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Posts posted by Forever8

  1. On 9/6/2021 at 6:21 PM, j swift said:

    I would suggest that Amandas are a question of taste and everyone has a preference.  Sandy Ferguson made the role popular and played a good romantic heroine.  Her Amanda was well-bred, independent, and (in my opinion) was kind of like what Iris would have been like if Mac paid more attention to her as a child.  I am in the minority that I enjoyed Laura Moss (another redheaded recast like the aforementioned ill-fated Nina).  Her portrayal was nothing special, and the plot of her trying to seduce/betray Carl seemed out of character, but her scenes with Rachel during Victoria Wyndham's anniversary episode made me sympathetic to her as an actress.  Christine Tucci was an odd choice of casting.  She looked like Rachel's daughter, given her dark wavy locks, but her Amanda lacked agency and was stuck playing second fiddle to Vicky.  Amanda was a wealthy, self confident woman, and writing her as a third wheel in a triangle did nothing for the character.  Finally, when Sandy returned, and had to play out the Lumina story, Amanda became a farce.  For years, the image of Amanda in her debutante dress was shown in the opening sequence and now to see Amanda looking older in a hoop skirt and bun was not a good look.


    As for Ava's, you have to have a memory better than mine to remember Patty Lotz (Ava #1).  After that it is a toss up between the late Roya Megnot and Lisa Peluso.  Roya played young Ava with an urban verve and gave her a balance which kept her from being a true villain who stole her cousin's baby and tried to ruin Jack's marriage.  On the other hand Lisa's southern romantic portrayal of Ava gave routing value for her pairing with Alex.  The character changed so much with the recasting that it more a question of which plot you preferred versus which actress, and I prefer the Clay/Alex story.  I faded out after that so the other plots with Paul and Carly are not as relevant to me.

    When I go back and see those episodes from Christine Tucci's time my mind goes to her being a Lorna recast before I remember she is playing Amanda for some reason. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Faulkner said:

    It helps that Stafford and Bergman are good together.

    Adam doesn’t need THREE women craving his crotch—Sally, Chelsea, Sharon. Meanwhile Nick is going around looking forlorn at Phyllis. It makes no sense. (I know Chadam seem to be on the outs, but still.)

    Sally and Chloe could be decent friends, but I wish Sally had a real bestie. Like Theo could have been.

    I’m glad Camryn Grimes finally has a story that allows her to act, I guess. 


    Not to mention Sally, Chelsea, and Chloe essentially the same archetype. 

  3. 6 hours ago, Chris B said:

    My biggest takeaway from this is that Peacock would be smart to commission a real spin off for Will and Sonny. I would create it with the intention of being a standalone spin off, not limited series and give them like 10 episodes with a budget to allow them a more primetime look. I think that would be a big success for them. 

    I would be here for that. Bring on Alex Kiriakis and perhaps Sonny's twin brothers, and round the cast with Will and Sonny's hetero and LGBTQIA friends. A local bar they can frequent. Make it Queer As Folk/ The L Word/Melrose Place esque. Make it free via ads. 

  4. 4 hours ago, Chris B said:

    With Back To the Cul De Sac I was happy with the range of characters they got back. Even though it was only a cameo filmed after production had ended, having Nicollette Sheridan was vital so I'm glad that happened. It was also nice to see characters like Diana and Ginger after so long. I could've done without Anne (maybe sub her for Lilimae) and more Olivia, but overall it was fine. I do wonder what the original Ann Marcus script would've been like.

    Ann Marcus wrote the original script for them movie? I have never seen it but parts here and there. 

  5. 17 hours ago, Nixor said:

    Same here. If this show were smart they would start building more family around Trina and keep her as Taggert’s daughter which basically makes her a legacy character. Bring in some cousins or something to start the next teen generation with Jake Spencer. But I love Taggert and hate the idea that he was duped. 

    Gia could have some kids younger than Trina that can be part of Jake's generation, like you said.  And they did say that both of Portia parents our doctors, so perhaps they could recur or Portia can have a scheming sister who comes to town.


  6. I will be giving new Noah a chance, but I hope Josh actually has a long story for him and not something constructed for an initial month and then decides to toss anything until it sticks on the peripheral wall. I do find it funny that with Kyle leaving Noah comes back. It's like these characters can stay on the canvas long enough together to create a next-gen rivalry. I'm assuming that Sally is going to be his new love interest. Though someone on Twitter suggested he and Imani might be a good pairing. My dream story for Noah was that he bring a fiancée home who turned out to be Grace Turner's daughter.

    I wonder are they planning to finally recast Chance by the end of the year? Or will they decide to bring on Daniel and a teenage Lucy instead for Phyllis and possibly Lily.


    Robert Adamson's Noah was good, but they hardly gave that man anything worth a damn to do. Him being Sam from Cheers was never a good look. He should've been in the business world like the rest of the family. I liked his initial romance with Marissa, but that went down quicker than a flame and I wanted them to bring on Ravi's sister as a love interest, but that never happened either.



  7. 1 hour ago, Mitch said:

    Marland was great for using Lisa as a connector between stories...she would start out on one side of town helping a wayward stud or vixen, then stop in at Bob and Kim's for a gab and some recap...then go over to another side of town and trade barbs with John or Lucinda...its so weird that Lisa was involved with so many people (even without having a BIG storyline) either as helper,  or pain in the butt, that she is so forgotten during the last ten years.



    Not to mention her knowing who were all the real fathers of the babies in town during that era too. 

  8. On 8/28/2021 at 4:38 PM, YRfan23 said:

    Right now it's so infuriating to me that a show with the word "YOUNG" in it, has such a lack of any teen stories whatsoever. Regardless of how Days and GH handle their younger set/Teen stories at least they have them now, and Y&R doesn't bother. 

    The writing for the "Young" isn't strong. Moses and Faith comes off as two sixty year old's in a retirement village in Florida falling for one another. Instead of two sixteen year old's growing up in a faster society than previous teen groups throughout the decades on the show. 


    While I like the young group on GH I hope they remember those young ones are 18 and not 16 in terms of story they're going to be given. i.e. Beverly Hills 90210 - The College Years rather than BH 90210 - High School Years. 



  9. On 8/22/2021 at 8:19 PM, Pine Charles said:

    Is it true Susan Lucci and her daughter, Liza Huber, are no longer on speaking terms??

    If true, I do wonder the genesis of their “rift”...??

    Sad (if true). 

    I've been wondering about that too. 

  10. On 8/20/2021 at 5:49 PM, YRfan23 said:

    I was thinking that too…isn’t that Tom and Alice’s song that Doug always sang? Lol 


    Despite everything that felt like a classic soap moment IMO. 

    I said that to myself too. I was expecting the Hortons to pop into the scene singing along with Eric. That song must be in the public domain. Because you know Soaps don't use songs they have to pay a huge licensing fee anymore. 


    I had thought they were going to go with Quinn finding out as soon as she got back with Eric that she was pregnant with Carter's baby. But it looks like they're going with Eric's "ED" story for now. 



    On 8/23/2021 at 8:57 PM, YRfan23 said:

    It's so stupid to ask, but why couldn't we just have had Finn and Sheila communicating for months, before it being revealed to everyone she's Finn's birthmom....We could have had Sheila blackmail Jack and allow access to  BabyHayes with Finn's permission while avoiding Steffy at all costs.....Maybe in the meantime Sheila somehow gets back on good terms with Brooke, which ultimately leads to Brooke having to keep Sheila's secrets?? Maybe Justin becomes intrigued by Sheila himself and they becomes allies seeking revenge?

    You're speaking too much common sense. 

  11. 18 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    What are the women at the Chancellor mansion wearing? Especially Sharon and Tessa.

    This show feels so phoned in…

    It still seems Josh is writing whatever sticks onto the wall without much substance. Faith and Moses are written like they're 65 year old's at a Miami retirement village. And let's not start with this dull "Surrogate Caper" because I bet Josh just decided who was the captor of Mariah a month ago. 

  12. Lindsey Morgan is one of the top stars on The CW so I doubt she would be coming back to any soap anytime soon. 


    Kristina as a character has so much potential that several regimes refuse to delve into whether or not Lexi Ainsworth is in the role or not. She should've been the face of the DOD cult story instead of the afterthought. We should've saw her trying to take control of her life after being rescued from the cult. Either by becoming the Corinthos answer to "Lucky Santangelo" or decided to become a social worker, businesswoman, or employee at the hospital.


    I see more of Lexi on Instagram than I have on this show for the past few years. 

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