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Posts posted by Forever8

  1. Kimberly McCullough (Robin Scorpio) was the guest on yesterday's  SOD Podcast. In it she talks about her career in acting and directing. She also mentioned she as well as Shiri Appleby was up for the role of Robin back in 1985. 





    AddieCate also has uploaded more episodes of GH from 1994/1995 too.





  2. Alan Locher will welcome Y&R’s Tricia Cast (Nina), Michael Corbett (ex-David) and Jess Walton (Jill) to his YouTube show, The Locher Room. The trio will participate in a live interview on Wednesday, May 20 at 3 p.m. ET,



  3. 52 minutes ago, fivethej said:

    How come Erica Lovejoy (Mary Warwick) has never returned?




    Good Question!!!


    I wanted her to return when Sheila came back a few years ago. As well as James Warwick made that blink if you miss it appearance when Sheila was blackmailing him. I would've loved to see Mary-Margaret being torn between her parents as well as interacting with others on the canvas too. 

  4. A few years ago during the summer I was watching Guiding Light episodes circa 1991 for the first time. And the character of Roger Thorpe was the big bad of the show. However, all the roads didn't lead back to Roger like every road on this show for the most part leads back to Adam. This is why I wished he would've stayed dead after Justin Hartley left for This Is Us. 

  5. Like I said on Twitter if she is coming back I don't need to see her serving breadsticks to the canvas like she was doing before her non-exit. If she does come back I need for Brad to bring back her daughters and decide to get back into their lives too.


    Diana could be a millionaire due to Massimo dying and leaving her money that she uses to build her own fashion house that actually causes competition with Forrester Creations. And Mary Margaret could've became a doctor like her father James. She can be on the fence of a reunion with Sheila because of their past i.e. Erica Lovejoy era. 


    But I do want Lauren this time to find out her greatest enemy is alive in Los Angeles. They need to do a crossover with both shows. Although, since Scotty isn't on canvas on YR I don't think it would happen. 

  6. 33 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    I know that was a whole lot of blather to go through so I appreciate you reading it and your kind words. I know most of that would never get on EE (probably for the best), but I do think some of those ideas could work and the cast would deliver if given the chance. 


    I also wanted to write a fic on Walford Web sometime so at least this has reminded me that I should do so.

    No I don't mind reading it at all!!! I hope they eventually will bring back Vicki because Sharon needs more of her family around more than ever. And they might as well go ahead and recast Zoe because Michelle Ryan doesn't want to come back. 

  7. 1 hour ago, DRW50 said:


    I'm not even sure where I'd begin, but:


    Denise and Jack marry in an intimate ceremony with Libby returning. Jordan also returns...befuddled when he learns Lucas had told everyone he was dead. Jack struggles to feel especially close to his own children, but becomes a father figure to Jordan. Jordan raises insecurities in Isaac, leading Sheree to scheme against him, leading to conflict between Patrick and Sheree. 


    As part of a creative writing class, Denise details her dramatic life story. After getting rave reviews, she decides to become a writer. Her first book is a critical darling, which causes a man claiming to be her father to come out of the woodwork. 


    All the dramas, along with a heavy caseload, lead Jack to pay less and less attention to Amy and Richard. Phil, wanting more access to Raymond, gets in touch with Sam, convincing her to fight for custody of Richard, and to dig up dirt on Jack's very dirty past.


    Jay and Honey part ways after she terminates their unplanned pregnancy. Jay relapses into drugs, with Pam Coker, Phil, Rainie, and a guilt-ridden Billy helping him get clean. 


    Shirley becomes obsessive with finding Tina. This climaxes on the night of Whitney and Gray's engagement party when a very much-alive Tina storms into the packed Vic with her sister, revealing that she pretended to be dead until Gray dumped her body. Gray takes Stuart hostage. Ben is near and has the chance to intervene, but is frozen in fear. Callum, who has a gun hidden, has to take a kill shot from a distance, knowing he could easily kill his own brother. Luckily, he gets Gray, but no matter how much he tells Ben he understands, he clearly does not. 


    As various Walford residents attempt to celebrate at a back-to-normal garden party, a strange young man who bears an eerie resemblance to Jamie Mitchell collapses. Sonia nurses him back to health and is encouraged to find new love and life experiences. Phil, for the first time in many years, is overcome with shame, and nearly falls off the wagon until Kat stops him. Ben is crushed when he overhears Phil tell Kat that he thinks he was cursed with Ben for the way he treated Jamie. Martin, even more guilt-ridden and with zero support, descends into alcoholism. Ruby is disgusted by his weakness and confesses all her crimes to him when she knows he will be too drunk to properly understand. She decides to leave Walford, selling E20 to Kheerat, Dotty, Tiffany, Keegan and Vinny. A lonely Kim takes pity on Martin and they slowly fall in love.


    Bernadette backs out of being a surrogate, but Karen, pregnant after a one-night stand with Mitch, and knowing she is too old and poor to raise another baby, lets them adopt hers.  


    Phil and Kat marry. Ben pretends to be happy for them all the way up to the reception, where he lights into them in an unhinged speech that leads Phil to disown him - for good. 


    A distanced Callum is further put off by Ben's tantrums about Phil and Kat, his lack of interest in helping Jay,  his crime sprees, and his lack of patience with Lexi. He and Vinny slowly begin an affair. When Ben catches them, he doesn't let on, playing the doting husband as he cuts Vinny's brakes. Unfortunately for him (if not for viewers...), Ash jumps into his car when she walks in on Peter and Suki post-coitus. She dies of her injuries. Peter returns to New Zealand with his tail between his legs. Suki pretends not to care, but is secretly devastated, and goes through a lengthy breakdown that Jean, in spite of Suki's awful treatment of her, helps her through. Suki becomes the crime lord of Walford, since apparently we must always have one, but a human one.


    Callum files for divorce and shacks up with Vinny. Ben and Phil have a vicious argument when Phil catches him about to torch Vinny's new club. Phil has a massive stroke. Ben and Kat go to war over Phil's 'empire,' with a returning Louise torn between them. Kat also struggles to raise her kids, but is relieved when Zoe returns to help her. She does not realize Zoe has several secrets...


    Lee returns to Walford to help Mick after Linda chooses to spend the remainder of her pregnancy with her mother, to avoid stress. Old tensions flare, and Whitney stirs the pot between Lee and Mick for reasons even she doesn't fully understand. 


    Rainie and Stuart grow apart due to the stress of raising two small children. Stuart steps in to keep Whitney away from Mick, leading them to begin a sexual relationship neither are fully comfortable with but both need. Rainie, meanwhile, begins to fixate on Jay, and, as he gets close to her children and appreciates her humor and vulnerability, they also begin a relationship. To make matters even messier, both feeling like outsiders, Jay and Whitney begin to develop feelings for each other. 


    Chelsea's various debts lead her to take more and more risks. Lee saves her from some thugs. She tries to keep a distance, not wanting to define herself by another man, especially after learning of his baggage, but the intense sexual and emotional attraction is too much to resist. Their various issues and painful pasts push them away from each other more than once, but they never stay apart for long. Chelsea gets her old job at the Vic back and slowly forms a friendship with granny-from-hell Shirley.


    Long nights at the club and many opportunities for fun and adventures make Tiffany and Keegan realize they married too young. They end up having a threesome with Dotty, leading to many murky complications.


    Kathy is contacted by a young man who claims to be Donna Ludlow's son, abandoned at birth. Kathy is doubtful, and when his story turns out to be true, struggles to balance her getting to know him with the memories of her rape and painful relationship with Donna haunting her yet again.  


    An isolated Sharon leans more and more on new brother Zach. Shaken to the core when a blood test tells her that Albie is Phil's son, not Keanu's, Sharon begins calling Zach, "Dennis," here and there, always apologizing when she does. Zach tries to ignore this, but is horrified when Sharon tries to kiss him. A mortified Sharon has a breakdown and wanders off in the night, leaving Zach to take care of Albie. Various residents begin the hunt for her, which also leads her sister Vicky to return to Walford. 

    👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 I would love for this to be on my screen!!! Also love the legacy characters returning to the canvas too. It has balance of family, community, and sensationalism. 

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