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Posts posted by Forever8

  1. Is Teriah going to have to face a stalker? Or are they going to bring in Tessa's trashy mother played by a Soap Vet? 

    I'm ready for Diane not to be so civil with Phyllis and Nikki anymore. If they want to start something let Diane call them on their hypocrisy especially Phyllis. 

  2. 33 minutes ago, Spoon said:

    Source?  I believe you but I still like to see where inside dirt originates.  Thanks 

    Ashland and Diane may click well together, but do we really want Dianne sucked back into Newman politics?

    Dwight should be shady character, keeping up Esther's horrible taste in men.  Maybe get Kevin or Chloe shot or harmed.

    They should've had her online date turn out to be Tiny. Imagine if Chloe and Esther had to deal with the man who abandoned them all those years ago. 

    On 5/21/2022 at 8:45 PM, soapfan770 said:

    Interesting enough you mentioned that because Susan Walters as Diane was purged during that time as well. At least Lynne and Diane got actual exits. As for Esther they probably kept her around because of Kate Linder being with SAG and at the time Esther was needed as Katherine was dealing with the mystery of Arthur and his stepson that led to nowhere while “daughter” Jill got engaged to a very shady Chancellor executive played by Michael Nouri. That was the story which made Chancellor Industries a player again in business stories.



    I really hadn’t seen any opinion of new Summer except someone thought she should have been new Abby instead lol. But she definitely has brought Summer to life and yes added extra layers.


    As @Paul Ravensaid the whole topic of having to add Marchetti to the Jabot umbrella was really really dumb and unnecessary.

    Why couldn’t Summer just say working for the lady was great experience but personally can’t stand the bitch so she’s coming home out of familiarity? LOL

    Exactly! Why can't Kyle and Billy decide to revive "Glo by Jabot" while Summer takes control of Brash and Sassy with Victoria assistance. And have Newman and Jabot rival again. 

    They need to stop it with these fashion stories on this show that nine times out of ten don't go anywhere. 

  3. Diane and Ashland - The Young and The Restless 

    The two should be the scheming twosome who turns Genoa City out. Have their own reasons as to why they initially get together but they do fall for one another. Jack could show concern, but Diane tells him off stating he doesn't get to control her etc., 

    Alexis and Gregory - General Hospital 

    It's about time Alexis get with someone who is relatively normal and that could be with Finn's dead. 

    Nate and Imani - The Young and The Restless 

    Nate is a character who needs a fiery character to his more straitlaced personality which could be Imani who seems interested in him. 

    Tripp and Joy Wesley - Days of Our Lives

    It's time for Tripp to be involved in a supercouple and not being the fifth wheel. I wish they would bring on Joy Wesley who could be a new psychiatrist who initially clashes with him over professional matters then it evolves from there. 

  4. 21 hours ago, Videnbas said:

    But that was just her final three weeks (and btw I thought Ashlyn Pearce did a wonderful job rising above the mediocre writing).

    I'm talking about Aly's entire run. We learned more about Aly as a person in a short time than they ever bothered showing us about any other character in her generation. And her storylines were based around her personality, not her love life.

    Little things like her hobbies and quirks (dressing up in Medieval clothing, writing in her diary, declining a date because of her goldfish's feeding schedule), and her special bond with Pam (who was usually not taken seriously by the rest of her family).

    Her grief and the trauma of what happened to her mother, and the initially sweet relationship between her and the imaginary Darla.

    Her naiveté and obsessive idealism.

    Her anger issues that went back to when she was four years old.

    Her sweet awkwardness in her first romance with Oliver, and how he helped build up her confidence and mental stability.

    Her combination of academic precociousness and emotional immaturity.

    Her inability to understand metaphors, subtext and nuances, instead interpreting everything literally and in black or white (I wondered at the time if the actress tried to portray Aly with high-functioning autism).

    Her touching bond with Thorne.

    Her dream of becoming a shoe designer. 

    That is a lot more fleshed out and complex characterization than we've had for most other new young characters. And it was done without getting Aly caught up in some silly triangle - the character itself was the driving force in her storylines.

    I wish Brad would've put more thought into Stephanie and Eric's other children and grandchildren other than Ridge's progeny. 

    I also wished that they would've had Ridge, or somebody tell Aly that this "Idyllic" version of Darla she had in her head was just that and that her mother was a lot more like the women she branded as "impure and disgusting" in her younger years. 

    So much wasted opportunity. 

  5. Either he is playing Jason or perhaps as someone suggested on Twitter he might be playing


    A temp Drew since Cameron Mathison is shooting a movie in Canada. 

    I'm just tired of this show bring everyone and their mother and they aren't playing any of the legacy characters we care about on screen. 

  6. Robin Christopher's Skye definitely belonged on All My Children rather than GH. I mean with Hayley leaving she could've filled that void of having a grown child of Adam's on the canvas since Colby and JR were still kids. She could've been making plays for Chandler while mixing it up with Edmund, Zach, David etc., while showing her human side in scenes with her Uncle Stuart. 

    Daniel Jones - Days of Our Lives: I mean, he was romantically involved with a granddaughter and grandmother. Then he was Victor's godson who became one of Maggie's egg babies, which never made sense. He also became involved with Jennifer, Nicole, and acting, all of whom were entitled to parent JJ and Theresa as well. It was like that era when they forgot Maggie had two daughters with actual ties and history to the show. The day he died was a celebration for me and a lot of DAYS viewers. 

    Zach Slater - All My Children -I wasn't watching, but from YT clips and other people, it seems he was involved in everything and everyone on the canvas when he first got there. i.e., Erica, Maria, Kendall. And he was also involved in that Dragon storyline with Julia's return. Hell, I even saw him flirting with Mimi when she made that return.

    Janet Ciccone - As the World Turns - Look I love Julie Pinson, and I know that's unpopular on this board. But the last six months of this show didn't need to revolve around a newer character while we had Barbara Ryan talking to do a damn clown, which felt like months. Let's not forget we went to Chicago to meet her extended family, who hated her because she was a teen mother. Also, let's not forget her past with that mobster guy, played by Billy Warlock. I'm like, "WTF Cares?"

  7. What about we finally cast Lucky Spencer? 


    What about Tommy Hardy?


    What about Sly Eckert? 

    This show had a character named Sly? 

    Oh, I know let's bring on another character with no ties that the audience don't care about. 

    That's it! Let's cast! 

    New Girl Facepalm GIF by HULU

  8. 4 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Just having ventured into the B&B: From The Beginning thread, gave me an idea of a storyline that I would have written. I haven’t watched the show in, well ages, but hear me out.😉


    If Zende is back on the canvas, as I have read, what’s the reason for not having Kristen make appearances? Hell, I would have brought back Clarke Garrison as an instructor at the local fashion institute (L.A.’s version of FIT) and have he and Zende meet, bond, have Clarke mentor Zende’s path to stepping up in design (is Zende a designer? He should be).  When Kristen returns to L.A. she finds out and is thrilled that Zende is so passionate about pursuing design, has only heard briefly about an amazing design instructor but would like to know more about them. Meanwhile, Kristen is concealing the fact that her marriage has grown stagnant and she and Tony have agreed to a trial separation.


  9. I would love both Felicia and Kristen to appear more even if it involves recasting both roles. But Brad will be Brad and by the second week would lose interest in writing for them. Even though Felicia returning to the canvas with her young adult son. And not to mention I could see her being protective of Eric regarding Quinn and throwing remarks at both Quinn and Carter. Imagine her possibly being paired with Bill as well. 


    24 minutes ago, Chris B said:

    I like Tracy Melchoir as an actress, but I would've cast a name as Kristen. I find it so odd Kristen and Felicia remained gone for so long considering they were core characters. Seeing these early episodes, it's even more shocking Kristen never returned sooner when you consider how complicated her relationship was with Stephanie and her deep connection with Eric. Everything they've done with her character since the 2001 return is a disgrace and a waste of a potentially fiery character that could've shaken the canvas up.

    Who was a name back then that could've been a recast Kristen? I'm trying to think of one. 

  10. 29 minutes ago, Dr Neil Curtis said:

    Thanks for sharing this! I always wanted to see some Susan Martin stuff! She is a character I felt who should have been brought back to the canvas. Anne Milbauer should have been her daughter during her time in Salem. 

    I was hoping Anne would turn out to be Annie it would've explained her hatred towards all things "Horton" 

  11. You could tell Brad Bell didn't have much use for Finn as a character on his own. We hardly gotten to know him outside of Steffy's and to a lesser extent Sheila's orbit. I mean they never said where exactly where the man was from and let's not forget they wasted Ted King. 

    Did Finn even know he has sisters out there that Sheila hadn't mention either by name? 

  12. 44 minutes ago, FrenchBug82 said:

    And the notion that he did all this... broke all their hearts... let his son grow up without a father, enduring what HE had so suffered as a child... because he was scared to come out? I don't care that it was the late 80s, this just was stupid and another example of "we will have out gay actors on the show now but they can only play gay" (see what they did to Craig on Days).

    And all that not to never use him again. I know TB is complicated but they knew that when they came up with that dumb story.


    Talking of TB just two days ago, while killing time with YT recommendations of old YR videos, I had the most random spotting of him in the comments of an old YR promo about Leanna?
    And recently posted too! So random



    Then they had the nerve I believe in a scene at Crimson Lights Nina was encouraging Phillip flirt back with some guy. I was like "Really?" I was also surprised when Katherine told Phillip that his son was raised by Ryan which surprised me since they hadn't mentioned him in years. 

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