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Posts posted by Forever8

  1. 7 hours ago, John said:

    Kirsten Storms was in talks with One life To Live  when GH approached her about taking over as Maxie Jones. Storms said GH shot in LA and she was a fan so she was happy to get GH

    I wonder which role? I could see her as Sarah Roberts. 

  2. 12 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    The soap industry has forever promoted the notion that only external forces have caused the decline of the genre. Every soap/daytime drama podcast that I have listened to in the last decade has railed on about working women and the O.J. Simpson trial as the causes, but almost none have discussed the poor executive and creative choices that have resulted in ratings deterioration.


  3. 9 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    Once again the Devon/Elena/Nate/Amanda quad moves too fast to even provide suspense or buildup of tension. Like Elena and Nate being revealed too fast now we have Elena and Devon revealed too fast. Being it Feb sweeps and all is when Devon & Amanda really should have found out that Nate & Elena had been having a steamy secret affair since October but like we said at the beginning it seems to be February “sleeps” instead.


    The sad thing is it’s still the best storyline on the show at the moment.



    February Sleeps is the perfect thing to call it this year.  🤣🤣🤣

  4. 1 hour ago, Huntress said:


    She'll be gone for another 3 months soon because the actress takes part in "Let's Dance" (German version of "Strictly Come Dancing") 😄



    I'm not sure yet because these two characters have been gone for so long ... they'll probably be two completely new people. However, a resurgence of the Weigel family is badly needed as they have always been the core family of the show.
    And yes, Chris returned from the army in the show's opening episode.


    These were the original portrayers Cecilia Kunz and Oliver Bootz ... they were pretty, flawless 90s people.






    The new actors look more grounded and middle class. On the right is Chris's younger brother Till who received a recast as well last year.
    BTW, the actor Constantin Lücke is openly gay and happily married.

    Thanks!!! Keep us updated when possible!!! 

  5. 18 hours ago, Vizion said:

    What does Nick even do? Does he have a job? What does Phyllis do?  Do either of them have homes? They seem to spend all their time in the lobby of that dumb hotel talking about Summer and Kyle or Victoria and repetitive flirting. Neither seems to have much of a purpose anymore. No significant jobs, no rivalries, no friends, no homes, nothing resembling a story. 


  6. 37 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    The show made many savage and idiotic maneuvers in the 11th hour of the show's end run, and killing off Jennifer, Bryant and making Adam Munson a sociopath were just a few examples. Killing off Jennifer a few short years before the real life passing of Benjamin Hendrickson, seemed like a cruel twist in the end.


    Jennifer absolutely should've spent time as a vixen, following in her mother's previously trod footsteps.

    Instead, in a bid to make "fetch happen", TIIC were trying to make Katie some type of vixen, which was laughable. Then they wrote Jade as doing the work of a vixen, which is the work they should've had a grown woman doing. A mess! Nobody in that show's last twelve years knew how to write a woman character even half-way realistically.

     Hastings must have wanted Lyla and Bob to reunite then? And do what with Kim? I could not imagine Dennison's Lyla having four grown children and grandchildren. In Perhaps if the character were brought back in the show's last years. I could kind of see her as a Maggie Crawford recast though.

    They should've never killed off Jennifer Munson. At least if they wanted her off the canvas maybe she could've went off to NYC with Johnny and Dusty to live for a few years. Then she returns to Oakdale for instance if BRO got in trouble and Paul is the one who calls for her to get them out of trouble because of her designs. 


    Also, I wished they would've put more value on the Hughes family in the latter years as well. I would've loved if a teenage Hope came to stay with Grandma Kim and Bob due to Andy nor Denise being able to control their now rebellious daughter. I can see Kathryn Hays relishing to say "Kiddo" again. As well as Margo who is Hope's aunt could've been someone she confide in too. She, Faith, and Parker could've been a teen unit.


    I thought Jade would've work like you said a few years ago if she was spread more across the canvas evenly. Maybe Carly could've took her under her wing like Lisa used to with all of the waifs and stays in Oakdale. Her just being there to come in between Will & Gwen and be bitchy with Maddie and be Luke's bestie cousin. 


    Let's not get into them killing off Bryant Montgomery. I would've loved it if it was revealed he was alive that Tonio Reyes was holding him hostage. I'm sure Peter Boynton wasn't going to bankrupt them if they would've done this story in 2004/2005. 

  7. 40 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    I agree, and neither Smith nor Dennison were of the caliber of actor capable of rising above the material.

    90% of that story is FF material for me. It just doesn't hold up well, imo. The one point of interest was the fact that Daryl had sired a child by his sister-in-law Barbara. To add insult to injury, later writing regimes did almost nothing with the character of Jennifer Munson, giving her a brief spark before killing her off, which, in the long arc of Oakdale history, makes the character and all elements of that storyline feel pointless.

    I wish they would've brought back Darryl and Carolyn Dana back in the 2000's when Jennifer was alive. It would've been an interesting story to have Jennifer torn between Hal and her biological father. Along with a half-sister she doesn't know who could've been a vixen herself. 


    So much wasted opportunity with ATWT's legacy characters. 

  8. On 2/11/2021 at 9:11 AM, Forever8 said:

    Finally on LA Law - Season 6 


    More on my thoughts of the first episode of the season when I'm done watching it. 

    I'm on Episode 9 of Season 6 and WTF did I just witnessed? Leland and Grace kissing. It felt like they didn't know what to do with Susan Dey/Grace at all. They should've just written her out at the end of the season with Victor and Michael. 


    When I collect myself more I will discuss some more. 

  9. 4 hours ago, cassistan said:

    I would also have to agree about AMC 2.0 being the best soap of the 2010s and the best the show had been in over a decade. I mean every storyline was clicking, the actor’s were all acting their hearts out too, loved the usage of vets. The whole cast deserved emmy’s for that year. Too bad Brooke’s Talk Tempo was just beginning to heat up once it was cancelled. She was finally being written the way I always envisioned her to be. 

    This might be an unpopular opinion but I do not think Pine Valley necessarily needs Susan/Erica to survive AMC 2.0 proved that and year’s like 1994 with the tornado shown me that as well. I will greatly welcome her with open arms but she’s not the be all of All My Children imo. I contribute a lot problems with the shows last decade with them catering to Erica and her Girls and forgetting about everyone else.

    But remember this is primetime not daytime. Meaning general audiences remember All My Children for Erica Kane AKA Susan Lucci. TPTB is going to be looking for additional eyeballs to the ones who watched the show when it was on 5 Days A Week. Now if Pine Valley was taking over GMA3 spot then yes I could see the show being more of an ensemble without her. 


    Though, I'm not saying Erica has to be in every episode. And I hope Angie & Jesse is included in this reboot as well as Brooke somehow too. 


    I wouldn't mind if SMG Kendall reconnect with Anton Marrick again. Have Anton be the new chief of staff of Pine Valley Hospital. 

  10. 12 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    It’s also a shame that in 1994 that Aunt Jill didn’t get shipped two hell raising teens in Chuckie and Jennifer because Snapper, Chris and Sally couldn’t handle them. 😁 I can only imagine Liz just casually dropping them off at the Abbott mansion to a shocked Jill lol. 

    I would love this so much!!! 


    Jennifer is on the couch at the Abbott Mansion talking on the phone. Jill saunters into the house barking orders at Mamie then greets her niece. Then realizes she is making a call to London which she shuts down with the quickness. 🤣🤣🤣

  11. 19 hours ago, YRfan23 said:

    So bizarre :(  and the fact that they decided to basically ignore the plot all together with Dru later "forgiving" Malcolm, without further mention of what happen,  and only years later decided to revisit the story by retconning Lily's paternity. 

    The show at the time made it seem like Dru and Malcolm had some hot one-night-stand. Instead of what it was. Did Neil ever find out his brother took advantage of his wife while she was on cough medicine? 

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