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Posts posted by Forever8

  1. 2 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Since the wedding I have tuned out,  again relying on recaps and skimming through downloads  as there is NOTHING of interest going on.

    The wedding was a bust. Taking a bunch of characters to  a new locale for a marriage where the groom is suspect and you would expect high drama. A murder? an attempted murder? Victoria turning on Ashland as she takes her vows? Ashland disappearing? Jack banging Phyllis? 

    An original character returning with a secret?

    But no, just the usual conversations in a different setting.It was expected that a couple of new sets would keep us enthralled.

    So after that it's back to more of the same in GC.

    Poor Jack, no workplace, no family and now no home. Just wandering into frame on his cell phone surprised to once again run into Phyllis one sleeve and then devoting his time to listen to her self indulgent blather.

    They should have saved the money from Tuscany to create some offices, populate the sets with extras and give the women some classy clothes.

    Does Morina even watch the show? i'd be embarrassed to have my name in the credits as being responsible for this.

    Preach!!! It's a sad day when we don't see Jabot vs. Newman anymore and we get these two dull media companies. 

  2. 32 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    I know it was the Aussie actress in the role at the time but what a sheer lack of foresight in not thinking that maybe they could bring back Fonseca or the actress after her in the role. Both had good chemistry with Luckinbill and Fonseca's chemistry got even stronger when they played a couple on that Nikita series.

    They should've just had Colleen left town or put her into a coma until they could've found a new actress to wake her up. 


    4 hours ago, Vee said:

    Not quite so classic, but still a very memorable moment - Tracy's return in 2003. It won't embed, so here.

    I will never forget this, as my exposure to Tracy had been minimal before the 21st century. I started watching in '93 right around the time she left, and I only had very vague memories of her from '96 and on The City as I was in school and could only fake sick so much. Tracy's reputation preceded her, but seeing her in the flesh Jane Elliot was an incredible shock of adrenaline to the show and the cast in a particularly moribund, Fab 4-obsessed period that year. She upended every scene she entered.

    IIRC her first return was a brief stint to bring on Scott Clifton's Dillon and de-Q Skye - a vindictive stiletto in the ribs from Guza to JFP's reign, which as an OLTL fan I deeply enjoyed; I hated Skye acting like she belonged there - but JE was so, so good that I thought they'd be insane to keep her gone for very long. And they didn't; she was back on contract within months.

    I remember her hysterically dissing each of the Qs in turn. Stuart Damon's reaction to Tracy cutting Alan down to size does not appear to be acting - he looks delighted.

    Speaking of Skye being de-Q 

    GH: Skye is Not a Q, 2003 - YouTube


  4. 13 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    For the sake of everyone that continues to have expectations, I hope it pans out, but I'm long past the point of any actual expectations where that YouTube page is concerned.


    I didn't realize that the Michael Damian one has been postponed. Maybe Michael saw that view count? Sesame Street Idk GIF

    I hope it's an actual get and like someone said on Twitter it's someone that is a classic star who hadn't done his show before, Guesses I've seen include Eileen Fulton, Julianne Moore, Patricia Bruder, Jon Hensley, Barbara Rodell, Peter Boynton, Marie Masters, Tamara Tunie and Annie Parisse. Then again it's probably someone like Grayson McCouch or Marie Wilson.

    Michael's mother passed away so that's probably why it was postponed. 



  5. 1 hour ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    You don't watch Y&R, do you? Marland was still relatively subtle compared to Y&R's more after schoolesque type messaging. To this day, I don't know of a daytime soap that had the discipline to keep a storyline going for two solid years before the main character discovered the truth of the matter.

    Whoever it is, hopefully it will draw a higher view count than most of his recent virtual reunions.

    I hope so... 

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