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Posts posted by Forever8

  1. 14 hours ago, DramatistDreamer said:

     Thank you.

    For too long, the reflexive line has been about music rights when it's doubtful that this is at the heart of the matter.

    SoapNet used to air plenty of classic soaps, many that had use of music. Are people trying to say that Ryan's Hope never used music cues? 


    The issue was with P&G. The issue remains P&G and how they regard their soaps.

    I laugh at how P&G "care" about these iconic shows. They're like someone who doesn't the second piece of pie, but they don't want to give it to anyone else because they can. 

  2. 22 minutes ago, prefab1 said:

    Those flashbacks were incredibly campy, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy them. Emily O'Brien did a pretty good American accent as Gwen's mom Tiffany, and Marci Miller's Missy Reeves impression was hilarious, as was Cady McClain's take on Jamie Lyn Bauer's fluttery affect. 

    I still would have rather had someone on Jack's side of the family secretly paying Tiffany off, but I thought they gave a plausible explanation why Laura would do this. 

    Emily O'Brien has been living in California since she was nine years old. 😉

  3. 2 hours ago, Vee said:

    It's partly the speed, I'm sure, but Ron also loves to do these kind of scenes or stories where unlikely or oppositional pairings come together in a time of crisis and outright embrace and sometimes become BFFs. He did it with Téa and Blair on OLTL during the former's fake cancer storyline, and given their history it only really worked there and on the online show because the actresses are close IRL and had such great chemistry playing off each other. But when on GH, he had Robin Mattson's psychotic Heather Webber being played for pathos by confiding in and hugging little Rafe Kovich Jr. who she barely knew? Or various incidents with Franco or Obrecht or whoever else? Come on. And it's always to service one specific character he loves and not the other.


    I think Haiduk is a brilliant actress - I'll never forget her cameo in HBO's Sharp Objects with Amy Adams, where she was unrecognizable and spellbinding in a very brief scene. If anyone could pick up from Eileen it's her. But reforming Kristen to this point, which it seems is what Ron wants to do, puts any recast at a severe disadvantage because it's making Kristen unrecognizable.

    I remember Ron attempting to have Sam and Carly on GH trying to be "Frenemies" during his tenure too. 

  4. Spoiler I saw on Twitter surrounding the Abby/Chance/Mariah surrogacy storyline.  


    Chance has a low sperm count. 


    37 minutes ago, mango said:

    I could somehow get on board the surrogacy story. Infertility is a reality for many of us. But there's no care or attention to any detail here.


    What about Chance and Abby going to doctors? Learning what different options are available? Maybe they meet with possible adoption agencies?


    And why not build up to Mariah's decision -- discussions about how it'll affect her body, how about how she'll feel about letting the baby go after carrying for nine months?


    And when did Abby and Mariah become BFFs? Another insta-friendship. 

    It seem like if this was a year ago, Lola would've been the choice to carry the baby. Now Lola is non-existent and might as well leave. 

  5. 15 hours ago, SteelCity said:

    I'm just tired of seeing Liam make that dumb face. Ugh. I want to like the assless Finn, but he forgave Steffy, do I'm done.


    This show needs new blood! How about a modeling agency?! That way you can bring in a bunch of new characters, and when they don't work you can just drop them, and if they do, you can weave them on.

    Actually, the idea for an modeling agency would be a breath of fresh air. Hire a soap vet that who owns and runs the agency.


    Perhaps that way you can get new characters who work for the agency. That way you can bring on a new family who owns/runs the business too. 


    It's time for Katie to get a new man who isn't Bill. I'm sorry, but if Katie is going to look dumb if/when she takes back Dollar Bill's ass one more time. Maybe Katie can fall for the guy who runs for the modeling agency. However, the guy's ex-wife who runs the agency along with him doesn't want Katie with her ex because she is still in love with him. And she teams up with Bill to break them up. But she and Dollar Bill find themselves hooking up themselves. 


    But we're not going to get anything that nuanced sadly. 



  6. The young adults on Degrassi got up to more mischief than Faith is doing right now if I'm honest. I hope plans for Moses come to fruition.


    I would also SORAS Johnny and make him the "Phillip Spaulding" of the Newman and Abbott families. And have Connor as the "spare" of the Newman's too. Also, bring back a rebellious yet sensitive Lucy who runs away to live with Grandma Phyllis due to Daniel and Heather having problems down in Savannah. They also could bring on a black or POC teen female on recurring who isn't related to anyone to mix it up with them. 


    Newman and Jabot can still tell actual stories about cosmetics. It only takes a Google search and a imagination. But I wonder is it a mandate or is it JG and Co. disinterested in telling stories of the actual corporate world? 


    And not presenting basic ideas on a PowerPoint Presentation. Then again why does Newman only have one employee? Instead of Abby's fertility being the main storyline. It should've been her going back to Newman when it comes out about what Gloria has on that thumb drive. She and Victoria can clash over business and it will also get Chance and she conflict about her spending all of her time at the office. Instead of with him. 


    Amanda's backstory hopefully will be explored more with perhaps Naya deciding to bond with her. As Imani gets jealous of her mother bonding with her. Perhaps we find out Naya husband is running for some big political office role. And another reason why she doesn't want Amanda to appear with her in public causing more tension between them as they grow closer. 



  7. 8 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Yes, the long term storytelling.

    Sharon on Y&R had cancer -it was sad, she was brave but sometimes it was too much, friends and family rallied around , she always looked great and she was cured.

    No longterm implications there - it just happened and we all move on.

    Thinking back to Nikki's mystery illness in the 80's and how it was used to propel the Victor/Nikki/Ashley story.

    Had they used Sharon's illness to bring Nick back into her life thus causing problems for Phyllis and Rey. Maybe Phyllis and Rey have a one night stand, Nick realizes he's only back with Sharon because of the cancer. Maybe Rey questions his commitment to Sharon after sex with Phyllis. Nikki finds out about Rey and Phyllis but realizes that could bring Nick and Sharon closer etc etc 

    Long term complications...

    All of this should've happened!!! 

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