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Posts posted by Forever8

  1. 39 minutes ago, cattykittens said:

     They could have started by just keeping Ji Min Kim. He was one good looking man and wonderful with Jill. I'm still bitter they didn't give that pairing a chance. I don't know anything about the BTS at the time so I have no idea why he was killed off so fast.


    Can't they move Josh Griffith over to the EP role and bring back Sally Sussman as head writer. She may need a job if she's dumping her crappy husband. I liked Sally. 

    I don't think JG could handle both jobs isn't he prone to mental breakdowns?

    Ji Min could've had a headstrong daughter who didn't get along with Jill. Or a son who wanted to usurp his father at House Of Kim. But nope! 

    7 minutes ago, dragonflies said:

    Because we believe women who say this till we have a reason not too Eyeroll Reaction GIF

    I wanted to say this to that statement. Thanks!!! 

  2. 35 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:

    Esme last name is Prince. Geez! Couldn't the writers come up with a better surname. Just loved the Ladies Night. So glad Bobbie was involved. Terry and Britt's scene were good. I'm not enjoying seeing Ava written as such a fraidy-cat. Carly and Jason have a lot of wrinkles.

    I said the same thing on Twitter about Esme's surname. I said it should've been something like Von Lahnstein or Von Ansetten. Then someone mentioned that Esme could be related to Lord Larry Ashton/Ned/Brook Lynn because he has a half brother name Charles Prince?  

    I wished I liked ladies night more but it seemed the nurses were trying to humble Britt and I was like mind your own business. Though I did like the scenes with Britt and Terry at the bar. 

    And for Ava she should be channeling her old self by trying to find out who is doing this to her and taking revenge while wrestling with her more grounded self. 



  3. 14 minutes ago, Paul Raven said:

    Day after day of Phyllis running around like a chicken with its head cut off whining about what 'Terra' did to her 'dodder' is starting to wear thin. Especially when everyone else is listening to her ravings.

    The Mariah disappearance story is playing out so weird. Is it going to take a severed ear sent through the mail for folks to start worrying?

    There really needs to be an advisory warning when a Billy/Lily lovin' episode is to be screened. His scrawny bod on display while they praise each other...

    The sexism in the writing also annoys. Lily was all like  - have you been watching action movies with the sound up full blast? No replies Billy-romcoms so I can set the scene for some pointers on seduction.


    And every time I'm like Phyllis, your daughter is living her best life in Milan with the love of her life. She isn't doing time behind bars at Sing, Sing for being framed for Ashland's murder by Tara. (Thought that would be a better story.)


    It seems as if Josh and Co. is throwing what they can at this Mariah kidnapping story. A lot of people think it's Stitch, but I'm hearing rumors that it might be someone else behind this. And I hope they're exactly just that, a rumor.



    A few people on Twitter said it might be Nina. 


  4. 19 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    It's highly problematic he was hired in the first place.  It's more of a disgrace that he was hired on GH after his known problems on Days.   But who knows?  He was married to Parrish for 20 years maybe he changed his ways? I think he does wood working or something now...  He was a charismatic screen presence.

    Wasn't he a pilot in Kansas too? 

  5. Today's episode was a good one. Though I could've done without them dragging the reveal for that long. I was like "Just spit it out" already. 


    I loved seeing the various flashbacks from over the years and Katie and Donna referencing that none of them were there during those times but had heard from Brooke about the tales of Sheila and the Forresters over the years too. 


    I hope Brad has contacted Ian Buchanan and decides on someone to play Mary. I think having them on the canvas could expand this too. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Chris B said:

    I loved Sheila's entrance with the Finn scenes prior to introducing her to everyone else. B&B doesn't do anything slow, so I won't complain about the whiplash. We all know we better enjoy what we can because it's only a matter of time before Brad loses interest or ruins the storyline. I'll say the first positive is that Kimberlin has really good chemistry with Tanner. Depending on how they explain this and who the father is, this COULD be a good story. It's hard as a Sheila fan to get invested because they never get this character right since her 00 returns to both shows.

    Another thing I noticed watching is that I wouldn't mind if they went ahead and wrote off Hope and Liam. They had their time, let them go to Forrester International and free up some space for other legacy characters. Felicia has a son out there, why not bring them on? I just realized seeing Hope and Liam that I have absolutely no interest in them and dread the moment they get anotherr storyline. 

    Felicia and her son coming back would be great. They need to go ahead and bring on an older RJ who has graduated from college too. I also wouldn't mind Mary-Margaret and or Diana to return to the canvas since Sheila is back too. Imagine if Thomas fell for one of Sheila's daughters. 

  7. 3 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Yeah, but the Lowell bloodline connection was never emphasized as long as I was a viewer.

    I always hear people rail about the Stewart family being tossed out, as if they were one of the series' original families, with no mention of the Lowells. I actually had to read about the Lowell family to find out that they existed. As much as people complain that the Stewart family were written out of existence, Emily and Susan both continued to go by the Stewart last name, through marriages, divorces, until the end and from what I remember, so did Allison, although she was a McDermott. All were there until the end. As Stewarts.

    I remember Susan going on at Kim about how she felt Kim didn't like "The Stewart Women" and I was like um... Other than Emily you and your daughter aren't Stewart women. And why did Allison change her last name from McDermott to Stewart anyway?  They had a great chance to revive the Lowell/Stewart legacy with Dani but the less of those scene when she called Craig "Daddy" in a sexual manner the better.

    I also recall doing some research about the Lowell family and wondering why the TPTB never brought back any of the Quads to be part of young adult canvas? Then again they were too busy giving backstory to Janet Ciccone and bringing on Alan and AJ Quartermaine and Lucy and Kevin from General Hospital. 

  8. 14 minutes ago, FrenchBug82 said:

    We have talked many times about Bell's pacing but imagine how much more powerful Sheila's appearance would have been if we had been slowly treated to the mystery of his origins for months. If, even in a throwaway scene during the whole whos-the-father story, it had been hinted Finn might have a secret mother.
    We literally met Finn's parents and even heard anything about his history three days ago. This is such bad pacing and plotting, sorry.


    It is Bad Plotting 101 : Brad and Co. had brought on Finn to please most of the audience because they wanted Steffy with someone new (I did too) Yet, he didn't do any characterization for him in terms of his background. We don't even know if Finn is from California or back East? If we knew he was adopted since at least three months ago we could've gotten the mystery built up more. This felt like Brad had just thought out of this out of blue with no prior thought until a few months ago. 

    14 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    Word. Things just feel thrown in (see Justin’s sudden plot against Bill, which at least made *some* sense, yet it’s been seemingly abandoned). “Make it up as you go along” feels like the CBS way these days.

    I couldn't said it better myself. 

  9. 12 minutes ago, kalbir said:

    Re JFP/Justin Deas/Cooper family. Pamela Long created Harley, Frank, Nadine, Pops. Nancy Curlee expanded the family with Stavros and Eleni before JFP arrived. It was posted in the They Almost Became thread and in the GL thread that CBS/P&G originally offered the part of Buzz Cooper to Terry Lester but he turned it down to take Royce Keller on As the World Turns and Terry himself even said this in an interview. Were any other actors were considered for Buzz before JFP got her friend Justin Deas hired? Although the Coopers were already on the canvas, JFP wanted them to become the main family as a showcase for Deas, which is pretty much what we saw in the aftermath of Maureen's death until Nancy Curlee left the writing team.

    Side note, Terry Lester was not a Buzz. Someone in the GL thread suggested him as an Alan recast in 1994, I wonder how he would've done in that role.

    I couldn't see Terry Lester as Buzz. Now someone like Roscoe Born I possibly could see him as Buzz. 

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