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Posts posted by Forever8

  1. 19 minutes ago, sheilaforever said:

    I look forward to these episodes. I vividly remember the Hollywood Tribute Fashion Show but have totally blanked James' Scottland tale - like completely. So either I did not see consecutive episodes back then or didn't like it. LOL


    I'm currently at #1580: Macy's alcolism had a really rough start and I have still trouble to accept the super fast descent into addiction because it does not fit with Macy for me. However, as you pointed out, it suddenly gets a gripping tale and everythign begins to click. It's really touching to see Macy caring for Kevin and trying to get her act together and face Thorne. But by the time Keith gets active it's (almost) too late for Macy who's in the downward sprial of drinking in the morning (and covering it from everyone else) or sleeping in the hallway of Sly's apartment. The inpromptu intervention in Sally's office was really good. Schae Harrison once again had the tough job to play Darla ditsy and yet not to drown the serious topic in mud. Darla standing up to Macy and the addict's attempt to take her out as the weakest link at the interention was AMAZING. I also like the layers in Sly who does not have ill intentions but is caught between a rock and a hards place because Macy does obviously not reciprocate his love for her, yet he is pining for her and can easily be stringed along. These storylines needed more focus and by June/July these characters got it. The most fascinating part probably is that Brad Bell backburnered Sheila of all people to make room it. And it works extremely well to see Sheila in a low key storyline all sudden now that she is married to Eric. Bringing her into Brooke's orbit and yet desperate to save Eric's life work and wealth is a stroke of genius. Oh, the drama!

    The battle of BeLieF is exactly as good as I remembered it. The twist with the signed copy of the contract was great fun - and I had TOTALLY forgotten that Stephanie caused the Forresters to loose Forrester Creations eventually. This was never properly adressed later on in the show, IMO. It always seemed like it was Eric's fault because did not settle his bills with Brooke properly upon his divorce. To the contrary: gloating Stephanie revealed the betrayal of the Forresters and made Brooke so angry.


    I'm curious whether the following is an unpopular opinion or not: I really like Jacquelline McInnes Wood. BUT: the pairing with Tanner Novlan is sooooo odd. She's acting all diva mode in every single scene they have shared since about mid-2021... Finn is always saying "Yes, mam" towards her and she keeps huffing and puffing, throwing around her busson and huge hair as if she were Brenda Dickson as they are sharing scenes. IMO; she needs to tone down the classic Hollywood diva mode because he is too weak an actor and the writing too weak on Finn to make them look like a couple. Interestingly enough, Thorsten Kaye and Don DIamont can totally elevate material with her.

    EDIT: if I recall correctly (and it was a bad period on the show and I blanked out a lot by now) back in 2008 (?) when they paired Steffy and Marcus together, there was a similar situation. Even as an ingenue just starting on B&B she was BURNING Texas Battle to death and made him look like an amateur.

    To be fair a first year acting student at AMDA could make Texas Battle look like an amateur. 


    I take it this is the early days of Linc Lafferty, who, once again, a new twenty-something male, falls for Lily. Meanwhile, this episode includes the end of Gail's palimony suit, in which Tonio gave evidence for Sean's defense. I cackled when Gail told Tonio that he was lousy in bed, and he proceeded to cut her off. I take this isn't long after Casey's death due to them mentioning the case involving Margo and Casey's parents while Lyla is still grieving. I also enjoyed Cal and Julie's picnic, although it comes out that Linc and Julie share a past in Seattle. He really seemed pissed that she had another kid with her first husband. 😂

    Nonetheless, I didn't care about Duncan and Shannon finding the body of some woman. I'm sure this is another attempt at a Gothic mystery between the couple. I forgot to mention we got a temp Lisa recast with Jane Powell. And a bearded Mark Pinter returns as Brian McColl, who shares scenes with his ex-love and real-life wife at the time. At first, I didn't recognize Lien due to her being dressed a tad more glamorous than usual, as she was elated to see Duke home from Seattle. 

    I know 1990 was said to be an odd year for longtime viewers, but at this point, it seemed things were getting better in the long run. (I was two months old when this episode aired.) 





  3. On 7/12/2022 at 2:27 PM, slick jones said:
    First and foremost, neither Frank Valentini nor Ron Carlivati should ever be allowed to touch on the subject of DID. The horrendous Jessica/Tessica/Wes Messica One life to Live story which completely rewrote the character of Jessica's childhood-- that took place on screen- speaks volumes about their ineptitude.  Abby/Gabi on Days shows the same, as well as Kate /Connie "Fuckaneri" nightmare on GH. Then there was Fluke.  Viki/Niki on OLTL was the gold standard in 1995. but any of these examples are the gold standard of how NOT to do a DID storyline.
    If anything, the writers (not #firefrank) should dig into the obvious throughline of Elizabeth's life. Abandonment and Loss. Here is a character that has lost everyone she has ever been close to.
    Jeff and Caroline Webber- dropped her on his step-mother's doorstep.
    Sarah- left for California
    Stephen Lars   in jail in Tennessee for the death of barely a character Maggie Wurth
    Lucky   left her more than twice
    Laura-  catatonic for years
    Emily     dead
    Jake kidnapped and presumed dead
    Nikolas presumed dead and barely acknowledges her since his return
    Franko-- dead
    Jason     buried under rubble
    And it goes on and on.  The character has been left behind and/or abandoned as a throughline to her character.
    Please, not another round of DID.    Not in the INCAPABLE hands of #firefrank....

    Anyone remembers Jessica at 17? Man, that was terrible. I'm like Ron was there when Erin was playing Jessica in her teens. She had more maturity and dignity than Bree's version of a 17-year-old Jessica Buchanan. 

    I agree with your assessment of Elizabeth. I don't want a DID story with her either. Instead of focusing on what led her there emotionally. Plus, it would make a good hallmark for Becky's 25th next month. I hope Frank has cast Jeff and Carolyn. Stop teasing the audience of mentioning them and not delivering. I'm sure Frank can find a soap vet in their late 50's to early 70's to play her parents in the parking lot of Whole Foods or Ralphs. 

  4. Some of you all acting like Ron was writing Shakespeare before Jamey came on as a writer on the main show. It's obvious Ron isn't well versed with the history of the main show.  Ryan and Jamey are the ones who our filling him in on that history. It might not be the history you care for or like. 

    Personally, I think all of the Beyond Salems should be available via the free tier for a week and then put it behind the paywall on Peacock. 

  5. 37 minutes ago, Tonksadora said:

    This is such fun! But, hey, I don't think I remember a Dot Com. And, what was the name of the place Nick had? And, what were the two places where poetry was read? Tom was such a beat daddio! I will never forget Bo #2 & Carly at the Cheatin' Heart. There they sizzled but they may have been too hot for Standards & Practices.

    Dot Com was in the 2000's it was a cafe with computers

  6. 25 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Those interactions between Tonio and Lucinda were so entertaining. Maybe some were unintentionally funny but they were really entertaining, particularly when it became clear that Lucinda had no use for Tonio because the marriage between Sierra and Tonio was coming completely undone. The fact that Tonio wouldn’t go quietly was pure entertainment. I appreciate that Peter Boynton was game to portray such a venal character.

    Speaking of diversity and representation, I only wish P&G would have let the Franklins be great. What’s his name Locher room guy didn’t ask Tonya Pinkins about the Franklins in his livestream with her. Some top notch B’way talent in that onscreen family.

    I'm also surprised that Peter Boynton hadn't appeared on The Locher Room yet. I wonder had he been asked yet? I know Peter's on Facebook. 

  7. 9 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Another rare '80s Loving episode, uploaded last November. Going by the promo for the royal variety special at the end this is likely May 24, 1988. 

    I'm always fascinated by strike episodes, and this one is especially fascinating, as we get suburban dreamboat Jim having not one, but two sets of time-filling flashbacks, and one is something I rarely saw on soaps by this point (Ryan's Hope did this a lot in the '70s) - a set of photos with Shana set around Christmastime. He has very different hair in them so I guess they must have been done a few years earlier and dredged back up. These are set to a Carpenters tune, so you see again how much soaps had money to burn at this point, even the lowest-rated.

    You also get some Gwyn (still Christine Tudor) and Jeff Hartman #1 (complete with hairy chest), latter day Roya Megnot Ava, Randolph's Alex, early Egypt, and a delightful scene of Kate and Minnie bumping booties (get your mind out of the gutter!) to Mahalia Jackson. 

    @SFK @dc11786 @slick jones @victoria foxton @Paul Raven @Forever8 @Vee

    Cannot wait to delve in. Thank You!!! 

  8. 21 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    @Forever8 Thanks. The end of that doc talking about the BBC just making Holby and Casualty into "second soaps" is true, and very sad. I have heard people complain about this for years. It killed Holby and Casualty isn't far off. 

    I know a lot of people also aren't happy that both shows get constantly roped into several award nominations with the main four soaps either. 

  9. 34 minutes ago, SteelCity said:

    Too bad that the show is so quick to eliminate any and all auxiliary families. They Avants were good. Sasha had the makings of a great conniving bitch 

    Sasha did have the potential to be show's next conniving bitch. And let's not forget the story with her mother who seemed to be suffering from schizophrenia could've been told. Though I would've loved if she was integrated onto the canvas more i.e., Thomas, Liam etc., but we know Brad has the attention span of a gnat when it comes to characters not being Liam, Hope, Steffy, Brooke and Ridge. 

  10. 7 minutes ago, OzFrog said:

    A random question… I know that Wheels apologised to Lucy early on in TNG for the car accident that happened in School’s Out, and at the time, Lucy still had a lot of anger towards him. Did she eventually forgive him for what happened?

    All I remember is what she said after he apologized to her on TNG was that she couldn't help but feel sorry for him to Raditch before going back inside the school. But I don't recall her mentioning it again during her stints between seasons 1 and 2. Nonetheless, Wheels did get to make up with Snake during Season 3 when Snake was going through his cancer battle. 

    Another long-running story was that Spike's friend Liz, who was pro-life, later became a midwife on TNG and delivered Jack in Season 3. 



  11. On 6/14/2022 at 11:49 PM, BetterForgotten said:

    Made it to season 7 in my re-watch, and I still hate what they did to Alex before writing her out and after maturing and progressing her earlier in that season. Deanna Casaluce was another underrated one who never really got her due. 

    Oh, I agree very much regarding Alex. It seemed her season of character progression and growth went out of the window. 

    Just in case if you were wondering Deanna is up to these days. 

    Deanna Klymkiw, MA | Psychology of Criminalized and Risky Behaviours Lab (PoCaRB Lab) (ryerson.ca)

  12. 22 minutes ago, Michael said:

    Alex is Justin's son with Anjelica Deveraux. He and Adrienne primarily raised Alex, though. (We've never really gotten clarity on how much contact he had with Anjelica over the years, which was a weird missing piece from when she showed up fixated on getting Justin back.) And yeah, he's being played by Robert Scott Wilson, who's about to exit as Ben. 

    Did Anjelica even mention Alex when she was there last? 

  13. 8 hours ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Uh, Frank Valentini is so cringe.

    What got me when he said something to the effect of, he doesn't show his face a lot. 🤣I'm like you act like you're one of the talents in front of the camera. 

    I bet he was busy at the after party trying to scout more out of work Daytime vets to come onto GH

  14. 17 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    I wouldn't have recognized Courtney...

    She caught me off guard at first. 

    2 minutes ago, te. said:

    Ooof, I hope that's temporary filler on Courtney and it'll go down.

    I didn't want to say anything... but same. 

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