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Posts posted by Forever8

  1. 1 hour ago, Bright Eyes said:

    They should have also only started with AMC first for at least a year before bringing back OLTL.

    Agree! Even though OLTL was better the show by the time it left ABC. AMC had more of the name recognition. So, they should've just focused their time and attention on that. As well as bringing back characters tied to legacy whom we hadn't seen in years. As well as developing interesting new characters as well. 

  2. 3 hours ago, Vee said:

    I think they did enough of the work to reunite them, YMMV. And yeah, I want Mac to be happy. I am not a huge Felicia fan but I think it's the right thing for both of them.

    You would think by now some grown son or daughter would come out of the woods from his mercenary days. 

  3. 18 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Thanks for posting this @kalbir. I knew some of, but not all of this.

    Bell took a calculated risk with how built the Williams and the Abbott families, but he used two characters, though marginal, who had been imbedded in the fabric of the show's canvas. It wasn't like the Rosales family where they had one minor character for a few months, then brought on his family, then basically switched him out for his brother as a major character. That was so weird. It seemed as if Bell gave the viewers a bit of a breather with Paul and Jack becoming more prominent. If it really is true that Y&R lost no market share after basically dismantling the Brooks and Foster families, then I guess that speaks to how the changes were received overall by the viewers, they may have been disappointed but they obviously kept watching. Also, the storytelling was so much more methodical back then. Characters had to prove highly popular before landing magazine covers and photospreads in soap publications. It's not like when the Rosales were posing for photospreads when nobody even knew who half the characters were. 

    It seemed as if that family was introduced with lightning speed. 

    The Rosales' had potential in my opinion. But like you said they were introduced very quickly and to vary degrees of success. I also wished instead of Mia being Rey's ex-wife she could've been their sister who like Jill scarified her own life to help take care of her family as their mother worked to provide for the family. And decided to finally go after what she wanted which could've included fame, money, power, and more importantly love. 

  4. 23 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:

    I liked Marcus's backstory. His aborted interracial romance with Faith. And the aborted Marcus/Faith/Gail triangle. Sadly after that Marcus never had any stories of his own. He just became a sympathetic ear for others. I also liked Yvette Dupres. The whole Shane/Kim/Cal/Rebecca story was a messy mess. Kim & Shane were so played out and running on empty by this point.  You're right a lot of ABH's run wasn't great.

    What would you have done with Shane & Kim at that point? It's too bad they didn't come up with more story for Marcus. Wasn't there hinting a romance between him and Carly when she first came to Salem? 

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