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Posts posted by Forever8

  1. 6 minutes ago, pdm1974 said:

    I'm really hoping they put Grace in other characters' orbits as well.

    I'm still not getting the whole why Paris is so wonderful thing. Again, we're told it, but not shown it. I think something that would jumpstart the story would be to bring back Reign Edwards as Nicole. She was such a great actress and completely squandered by the end. But, bringing her back as Zende's ex could liven the mix.

    I wouldn't mind a Bill/Katie/Grace triangle. Maybe Bill starts to have some health problems and Grace ends up treating him and they slowly fall for each other. Which on B&B means in two weeks' time and it would have Katie at first be not bothered but realizes she still has feelings for him. But you know Brad will get bored with Cassandra Creech like he did with Ted King and countless other A-list Daytime Veterans and Primetime stars over the decades. 

    I wish they will have Paris and Hope become good friends. She needs a life outside the latest love triangle this show can throw her in. 

  2. 7 minutes ago, BoldRestless said:

    I always thought that they should do an eating disorder storywith her. Not as a comment on her body type, but it would be interesting to see a storyline play out with an adult instead of a teenager, and to focus on the inherent control issues of the disorder. She would rock that.


    See, I watch those Peapack clips and I think at least they went outside once in a while and the "sets" were nice and big (since they were actual places).


    I'm feeling him with Jill, Lauren, or, believe it or not, Nina. I don't see Nina with the character Ashland but I could see Tricia Cast and Robert Newman working well together.

    Amelia Heinle did an eating storyline almost 30 years ago on Loving so it would be in her wheelhouse for sure. 


  3. This should've been a three-or so-month arc with us seeing Craig and Nancy happy but then we begin to peel back the layers to see their marriage is in trouble. Perhaps the two of them initially come to town to scheme to oust Kayla as COS at University Hospital.

    While perhaps they finally bring on Joy who is an intern at the hospital. Craig could've gotten texts and secret phone calls. Then it could've climaxed with both Joy and Chloe seeing Craig and his lover kissing. Craig sees them and tells them he's been in love with his lover for some time. He tells them not to tell Nancy because he is going to but doesn't get around to it.

    Joy and Chloe could've been both torn, but something culminates into Nancy finding out. And we could've gotten some serious conversation about Craig being attracted to men for years.

    And Nancy telling him off but talks about how he was her first love etc., 

  4. 5 hours ago, carolineg said:

    Do you really think it's an optic and tonal issue? I am not trying to be combative or rude but just want more clarity on it from your view.   I just think its drunk kids being stupid and like our friend is sleeping in the other room and okay.  I don't expect them to sit by her bedside or anything.

    No one is asking them to be at her bedside, but they at least could've shown Cam or Joss talking through the door asking if Trina is all right? While they could've had Trina say something like "Yeah" or they could've had said that they checked on her offscreen, and she was asleep. 

    This makes me wish they would bring in another young adult male onto the scene to mix it up with Trina. Causing Spencer to be like "What is happening?" And this one wouldn't be interested in Josslyn romantically either. But we know that's not happening anytime soon. 

    I also think the issue is they write the teens on this show like they're 15 or 16 and not 18 or 19 in college. And I do think it's weird they never have Trina tell off Esme everytime Esme say something cunning to her. 

  5. 8 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    Yeah, Paris came on with such promise as a sort of free spirit, but the characterization has become so muddled and aimless. There’s really no reason for her to be on B&B, but if they keep screwing up and ditching/sidelining their black characters (or casting them with boring or uncharismatic actors, like Delon de Metz), they’re not going to gain traction. Paris and Carter have zero chemistry, though. It just screams “Throw the black folks in a corner.”

    Maybe Paris’s mom should go for $Bill. There are moments when I think they are pushing her towards Zende, which would be a massive fail.

    I wouldn't mind a Katie/Bill/Grace triangle. Perhaps Grace gets some type of interview in one of Bill's publications about her being a doctor. And the two fall for each other causing some envy with Katie. 


    Then again, we would have to see Don Diamont and Heather Tom more than once a month. And for Brad not to have the attention span of a gnat. 


    Where is Ted King? 

  6. 5 hours ago, zanereed said:

    You have me, there. OUCH.

    Absolutely. To their credit, the show did bring back Barbara Berjer in 1995 as Barbara Norris, but I don't think Barbara was utilized enough at that time. There was so much history between Barbara and Roger, for example. Roger always hated Barbara for her constant interference in Holly's life. In fact, they should have brought in Roger's father, Adam Thorpe (Robert Milli), on a contract basis to further complicate things - Adam and Barbara had been married in the 1970's. As it was, Barbara left again in 1996.

    Then, TPTB brought Roger Newman as Ken Norris in 1998, but again - I don't think they had a good plan on what to do with him. Imagine if both Ken *and* Andy suddenly arrived on Holly's doorstep - Ken being released from the mental institution and looking to reconnect with his family, and Andy also being released from prison around the same time - Ken having learned his lessons, but Andy not having learned a thing and concocting his next big scheme, which probably would have had something to do with Spaulding Enterprises.

    And not to mention that Holly also had a niece Emily too that could've added to the dynamic too. 

  7. 10 hours ago, Dylan said:

    I wish this board would stop stanning Bill Bell. I watched the classics in 2020 and his show was boring too. 

    Can't give Griffith any praise at all and it's annoying. He's a nice guy.

    As the old saying goes: Each to their own. 

    None of these stories interest me at all.

    Who cares if Adam and Victoria our fighting over some media companies? Who do they think they're Kendall and Shiv Roy from Succession? 

    This Dominic custody storyline is dull. 

    Chloe, Chelsea, and Sally are all the same archetypes with lack of writing. 

    Josh might be a great guy, but he is a dull writer who needs to be replaced ASAP! 

  8. 17 minutes ago, Darn said:

    Winters??? I thought his name was Dominic? Or is his name now Dominic Abbott Newman Chancellor Winters? Do they want this kid to turn into Captain Planet? This whole story is so weird!

    Not Captain Planet! 🤣

    You would think he would at least have Hamilton to be part of the baby's many last names. 

  9. Wendy Riche joins Alan 


    Emmy Award-winning producer Wendy Riche will sit down with me live in The Locher Room on Friday, January 28th at 3 p.m. EST / 12 p.m. PST to look back at her career producing some of your favorite daytime dramas.

  10. 8 minutes ago, Bright Eyes said:


    Blind item #1
    One show is on the active hunt to recast a major character who has been off the canvas.

    Blind item #2
    Scheduling conflicts may force a soap to say good-bye to a popular rising star.

    Blind item #3
    Look for a round of exits to hit one sudser, including one star who has previously received walking papers.

    Blind item #4
    Two faves on this show run into trouble when they’re working together. On numerous occasions they’ve been reprimanded for joking too much and disrupting production.

    Please #2 don't be Sydney Mikayla. I know she's been in school, working on GH and doing V/O too. 

    Is 3 Galen Gering? 

  11. 4 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    It's so strange Shirley as it turned out was married to wealthy industrialist Gene Desmond (played by the late Christopher Allport)  who hired Michael to be the Desmond Industries lawyer, which Michael even trying to get Christine to join him at Desmond to Paul's chagrin  and we where promised an introduction to the extended Desmond family along with a possible Patty reintroduction but by the summer of 2000 the entire story was completely dropped altogether. 

    I did not know about this. Too bad that never came to fruition. 

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