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Posts posted by Forever8

  1. I'm sure Trevor isn't getting paid under five that's for sure. However, Trevor is one of those actors you can tell when he isn't feeling the material and it shows. 

    I'm hoping Olivia returns to town to smack both her son and nephew upside their heads. It's clear the Barber-Winters family needs a matriarch/patriarch and I'm sorry Lily isn't capable of doing that. I mean Nate has been on for five years now and he hasn't had one conversation with his mother. If Tonya Lee Williams can't come to LA from Toronto than have her FaceTime. Or if not recast with someone like Amelia Marshall at this point. 

    Josh needs a business consultant regarding these business stories. It seems he is playing musical chairs with Newman, Jabot/Marchetti, Chancellor-Winters etc., and has no idea what to do with them. Buzzwords aren't going to make us think these companies our worth caring about. 

    And I wonder is it a Sony/CBS mandate about getting rid of the teens/young adults on this show. I mean Moses doesn't get a goodbye scene and Faith was shuffled off to U Of M. 

  2. 8 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    Two years now come November lol.

    There’s literally no one else in her age group besides Adam. She had that brief fling with Theo but obviously that was dropped with the show abruptly dropping him. I’m surprised she has yet to go after either Kyle and/or Chance. Instead we’ve seen her get paired with 60-something Jack and now a 49 year old Nick. 

    And Sally is actually the fourth woman Nick and Adam have shared, but the fourth one is actually best to be forgotten 😁

    And don't let her, Chloe, and Chelsea be in the same room together. I'm like all of you're the same archetype and perhaps one of you isn't needed. And I'm not talking about getting rid of Sally either. 

  3. 20 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    i truly believe Griffith/Morina are just making it up as they go along.

    Recast Faith as older for no reason just to send her off.

    Griffith seems to write this show like a weekly series instead of a serial drama. Why does everyone have the same conversations? Chloe has been advising both Sally and Chelsea to stay away from Adam for the last several weeks now. 

    Is this Faith and Moses swan song for sure? Or will they trot them back out for Christmas? 

  4. 4 minutes ago, edgeofnik said:

    Sadly, Brooke following her wide-open heart is a canon for B&B. Like Taylor, smart women are completely defined by their *hearts* and not their intelligence. Since Finn arrived, at least Steffy got her brain back.

    Brooke should've evolved into a less-cold Stephanie who's running FC or working with $B. KKL is perfectly capable considering she has kept Brooke viable through unbelievable awful writing.

    They act as if Taylor is the "smart one" and Brooke is the sexually brazen who is ditzy. But we all know that she created BeLief and ran Forrester successfully for a decade. 

    I agree Brooke should be heavily involved at Forrester. Heck she should be convincing Rick to take reins of the company since it is his birthright. 

  5. I bet it might be Janice Lynde back with hardly any dialogue as Leslie Brooks. I can't believe they literally had her essentially as a background character in her last stint. You would at least think she would have scenes with Jack and the Abbotts speaking about meeting Theo. Or her talking about her son Brooks taking over Prentis or mentioning what she and her sisters our up to these days. But nope she was the piano woman.
  6. Fan Favorites? I'm guessing Jill, Ashley, Traci, and perhaps Nina? Though if we're getting a Brooks sisters' reunion, I'm going to need them to have more than two lines and to have actual purpose to interact with the present characters. 

    And this crossover better involve Sheila and Lauren seeing each other and drama ensues from there. Though like others have said I wouldn't be surprised if we get some lackluster fashion show between Forrester and Marchetti. But when was the last time Forrester actually had a decent business storyline? 

  7. 17 minutes ago, SteelCity said:

    Ami the only person who liked Burgess Jenkins? He seems to be hated for no reason. I will say that I wasn't fond of Robert Newman as Ashland. He just didn't work for me.

    I don't think Burgess was the right fit for Billy, but he wasn't a bad actor. He had brought more of a 'Oh Shucks vibe" though which wasn't Billy Abbott. But I do think he had more chemistry with Gina Tognoni's Phyllis than Jason Thompson's Billy which is unpopular itself. 

  8. 19 hours ago, YRfan23 said:

    Are they not allowed to bring up Steffys scandals?? 

    Exactly! I'm tired of this show acting as if Brooke is the only one who has done wrong in the past thirty-five years. And they don't tend to mention Ridge's either i.e., Shauna or Morgan DeWitt for starters. And let's not forget raping Brooke etc., 

  9. 6 hours ago, carolineg said:

    THE PLAN TO SAVE DAYS 2022.........too soon?

    We'll see.. 

    But NBC should've gave TPTB more warning this was happening. February of next year is a long time for anyone to wait for these changes. A curse when it comes to filming episodes nearly nine months in advance. I haven't seen one promo yet of the move to Peacock during DAYS or anytime on the network. If they were smart, they would use Deidre Hall in the promo about the move to Peacock. 

  10. It feels like Josh writes this show like an episodic primetime series instead of a soap with any long story. I'm not keen when several characters change career fields at the same time. Nate should've remained a doctor but still could've been on the board of Hamilton-Winters. I'm ready for the Imani and Nate affair to happen soon. 

  11. Another Locher interview coming up

    Actress Toby Poser will join me live in The Locher Room on Wednesday, August 24th at 3 p.m. EST / 12 p.m. PST. Toby will be here to talk about her artistic collaboration with her husband and two daughters working together on Wonder Wheel Productions. Wonder Wheel epitomizes a can-do attitude toward independent filmmaking: as cast and crew, they write, act, and shoot; they produce, direct, edit and score it all.

  12. 2 hours ago, carolineg said:

    So what happens when VK doesn't book any jobs?  Is RSW going to do double duty and play Ben?  Are we expected to pretend Alex/Ben aren't the same actor?  Perhaps Victoria will become a huge movie star, but history has told us she usually comes back after a few months.  This Alex stuff has been really dumb so far.  I don't know why the show couldn't wait a few months to bring RSW back.

    With The CW soon to cater to the geriatric demographic I think her best chances is to end up on cable or a streaming series soon. 

  13. 6 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    I'm sorry for the woman who lost all her possessions and work from the fire, and I feel like any other statement ends up downplaying her loss, which is not my intent, but this just has me so down.  I am glad if Anne is at peace, shallow as that is to say. but the last week has felt so fast and so, so wrong.

    Anne is one of the best actors soaps ever had and I hope someday that is how people can remember her.

    Couldn't said it better myself. 

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