show got or which eighty-five regimes were writing/producing. She is able to deliver what it is written from comic to dramatic scenes. She was a force of nature and I wish she would've gotten the chance to continue acting. 

    I'm curious if the show went past 1995 and they never did The City. I wonder who would've taken over and what some of the stories would've been? 

  4. 26 minutes ago, dc11786 said:

    @Forever8 Thanks for tagging me. I find 1992 to be a very mediocre year. I don't negate the importance of the college crew, but the original 1992 stories are so poorly done. It doesn't help that you have so much turnover. 

    I watched what I could of these episodes, but they don't really appeal to me. I'm not the biggest Trisha/Trucker fan. I think both actors are very good, but I don't think they needed to dominate the story the way they did. I didn't really care for the pairing of Stacey / Trucker, but I was even more disappointed that they spent a year building it up only to not go there. 

    This reaffirms that Staige was basically the precursor to Stephanie. I had forgotten the family financial issues, which would also plague Steffi leading to Staige and Ally rooming at 35 Maple Street. Eden Atwood was out by early November when they sent her character back home to whatever state she came from. 

    I really don't like Larkin Malloy as Clay. I believe he is gone by the end of October. I think Clay and Dinahlee had potential to be interesting if they had left Dinahlee as this girl who was rough around the edges. Addie Walsh really did a number on the character. She gets a bit of her grit back under Millee Taggert, but Nixon treats Dinahlee as a central heroine archtype, which produces some good story, but doesn't showcase the best of Jessica Collins' skills. 

    I've been watching some of the June 1993 episodes that were posted a few months back. Those were much more enjoyable. Taggert and Guza really revitalized the show in short order after a very dull year. 

    I like Larkin Malloy in different roles. But of all the Clay's I've seen he is my least favorite. He was a good actor but he just wasn't right for the role. And as @DRW50pointed out the writing seemed to be a mess. 

    I have to see more of 1992 but from the episode(s) I've saw the writing wasn't Loving at it's best. That was my first time seeing the character of Staige after all of the years of me reading about her on this board. She does seem like a precursor to Steffi. Though seemed more generic as a poor little rich girl. I like Trisha/Trucker and I thought the acting was good. But it seemed Stacey was a bit lost after Jack died. I wish they would've eventually revealed he was alive.  

    Also I've been checking out those June 1993 episodes and I do like what is happening in them more than 1992. 

    18 minutes ago, FrenchBug82 said:

    Who does everyone think was the best and the worst Clay?

    My favorite Clay was played by Dennis Parlato.

    He seemed to have the right balance of schemer and patriarch of the Alden family. Though I think James Horan is a close second in terms of being the one who refused to grow up despite being someone with a family. 

  5. 7 hours ago, Chris B said:

    Having seen Carlivati's work on OLTL, DAYS and GH, I think B&B would be his best work. I often fantasize about people writing for B&B. Brad Bell is creatively dead and that show will only be truly good when someone takes over. With Carlivati in particular, he'd shine by opening up the canvas. He loves delving into the history of a show and bringing people back, even if it's short term so I feel with him we'd get to see our favorite characters popping in. We'd have gay characters like you mentioned, but also the show would get it's sex appeal back and we'd have villain's and femme fatales, mysteries, comedy and the other stuff you expect on a show like this set in the fashion world.

    Brad Bell's writing is so bad I'd accept almost anyone taking over if I'm being real.

    Ron would totally get a kick out of reading about Angela/Deveney 

    I can see him bringing back Felicia and her son to the canvas. Or possibly bring back a divorced Kristen with a new actress in the role. 

    He would totally have a gay character being Steffy or Thomas' sidekick who blackmails one of them in exchange for their designs to be featured in a fashion show for Forrester. 

    I can see Ron bringing in a old school soap vet to be Bill's mother who is a campy diva to possibly set her up with Eric too. 


  6. 18 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Brenda would consistently called it "My Mother's Disease".  People on the internet at the time shortened it to MMD.   Even in 2002 that poor disease had no name.  


    I sorta forgot it happened.  A lot of 1998 is spent on Brenda getting Jax back and sometimes it was not very exciting. It seemed like a lot to pile on the poor girl at the time, but it was just a silly plot point.   I didn't really take it that seriously because she had multiple people that would easily bail her out like the Q's, Ned, and Jax.  I liked Brenda trying to figure it out for herself and making her own decisions, but that's about it.  

    I thought it was cute when her and Robin went to NYC to try to get Brenda a modeling job. It was nice the show acknowledged her mental breakdown in public had consequences and she had to do those car commercials as a genie lol. 

    Also, I forgot about Brenda's fear of flying.  I guess she got over that?   Lol.

    All in all, 1998 is just not my favorite Brenda year.  The Jax/Brenda stuff was good once it got going, but the entire year just seemed like a waste of Vanessa extending her contract.   Her best stuff was when MB briefly came back and they had scenes. 

    1997-1998 after Sonny left her.  She lost her modeling job after the breakdown and a shady business manager took her money I believe?  It was something like that.  So she had to go out and find a job and she also restarted L&B.  She ended up modeling for Genie Motors in a genie outfit but then it was successful and she booked more jobs and she had money again by the time she 'died'


  7. 12 hours ago, carolineg said:

    Unnamed mother crazy disease lol? I get the point of it all and she bet her life on Sonny.  But she really had everything to live for.  Jax was literally bending over backwards to help her.  My all time fave Brenda and Sonny scene is when she goes to the penthouse to confront him once he comes back.  It's literally epic.  it was such a REAL set of scenes.   And it's not all over the top.  It's just a quiet moment.  How Sonny wishes he could see her pregnant and holding her first child and all he wanted was her to be safe and happy.  I die........

    Did you like the story when Brenda went broke? 

  8. 12 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Instead of marrying Abby and Chance off so quickly and diving into the surrogacy plot, why not bring Stitch back earlier and provide some conflict as to whether Abby and Chance would make it.

    Or delay the wedding because Chance has to take off and instead of everyone falling at his feet and proclaiming him the hero, Abby could be pissed and turn to Stitch.

    That makes too much sense!!!

  9. 40 minutes ago, MichaelGL said:

    This whole Carly and Jason engagement would be a lot easier to watch and a bit more believable if Jason told more people that it was a marriage of convenience. Plus people’s reaction to it has been so nonchalant.

    Exactly! I'm sure he could've told most of everyone what it was for. I mean most of Sonny and Carly marriages were in fact marriages of convenience. 

  10. 3 hours ago, Huntress said:

    This week on GZSZ:


    Starting September 6th, AWZ celebrates 15 years on the air with a "special anniversary week". In typical AWZ fashion, there's going to be huge drama involving stolen money, blackmail and a hostage situation. Two familiar faces will return, and reportedly, a thrilling love story will keep viewers on the edge of their seats (well, we'll see about that).


    Silvan-Pierre Leirich (Richard Steinkamp), Tatjana Clasing (Simone Steinkamp), Ania Niedieck (Isabelle Reichenbach), Matthias Brüggenolte (Justus Albrecht), Kaja Schmidt-Tychsen (Jenny Steinkamp), Francisco Medina (Maximilian von Altenburg)

    The two returnees are most likely Francisco Medina as Maximilian von Altenburg and Amrei Haardt as Nathalie Reichenbach von Altenburg, who departed the show last fall and already returned for several guest appearances in June. (I mean, why else would they be featured on the new promotional pics?)


    Tijan Njie (Moritz Brunner), Amrei Haardt (Nathalie Reichenbach von Altenburg), Jörg Rohde (Ben Steinkamp), Ania Niedieck (Isabelle Reichenbach), Dominik Flade (Yannik Ziegler), Alexandra Fonsatti (Chiara Nadolny)

    In addition, three cast members are leaving the show: Original cast member Julia Augustin, who has played Dr. Vanessa Steinkamp since the 1st episode, and her on-screen husband Lars Korten, who joined the soap in February 2015 as Christoph Lukowski, are departing in early September. Augustin has been on contract from 2006 to 2009, 2010 to 2012, and since 2014. In 2013, she made a few guest appearances. Also, Cheyenne Pahde is taking a leave of absence, reportedly for a year. Pahde joined AWZ in July 2016 as Marie Schmidt, taking over from Judith Neumann who played the part from 2015 to 2016.


    After AWZ's anniversary week, RTL promises more drama on UU: An extraordinary double wedding, a strange encounter in the desert, and a cruel murder will play a huge part.

    On GZSZ, Thaddäus Meilinger (Felix Lehmann) is exiting the soap this fall after being on contract for 5 consecutive years. According to a press release, the actor "needs a break to focus on other projects". He is set to return sometime in the future, but who knows ...

    Are you going to miss any of the characters that are leaving?

  11. 11 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Sometimes I pretend that most of that didn't happen.

    If ATWT were ever to be fortunate enough to get any type of retool or revisit, a la All My Children/Pine Valley, I would definitely want to see a re-telling if certain stories. The last decade, in particular was pretty lousy story-wise. I'd be barraging whomever with story ideas for repairing the damage, because I've got tons.

    From your typed words to someone's eyes. 

  12. On 7/11/2021 at 3:57 PM, DramatistDreamer said:

    How would that work out chronologically though? Tonio would have had to have been a young teenager, like how Iva was only thirteen when she became pregnant with Lily. 

    I mentioned Gabriel and Tonio because it would've provided an easy out to what I thought was a dumb storyline: making him Craig's. It also could have been a way to bring Bryant back with the discovery that Bryant was actually kidnapped and the "accident" staged, out of revenge for finding out that Gabriel's mother, before she passed away, convinced Sierra to protect Gabriel from ever finding out who his biological father was and Sierra, in turn, convincing Craig to go along with the ruse. Tonio finds out, summons his connections in the underground and criminal networks (with a helping hand from James Stenbeck, who still owed Tonio a favor) to take a son, to replace the son who was taken from him.

    Gabriel being Tonio's would've made much more sense. I'm sure they could've lured Peter Boynton for a small stint near the end. What else did they have to lose with the show going off the air? It could've saved us the last six months being about Janet Ciccone and Barbara being petrified by that damn clown. 

  13. 9 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    The same night where Antonio died, Kay found out she couldn’t have anymore children, Miguel and Charity left town and Sheridan and Luis went to Mexico to get Paloma and ended up running into Martin and Katherine. 

    I’ll never understand the whole 2+ month days 😂😂

    I remember Silvana Arias' Paloma screaming to Luis and Sheridan "About not wanting to go to Harmony" 

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