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Posts posted by Forever8

  1. 2 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Yes, Holden and Lily break up to make up, which is why their "ending" simply felt like the latest in an ongoing cycle, rather than an end to anything.

    Yes, Bob was retiring (which he could have done perfectly well in Oakdale), and that should have set off a stethoscope race for the top seat, with Emily encouraging her mother to grab it and Lucinda convincing John of the opportunity to finally run the hospital and shape its future his way, without the interference from Bob Hughes (but plenty of input from her, would be John's sarcastic reply).


    And let's not mention the lack of thought for the next generation of the finale. I mean didn't Parker decide to become a cop? While Casey decided to go back to school in the last week too? 

    If anyone should've left town it could've been Jack and Carly. Carly could've finally gotten her own fashion label in New York City as Jack contemplates them leaving town. However, he decides to go because it is time he puts Carly first as well as her dreams. We could've gotten a blurb that he got a job back at the FBI or a detective for the NYPD. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

     Ideally when you write an end for a series with such a long history and legacy, it should be written in a way, that even at it's end, it follows the aspect of a continuing story, one that people actually would want to pick up with these characters or continue them. Barbara landing at Forrester. John and Lucinda co-chairs of that board, wondering if Lucinda will convince John to again take the reigns at Memorial hospital or will Susan become the hospital's first woman chief of staff and which Lucinda would have wanted to prevent. Lisa, the romantic should have been exploring the then still new world of online dating for seniors. There should have been intrigue to the very last drop.

    And imagine if Lisa had been online the last month or so of the show. Connecting with some mysterious guy and have it turn out to be Grant Colman at the finale when she finally meet up with him. 

  3. 1 hour ago, AMCOLTLLover said:

    1 will die and there are rumors it could be Charity lmao (Which i doubt)..

    I think those stunts that are mentioned were  started by a trend in the UK in 2010. Hollyoaks started those BIG STUNTS and SOAP CHANGING killings, explosions and whatever u could possibly imagine. It all started with that highly popular Silas Blisset - Serial Killer Storyline and Corries 50th Anniversary Tram Crash stunt. (Which is still one of my favorite soap opera anniversarys)

    From there on Hollyoaks got buzz and ratings and praises. Oaks did more and more of those Killer and stunt stuff. All the other UK Soaps tried to cash in from that and create their own serial killer and big stunts.

    Emmerdale started it with the plane crash of 1993. But stunts weren't really used for the other soaps until the 2000's when Emmerdale did that storm that killed Tricia Dingle on New Year's. 

  4. 4 minutes ago, ChitHappens said:

    Why are y'all letting Nellie Olson, who doesn't even like LW, work you into a tizzy?  When KDP came on this soap, he trashed LW like crazy.  Called her all kinds of names.  Twitter is doing their best to make him relevant even tho is is trolling them because he knows how they feel about LW's airtime.  

    I was through with him when he was supporting Donny Boaz on YR despite his controversial tweets. 

  5. 33 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    It’s super weird, right? And if they really wanted to do away with Keemo, as mentioned, they could have killed him off off screen. But they mention him periodically, as he has board voting powers at Jabot. It’s as if he’s “on ice,” always waiting to be reintroduced but no one has the balls or, more likely, the awareness to do it, even though it’s completely organic diversity. (These shows seem to only see diversity in terms of serving markets, and I’m not certain they see an Asian viewership, who are fragmented into so many different distinct cultures, as a lucrative soap audience. But does diversity have to be viewed solely through that lens? Why not simply have a broader and more interesting idea of humanity, for variety and for its own sake, as we live in a multicultural society? Is that a naive, Pollyanna-ish idea? Perhaps that’s an indictment of the viewers, but the writers also have to make them care. And they often don’t make the investment in fleshing out non-white characters.)

    Meanwhile, writers have been reaching for Jack’s stories, with addictions and one failed pairing after another. 

    I was hoping when Jack was dating that young woman who was conspiring with Ashley named Kerry/Dominique. That her mysterious partner was going to be a vengeful Keemo wanting to take over Jabot. But nope! 

  6. 7 minutes ago, soapfave06 said:

    I am grateful that RC made up for the 2008 mess with Tina in 2011. Although when I rewatch the 2008 run, it isn't as bad in retrospect but at the time I was pissed. 


    It is a shame that Dorian and Tina never shared scenes in 2008 or 2011 though. The 2008 run could have been a bit better if they sent Tina back to Llanview and in story with Dorian until Viki returned. 

    I remember watching all of these people interacting with AE's Tina and being like her version never interacted with these characters and it showed. Not to mention Tina being duped by Tess of all people. 

  7. 25 minutes ago, FrenchBug82 said:

    The rumor generally accepted as having a grain of truth is that Bergman hated that story so much that he and therefore the power-that-be (who have no stake in this since they weren't there) find it easier to pretend it never happened (a bit like Bell regretted Malcolm/Dru cold medicine influenced (read: unconsented) sexual encounter and this wasn't addressed for decades).
    That being said, one of the main families having non-white core members should be SUCH an easy layup for producers and writers if they had a genuine intent to diversify the cast.
    So both stupid story-wise but also short-sighted.

    I know that. I was just being sarcastic.🤣 I remember Peter Bergman being on one of the first SOD podcasts and when they got to Keemo/Luan it became obvious from the tone of his voice he wasn't keen on that story. 

  8. 7 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    LOL. I can’t bring myself to get angry about this Eric story or its racism. It’s too stupid. No one in this story is behaving credibly. It’s like Passions at its most idiotic.

    The characters talk about ED like a bunch of giggly Catholic-school kids, as if this medical condition hasn’t been discussed ad nauseum for generations. 

    That's insulting Passions... 

    Brad writes these character like they live in Bumpkin, Iowa in 1955 instead of Los Angeles, California 2021. I'm sure they have heard of plenty of A-List couples in the Forrester circle have open/poly relationships for years now. Not to mention Eric finding other ways to please Quinn sexually... 

  9. 22 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    Josh Griffith is so in love with crafting these elaborate character backstories that he can’t dramatize on screen. Like we don’t need all this convoluted madness with Ashland. Nor did we need it with Adam. Nor did we need it with Amanda and Sutton.

    He thinks he is still writing his novels. You get to craft extensive backstories for novels, but this is a soap opera tell stories that actually began on the screen. 

  10. Though I like his acting and certain stories he was in to me, Trevor St. John was checked out performance wise on One Life To Live after 2006. I felt like when they stopped going forward with that pairing, Todd/Victor was going to have with Evangeline, and they decided to go back with Blair for the 250th time. It became obvious he wanted to be anywhere but on that set. Though, he great chemistry with Florencia Lozano as Tea and with his on-screen children. Even Ted King on his SOD podcast interview admitted when he was on as Tomas TSJ didn't want to be there.


  11. SOD reports that Michael Tylo has passed away at 73.

    Soap Alum Michael Tylo Passes Away At 73 - Soap Opera Digest


    Michael Tylo, well-known to soap fans for his runs on ALL MY CHILDREN (ex-Matt), GUIDING LIGHT (ex-Quint), GH (ex-Charlie), Y&R (ex-Rick/Blade) and B&B (ex-Sherman), has passed away at the age of 73. His death was announced by the Nancy Uscher, Dean of College of Fine Arts at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, where he served as a film professor. The actor is survived by his wife, Rachelle, and their daughter, Kollette, as well as his daughters Izabelle and Katya from his previous marriage to Hunter Tylo (ex-Taylor, B&B et al). He was preceded in death by his son with Hunter, Michael Tylo, Jr., known as Mickey, who drowned tragically in 2007.

  12. 6 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Yes. Reilly was nuts. And it showed in his work, especially in the 21st century.

    He could be very smart about long plotting and getting attention for a show, he did some of my favorite stories and couples, but in his later years he turned the dialogue and character work on DAYS into puerile schlock from which it has never fully recovered. I enjoyed DAYS immensely in the mid-90s but I remember the dialogue work being poor even then compared to other shows. People used to get on me hard about this back in the day on here, and they know who they are. We all grew up with the same show. That doesn't mean we're all still in sixth grade, lol.

    Irna Phillips was the same.

    Irna fired an actress on ATWT because she appeared nude on stage during a play. 

  13. 14 minutes ago, AlexElizabeth said:

    I agree that they need to give us more info about Esme. Right now she is very one note. She's really obsessed with stalking Ava and driving her out of town... why? Spencer usually seems really annoyed by her and there's not even a hint of romance or affection there. Even Joss noticed how "off" they are. Give us some sort of idea what her deal is because right now this is just a random girl glued to Spencer's hip and it's annoying. 

    My dream backstory for Esme is that her aristocratic family somehow lost their money and that is why she is with Spencer because of his family's wealth.

  14. 33 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I don't doubt JFP had something to do with SJB's first departure, but since she returned later I always assumed it was something salvageable when cooler heads prevailed?  But I have no idea.   SJB seems to have had her struggles and she has had some of the worst roles on daytime soaps it's a shame.   Was Sarah not available when TB left?  

    Anyway it's a bummer.  Nothing about LW would scream Carly to me even though I know she was what the network always wanted after TB. 

    It does seem like Carson have a lot of stans online (none here I don't think lol), but so did JaSam and they broke them up.   It really seemed like GH was onto something with this Mike/Nina/Jason/Sonny stuff and then they made the least soapy choice available.

    I know Megan Ward and Jamie Luner had both auditioned for Carly in 2005. And I also believe Galen Gering's wife auditioned too. I wonder who else was up for the role? 

  15. 9 hours ago, Vee said:

    I could swear I remember Laura's Carly using her training to sneak into the hospital and examine the records re: the monkey virus in 2006(?). I think that's the last time I remember her referencing it though.

    There was a scene in 06 when Carly had brought in Alexis at GH when she had lung cancer and Carly started rattling off medical information and lingo at Epiphany who looked surprised she even knew these things. 

  16. 19 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I am trying to remember her intro and it was all about that weird story where people thought Jax was a drug dealer and the awful tin man saga.  I remember she liked to draw lol.  Honestly, she was just a casualty to Vanessa re-signing last minute.  Sonny and Brenda leaving together was a done deal and VM screwed it up so they just went back to Jax/Brenda and that breakdown nonsense.  How I wish VM decided to leave in 97.  I like 98 Brax, but overall not worth it.

    They at least gave V a happy ending, so I guess it's fine.  She was a good C character.  I don't think she would have held up that well as Jax's love interest though.  But Jax doesn't seem to have a particular type (except women that loved Sonny first lol), so I don't think it was a stretch for him to be attracted to her.  He's not Sonny zoning in on any petite brunette he can find lol.  V was fairly solidly involved in the Sonny/Jax/Brenda/tinman stuff and I remember her being good with Ned for some reason.  Although by the time she officially left the show I think I forgot she was technically still on it.   She was sort of wasted, but at least they completed her arc if you will.

    I know the actress who played V is good friends with Rena Sofer. I remember a few years ago she was at Rena's 50th birthday. 

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