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Posts posted by Forever8

  1. 1 hour ago, ranger1rg said:

    This show needs badass troublemaker Sally, not a sweet friend with Summer.

    And we're not getting either at the moment. Besides no said she had to be a sweet friend to Summer. Friends have their trials and tribulations too. Sally still can be scheming as well as having friends. Characters used to have that most of the time in soaps. 

  2. 2 hours ago, Vee said:

    It's only because she's Victor and Ashley's daughter, young and white. That's it. She's been a waste of time since she was first SORASed. The character needs to be rested for many years. Bloodline is no longer an excuse.

    Would would you do to rehab the character of Abby then? 

  3. 14 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    Hunter King is a strong, emotionally transparent actress, but Summer is just a mushy mess of a character who reads so much younger than late 20s (even considering our infantilized Millennial generation).

    Summer should be somewhere trying to find things on Tara to use against her. Instead of currently having both of her parents to hold her hands metaphorically crying. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Liberty City said:

    I enjoy[ed] this interview and am watching it now, and I am liking how she is presenting herself, especially where Santa Barbara is concerned.



    I think TPTB not allowing her, especially in the early years, to do what she was hired to do is part of her downfall.



    Sunset Beach had potential, but, part of its issue was who worked behind-the-scenes, and the fact it was on NBC. I think it would've faired better on ABC or if Fox had tried its turn in daytime, due to Aaron Spelling's tenure with Beverly Hills, 90210.



    Well, I think the fight between the Dobsons, NBC and New World also did not help with that soap's long-term potential. From day one, that soap was doomed.



    In my opinion, she isn't hired to be emotional to these soaps. She's hired to run a business, and that's what she does: run a business. That's her job.



    She cut the stunt castings. Sorry, but, in retrospect, Genie Francis' firing at The Young and the Restless was justified.

    The character of Geneieve was completely re-written by the time of her pairing with Jack... and her whole story-driven casting was... completely stunt-casting by Maria Arena.



    How we're still stuck with Hunter King and we don't have Robert Adamson is beyond me.

    I know what her job description is. 

  5. 5 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Lmaoo yeah along with Timothy Gibbs, Robin Christopher and John Bolger

    Timothy Gibbs would be the eldest son dealing with alcoholism.

    Robin Christopher would either play the cynical eldest daughter or the vampish other woman. 

    And John Bolger would play the corrupt police chief who is straddling both sides.



  6. 2 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Well tbh, I didn't even know Hollywood Heights existed until today lol


    But the thing is with a new soap, you don't risk alienating any fans

    I actually think those are good ideas, just not on a long running soap that's never been in that style before 😂

    🤣🤣🤣  We all know she would call up Kale Browne to be the family patriarch or do the VO announcements. 



  7. 12 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Jill needed to be the EP of a brand new soap.


    Because she had all these ideas that on paper sounded like they would work, but they were implemented horribly and completely changed already established shows that didn't need to be changed. Updated maybe, but not completely changed like they were. AW did not have to become ER or Hill Street Blues. With a brand new soap, if you're the one creating the style you don't have that problem. 


    I think she might have been okay at a soap like Sunset Beach, or even Passions.

    We know a soap of hers would feature the mob and the hospital set to the opening theme of ER/NYPD Blue/Chicago Hope in a working class setting. 😉


    In all honesty, JFP doesn't have the emotional connection to these shows we have from growing up watching them. True, I'm sure dealing with networks must be hell, however, you don't change the show's overall tone. You actually see what can be used from the past and update to the present. 

  8. 7 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Mick Hazen was a talented kid; back in the days before Eddie Alderson learned to act seemingly overnight, I was desperate for him to replace him as Matthew Buchanan on OLTL.


    I always forget Natalie and Sage existed. I'm still not sure exactly who Sage is.

    Mick Hazen was one of my favorite young soap actors at the times too. I wanted him to play Jack on OLTL during the Andrew Trischitta years. 

  9. 34 minutes ago, Soapsuds said:


    Wasn't Stephen on ATWT too?

    YASS!!! I will be definitely tuning into this one!!! I wouldn't mind one from Pam Long too. 


    Stephen's writing credits 


    All My Children

    • Associate Head Writer: April 8, 2005 - January 14, 2008

    Another World

    • Associate Head Writer: March 1999 - June 25, 1999
    The Last AW Writing Team

    As the World Turns

    • Associate Head Writer (1996–1998; August 1999 - August 31, 2001)
    • Co-Head Writer: Late 1997 - March 1998

    General Hospital

    • Associate Head Writer: 1998 - 1999
    • Script Writer: 1998

    Guiding Light

    • Co-Head Writer: 1990 - 1994
    • Associate Head Writer: 1985 - 1990

    One Life to Live

    • Script Writer: December 5, 2003 - September 14, 2004
  10. 29 minutes ago, Cat said:


    :ph34r: Apologies -- don't mean to invoke her name! The show has never gotten over her disastrous tenure, and her fingerprints are still all over the joint -- and now we have Stitch popping back in. Am cringing at the thought of scenes between him and the Abbybot. 

    Don't worry!!! I've seen people hinting or theorizing on Twitter about her coming back. If anything let her be part of developing a soap opera in Europe be a thing once again. 

  11. 1 hour ago, Cat said:

    Is JFP returning also? He is the embodiment of her godforsaken era at Y&R. She loves a bland, generic-looking leading man.

    Bite your tongue... This show is already a mess. We would have Sharon off her bipolar medicine as soon as she arrives. 

  12. 24 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I definitely see IR as being on the chopping block.   He's on, but he doesn't really make an impact.   There is no inkling the show is re-pairing him with Carly and his Nina stuff was a bust.   I can see keeping him around for the Nina/Mike stuff, but not much longer.  The show had no problem canning him in 2011 when he was in the middle of several stories and we knew a lot less of his off screen personality.  I would absolutely keep him over Easton,  Howarth, and Mathison as Drew because he's Jax and has all this history.   Unfortunately he's been pretty useless for years riding of late 90's and early 2000's popularity. 


    I like Sonny/Nina.  Not because they having any real romantic heat, but it's something different.   It weirdly makes me like both Sonny and Nina as characters more even if it's all fake.  I think the pacing is weird because we have to see CW and MB so much due to contract guarantees.  Nothing real happens for days at a time, but there they are.


    I need something to happen with Cameron/Joss/Trina.   There needs to be some romance or happiness because they are all so miserable.  I wouldn't be against bringing Spencer or Emma back.

    I wouldn't mind a Spencer/Trina romance mirroring her Aunt Gia and Nikolas' relationship 20 years ago. 

  13. The next Locher Room will feature 


    The Snyder kids will join me live in The Locher Room on Wednesday, June 30th at 3 p.m. EST / 12 p.m. PST. Ellery Capshaw (Natalie), Allie Gorenc (Sage), Mick Hazen (Parker) and Christopher Tavani (Luke) will be here to share their memories of playing the kids of two of Oakdale's most popular couples (Lily & Holden and Carly and Jack) and tell us what they have been up since As the World Turns went off the air.



  14. 7 minutes ago, Cat said:


    Please No GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY


    No offense to KKL who is still a fine-looking lady, but Naomi Matsuda looks so beautiful, elegant and glowy in the press shot! I would love if B&B actually wrote for an Asian-American character like an actual, you know, human being, but Brad doesn't even do that for his existing cast, so that may be too much to ask.


    As for Ted King, he has always exuded a very sexy and cerebral presence. Honestly, he was too good for the second-fiddle role they gave him on GH, so I'm not sure if I want to see his character play second fiddle to Bill and Ridge (which he will inevitably do).

    I do hope at least one of Finn's parents is in the fashion or publishing industry so they will be able to mix it up with other members of the canvas outside of Finn/Steffy. 

  15. 5 hours ago, janea4old said:

    EW says that Naomi Matsuda will play Finn's mother "Li". 


    EW, IMDB, and several other websites are *erroneously* stating that Matsuda played Tori Narita (Paul's mother) on Days.

    But Matsuda never aired.  Matsuda was cast as Tori, and began fiming in the role, and was in NBC spoiler pics, but she never aired.  The role was recast shortly after she began filming.  She never appeared on Days.


    Tori Narita was played by Hira Ambrosino during the entirety of the character's run on air.

    Thanks for the clarification because I was like this woman looks different than the woman who played Paul's mother. 

  16. 12 hours ago, carolineg said:


    It's is weird Marlena treats family members (including her husband) and close friends.  It's always been like that though.  Laura and Kim used to treat people even though I can't recall what Kim was (social worker or licensed therapist).  The only other psychiatrists on this show I remember were bad guys.   But this show has never been great with the accuracy of the medical field or any field of work really lol.


    Honestly, instead of making both Carrie and Belle lawyers, I may have made one of them a shrink.  It's actually weird none of Marlena's kids or grandkids ever showed any interest in medicine.  It would be interesting if Allie decided to get into social work or psychology after her trauma instead of starting a bakery when she doesn't bake.

    Exactly!!! Allie should decide to become a counselor at the hospital that deals in trauma. And for Chanel I would've preferred if she would've opening a boutique instead of a bakery. But at least Chanel/Allie has goals unlike most of the twenty/thirtysomething set on soaps these days. 

  17. 6 minutes ago, DemetriKane said:

    @Jonathan yea i caught that too, i cackled down when i saw marissa pic fly pass.


    @Forever8 thanks for posting. Happy they got to reunite. He did say in his interview that  he was looking for her on social media.

    You're Welcome!!! Glad he was able to do so. 

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