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Posts posted by Forever8

  1. 9 minutes ago, YRfan23 said:

    Thanks! I figured her lack of an accent had to do with her growing up in America, but it’s crazy for a while I really thought she spoke like that! 

    I didn't know that either until I read about it. It surprised me and so did when I found out Fiona Hutchison was born in the states but her accent on both One Life To Live and Guiding Light was seamless as well. Probably because her parents were British. 

  2. 13 minutes ago, Faulkner said:

    JMW is a good enough actress to sell most things, but not buying Finn/Steffy as this great love story. They haven’t invested enough in Finn for this to work.

    We don't know anything about Finn's background AT ALL!!! Brad of course hasn't developed him as an actual character before rushing him into a romance with Steffy. I'm expecting a psycho ex or a meddling parent played by a 90's television star. 

  3. 19 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    I like that they did everything at the same time. It allowed multiple storylines to transition into something new (Finally) lol


    If it were me, I'd have Nina find Sonny, and at first want to bring him back, but then after a furious fight with Carly, changes her mind. Have Jax and Carly reunite, and when Nina finds out, brings Sonny back to PC and has him walk in on Jax and Carly in bed, triggering Sonny's memory and causing more problems for everyone.


    I'd finally bring back Lucky and reunite him with Elizabeth.


    As for Peter, I'd probably kill him off or make him a complete villain, no redemption at all. Possibly even have him kill Cyrus too lol


    I'd also cast a new hunky stud for Lucas and pair Brad/Felix, until Brad/Lucas inevitably reunite.

    Good Ideas!!!

  4. Michael Zaslow Tribute On Next Week's Locher Room!!! 


    Please tune in to The Locher Room on Friday, March 19th at 4 p.m. EST for a very special tribute to one of the most beloved and talented actors to ever hit our daytime television screens, Michael Zaslow. Michael's daughter Marika will join us along with his Guiding Light co-stars Maureen Garrett (Holly Thorpe), Fiona Hutchison (Jenna Bradshaw), Liz Keifer (Blake Thorpe), Kimberley Simms (Mindy Lewis) and Sherry Stringfield (Blake Thorpe)




  5. 5 minutes ago, Mitch said:

    Patti was trying to play the fan game that Zimmer and Newman were so adept at.  She started her own website and she got the Suzz fans (as they called themselves and believe it or not there were people into the those two..probably not many but Patti was trying her best to create a Jeva...) going nuts, even sending her kids gifts..it was incredibly inappropriate. Anyway, on a message board people were complaining about Jeva's airtime and the dumb strorylines..(remember, these were the days where Kim and Robert were off for two days in a row they complained about being back burnered..) Patti, trying to cur favor or just thinking she was helping jumped in and started to argue with the posters...(as if Kimmer ever needed ANYONE to fight her battles... and she always knew people bitching were people talking) eventually telling someone to "BITE me,'' which apparently helped to lead to her firing or at least she was out of the good graces of Rauch and Madd and no one stopped Labine from writing her out.

    Thanks! I remember reading about this on the board over the years. But never got the full story until now. 

  6. Another Locher Reunion 



    Patti D'Arbanville (Selena Davis) and Tammy Blanchard (Drew Jacobs) 


    Emmy Award-winning actress Tammy Blanchard and the incredibly talented Patti D'Arbanville will join me live in The Locher Room on Thursday, March 18th at 3 p.m. EST / 12 p.m. PST. Viewers couldn't take their eyes off this talented duo when they played Selena Davis and Drew Jacobs,






  7. 1 hour ago, FrenchBug82 said:

    I will be the one to put it out there that I have always thought that for a show about fashion, B&B usually doesn't dress its female characters very well.



    Bell does not like to play beats. 
    Bell's pattern is easy: he gets ideas, gets enthusiastic, plays it to the hilt, gets bored shortly thereafter and doesn't want to take the time to carefully unravel it and transition to the next one. He just abruptly drops it with a throwaway scene.
    Like a child, when he is bored with his toy, he throws it to the side and moves on the next one. He doesn't take the time to put it away neatly.
    One of my B&B traumas is how he undid three years worth of Brooke/Thorne in less than a week. But look at all the stories that drove the show for a while and then were dropped abruptly without any clean-up or fallout. Steffy's addiction was cured in a hot minute. Thomas dumps Sally suddenly. Caroline was killed off-screen. Maya and Rick are suddenly divorced. I could go on.
    He makes no investment in telling what happens AFTER the story and, as you said, he doesn't care about the beats. He gives us tons of repetitive scenes by secondary characters speculating about what might be happening while it is happening but no discussions of the fallout once things have happened, which would be so much more interesting.
    Even in the 30m format, it is beyond frustrating and lessens our emotional investment.

    I don't know what happened with Steffy's addiction story?! Was it because when he found out JMW was pregnant IRL so he decided she might've thought doing the story was stressful. Or was this just a plot point to get Finn "acclimated" onto the canvas? Or another thought I had was he got scared if COVID ramped up again meaning production had to be suspended he was fearful of not being able to finish out the story? They could've had Steffy dealing with her addiction for months. Until it was time to usher JMW off-canvas on her maternity leave. Steffy could've went to rehab somewhere in Palm Springs or Santa Barbara for 30/90 days. 


    I'm beyond ready for Brad and Co. to explore Finn's background. All we know about the man is that he is a good-looking doctor who got caught up in Brad's latest WTD storyline who is overly-dedicated to Steffy who can stand up to Liam. It just seemed he created this character to shut up the fans who've been crying for a new male character to be on the canvas. 

  8. 12 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I would say technically Michael is a legacy character and he's still dull as dirt, but SM as Sasha maybe could do something more.  I find her more appealing than Willow.  I think she would have made an okay Christina Baldwin, but they would have to give her some sort of nickname with 2 Christina/Kristina's on the canvas lol.  The problem is the quad is made up of 4 generally good, boring characters.  At least make one of the girls a villian or a least a vixen-y bad girl.  


    I was talking about Michael and either Serena or Christina being the two legacy children in the quad. 


    But the rest I agree with! All of them being relatively good is the problem. Sasha being on crack could've had potential but she was overacting and the story quickly became a mess. 

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