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Posts posted by Forever8

  1. 13 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    The last scene in that 1992 episode is exquisite. 


    @Forever8 Hell, even the 2005 episode is happy and light compared to what we get now. The show, or the BBC, just can't break the addiction. I'll be honest, I didn't even watch 2019. I did watch 2020, and I regret doing so - Ian smashing up the pub was one of the most embarrassing, pathetically self-aware moments in EE history. "Queen Kate" and Jon Sen are hacks through and through.




    It seems the BBC or whoever prefer EastEnders at Christmas Time to be a depressing time with a lot of things happen to grab a headline TBH. I wouldn't mind if he we get balance of something happening huge but with a dose of community spirit and family in the mix. Instead we get half-baked paternity reveals, the show's longest-running heroine getting treated like crap by a mob-adjacent family and senseless murders of the next generation all in the name of sensationalism. 


    If it was up to you @DRW50@NothinButAttitude how would you fix EastEnders? I'm curious to read your thoughts if you have any. Thanks!!! 

  2. 36 minutes ago, DRW50 said:


    I blame most of this on the Stax Christmas from 2007. Before then Christmas episodes were more balanced - yes, some were OTT misery-fests, like the wretched 2006 episodes, but most were not. 

    Imagine a cheerful ending of a balanced Christmas episode like this one from 1992 these days with community and family at the center of it. 



  3. 13 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    Interesting. From what I remember, there were insinuations that because Daniel had played such a major part of the character's history, especially when MS was in the role, that it wouldn't be long before the character (and Graziadei) would make an appearance. Maybe that was being said in an effort to quell backlash as a result of Tonioni being unceremoniously let go? From what I am reading, seems like the show could use a visit from the character, for more than one reason.

    I've been saying on Twitter that it is time to age up Daniel's daughter Lucy to come stay with Grandma Phyllis. I wouldn't mind a stint or two from Daniel. Though I wonder if Michael Graziadei would want to do it? Then again he is about to have twins in real life so maybe he wouldn't mind the work?! 



  4. 13 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Although I wouldn't exactly call it "sexual" per se, I definitely noticed that Mariah Copeland had a kind of what I would refer to as 'intimate chemistry' with onscreen brother Noah Newman (Y&R). In fact, it seemed like the strongest chemistry either actor had onscreen with another member of the opposite sex onscreen, with the possible exception of Mariah and Daniel Romalotti.


    By the way, has the show brought Daniel since MS has returned to the role of Phyllis?

    Not since she has been been back. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    Re: this actress playing Tara. Bill Bell and the production teams of his era would have used her red-rimmed eyes and depressive nature to poignant effect, but on this flat, two-dimensionally produced show, she just feels sorta wan and forgettable.

    Jabot needs players with more gravitas than Kyle and Summer with Jack as a babysitter. 

    It’s always nice to see Tricia Cast, but how they’re using Nina is a bummer. 

    I wanted Tara to be this era's version of Cassandra Rawlins. But between the choice of actress and story I'm over it. 


    I wish we had more on-screen employees at Jabot too. Don't get me started on Victoria and Nikki being the only employees at Newman. 


    Other than Kyle, Summer and Jack. I know Mariah works there but we don't see her there. I wish Billy was back working there instead of him trying to be the Midwest version of Harvey Levin. Also I wish Jabot was actually working on a product/campaign for a new cosmetic line i.e. Glo By Jabot etc., 

  6. 38 minutes ago, SoapDope said:

    Katherine just disappeared. Morgan Brittany said she figured she would be called back to the show, but that was it for her.


    In the late 80's they should have had a dummy corporation crop up and start purchasing shares of Ewing oil in a plot of a corporate take over. When it is finally revealed, little Lucy (who J.R. thought was a dumb and weak like her father) marches in with her entourage declaring her presidency of Ewing oil. Lucy then would tell J.R.


    "All those years you thought I was just your silly little niece who was only interested in boys and clothes" I spent years plotting how I would make you pay for things you did"


    " You took me away from my parents and hurt them time and time again"


    " Now it's you who is going to hurt" "I'm taking away the only thing you ever loved, Ewing Oil"


    " Now get the hell out of my office" 



    I would've loved to seen that!!!

  7. I miss business storylines on this show particularly that would actually show the company working on a cosmetics line from start to finish. i.e. Beauty of Nature, Glo By Jabot, and Tuvia and Safra. Now it's just talk and little to no action. A few years ago I wanted Jabot to revive "Glo By Jabot" when the twins, Shauna, and Reed were around on the canvas. 


    Now we get a tiny Jabot boardroom with PowerPoint presentations in 2020-2021. SMH!!! Even on a show like Generations : The Legacy - A South African soap with even lower budget we actually see characters working at the media company from the ground floor employees to the board members. 

  8. 2 hours ago, te. said:

    That's very cool actually! I knew that there was supposed to be a fourth friend who was still living in New York (which eventually became became Cassie), but was dropped since they didn't want to do dual action in Savannah / New York. I had no idea she was cast and even shot scenes.

    Savannah is on my list of shows to watch. Was Cassie mentioned in the first season or not? 

  9. 12 hours ago, FrenchBug82 said:

    Yes. And Sally has a sister named Coco (urgh @ that name).

    But I don't recall anything being said about her parents. So much so that when it struck me that Sarah B. would make a good mother pick for her I looked up to check if I hadn't memory-holed a "killed in a car accident" reference or something

    All I know about Sally Jr. Parents were that they were Carnies who abandoned their kids. And somehow I can see Sarah Buxton playing a carnie with a scheming side. 

    57 minutes ago, slick jones said:

    I  know DD can be a pill on Twitter...But how do you blame him?


    He was in a position where he carried the show for years and likely got offers from other shows to leave and join their casts.  He was loyal, stayed the course.  He watched peripheral co-stars like Laura Bryan Birn and Carolyn Conwell get dropped with no exits.  He kept working while his co-star Lauralee Bell chose to go recurring.  His character's daughter had three incarnations, but none stuck around. They made Ricky a deranged serial killer.  They gave him a third child in Dullan, then dropped his connection with Sharon (through Dullan) and closed him off from stories.  With Rey as town cop, they don't use him at all.


    Bitter, I would be.    Y&R shat all over him.  They could have easily given him a romance with Ashley or Traci, or simply let Lauren back into his orbit.  Both he and Kristoff were both treated like red-headed step-children before Kristoff passed.  40 years of loyalty deserves at least a few scenes a month.  Davidson was counting on continued employment and got screwed.  They could easily have recast Heather and included him in her story.


    Here's a thought....  instead of force feeding Chelsea down our throats, they could have written him a story.

    I do agree he has a right to his feelings but he has gone overboard with things. I'm sure a lot of the Black and POC colleagues would've loved to receive at least half of his screen time over the 40 years he was on the show. 


    I remember last year wanting him in a few scenes with Nate. Since he and his father Nathan were once good friends and fellow PI's. He could've talked to him when he was dealing with Elena/Devon/Amanda. And how Nathan himself found himself being unfaithful to Olivia since Paul was one of the first ones to find out. But now I'm like I don't think he'll be back unless he wants to come back or LLB comes back for more than a week. 

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