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Posts posted by Forever8

  1. The writing for Brenda was abysmal during her last lengthy stint, and it seems VM wasn't that motivated until those scenes when she was ending things with Sonny. Brenda's needed on the canvas, but I don't know if FV wants her there over his latest casting stunts and blunders. She with Lucky Spencer, Tommy Hardy, and Serena Baldwin; should be on our screens right now since their parents/families/friends are still on screen too, but he is probably busy circling Ralph's and Whole Foods looking for soap vets in the produce aisle and the parking lot. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Huntress said:

    From a creative angle, I'd say GZSZ is still the best. AWZ and UU aren't bad, either, though.

    The reintroduction of Chris and Corinna on UU earlier this year was a good move and it helped bringing the core Weigel family back to the center. However, UU's ratings are hit and miss. On some days, they reach a market share between 10 and 12 percent, and on some days, they barely scratch at 7 percent – which is alarming. The show is now sandwiched between two editions of the magazine "Explosiv".

    On GZSZ, another actor is taking an extended break: In addition to Niklas Osterloh (Paul) and Thaddäus Meilinger (Felix), Jörn Schlönvoigt (Philip) won't appear on the show for at least six months. Schlönvoigt has been a contract cast member since December 2004.

    Also, there's going to be a recast: Luis Ahrens, Nina's son and Toni's brother, returns to the show this fall. From 2017 to 2019, Maximilian Braun played the teenager. Despite being a contract role, Luis only had one major storyline when he was caught masturbating on video by his classmate Brenda and was subsequently blackmailed by her. In May 2019, Luis participated in a student exchange and went to New Zealand (or Australia, the show kind of mixed this up afterwards). Now, 23-year old actor Marc Weinmann steps into the role. Weinmann promises that "Luis has changed a lot during his time abroad". He could be a potential boyfriend for Moritz 🙃


    Thanks for letting me know!!! Are you going to miss Philip?

  3. 4 hours ago, Chris B said:

    I would let go as many people as necessary to pay for her. Talk about someone guaranteed to shake up your canvas. It amazes me none of the other soaps have cast her.

    With this, I'm iffy. I love Charles, but I feel like what's the point? I also don't like that he's likely coming on as a new character when he already played a relative of Holly and Holly has a story currently up in the air.

    I could definitely see Vanessa on Bold and Beautiful as perhaps some head of a new fashion house that is in direct competition with House Of Forrester. Perhaps the character could have a past with Bill or Jack? 


    Did Frank circle around the parking lot of Ralph's again for soap vets to offer them roles? Can he find ones who can actually play on-screen legacy characters we care about such as Lucky? Serena? Tommy? 



  4. On 8/2/2021 at 9:05 PM, Faulkner said:

    The pornstache doesn’t help. Otherwise I think he still looks decent.

    That mustache gotta go but other than that he is still good looking. I think it is going to end up that Jack is Finn's bio father. Perhaps he and Sheila had some sort of twisted affair which resulted in his conception. I wish Finn had turned out to be Morgan DeWitt's. Yes I know this show's history with Sheila Carter is much greater than with Morgan. Then again imagine you're married to the son of someone who held you hostage when you were a kid?

  5. 3 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    Her IMDB birthday is listed as July 1967, although I'd guess that is at least 10 years off as there's no way that matches up to when she joined Loving

    I think she was born in 1947 or 1957 because there is no way she is the same age as Noelle Beck. 

  6. Sheila's last appearance started well, but by the time Kimberlin Brown decided to run for politics. Brad Bell had her waitressing at the Italian restaurant serving Brooke breadsticks and rigatoni. Hopefully, this time we get a semi-decent story. I take it he is younger than Mary Margaret and older than Diana.  And we can just ignore those other two children played by Wilson Bethel and Yvonne Zima from the sister show. 

    I do hope this means we can get to see both Mary-Margaret and James Warwick to help fill this story out too. 

    I did like someone's theory on Twitter I saw about Morgan DeWitt being Finn's mother. But I figured with Kimberlin tweeting back at Ted King that she was the one. I'm surprised Brad didn't try to keep this on the hush. Though I guess the show needs the publicity more at this moment. 

    4 hours ago, YRfan23 said:

    That was just a mess created by Maria HELL. 

    Yeah... we can ignore them. Sheila can only have 3 children we can care about. I do want Mary and Diana to return on the canvas. 

  7. I think Ted King's character is really Finn's biological father but had it set up like he and his wife adopted Finn because he is the product of an affair he had with Finn's bio mother, knowing if he had brought Finn home without the appearance of adoption, his wife wouldn't be so receptive. 

    Though I do hope Quinn or Shauna isn't Finn's bio mother. Everyone on this canvas doesn't need to be related all of the time. Some people think on Twitter Finn's bio mother could be Sheila. And I'm like she already has too many children. Even someone suggested that Felicia might be his bio mother, but I'm like, I don't think Brad Bell would have bio first cousins in a marriage. 

    And why Finn was keeping the fact that he was adopted by Steffy for this long? I mean half of the Forresters aren't related by blood, including Zende and herself via Massimo Marone. I'm like Brad; this isn't an Afterschool special from 1982. 

  8. 45 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    LOL! It just all seems like goofy hijinks to me. Nothing feels like it has any weight to it.

    Exactly!!! As I said on Twitter earlier. Phyllis, it's not like Sally/Tara conspired to get Summer behind bars making license plates for murdering "Ashland." Too bad that didn't happen because that would be a good story. 

  9. 3 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    Yeah, if this was part of a greater story (like Phyllis falling for Jack again and Sally is the obstacle—everything is in place to tell that story), it would be fine. Right now, I feel like they are hedging their bets on pretty much every story.

    Exactly!!! I thought Summer was gone but she's been appearing in that same hotel room in Milan. If anything they could've had Summer/Kyle working together to take Sally/Tara down. Then they can ride off in the sunset to Milan or Los Angeles. I also have a feeling that Tara/Ashland playing them and that Ashland is really Harrison's father. And this is some ploy to get back at the Newman's.  But we can't have nice things on this show. 

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