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Posts posted by Forever8

  1. 35 minutes ago, Fevuh said:

    To me this is a huge problem with Y&R for about 30 years.  The viewers really don't want new characters. 

    For instance Chloe & Chelsea duplicate each other. It reminds me of Willow and Sasha on GH. Pick one to remain on canvas. Or at least change the others personality so they won't be so interchangeable. 


    And to tell you the truth I didn't miss Chloe & Kevin. They could go off to Silicon Valley with Bella and Miles tomorrow and I won't shed on tear and that's sad. 

  2. Colleen Cecile Carlton - YR 


    That Damn MAB! Just the idea of killing off Traci and Brad's only child and John Abbott's eldest granddaughter. Let's not forget Brad had died some months before her. Only to come back in the technicolor dream to bring her into the afterlife. 


    We should be seeing her with her family, friends, working at Jabot and potentially a romance/supercouple status with Scotty Grainger. Imagine if Traci and Lauren wasn't keen on their kids respectively seeing one another. Or perhaps they would contend with their own version of Sheila Carter (With Better Writers)


    So much potential wasted in my opinion. 


    Tammin grew into the role by the time she left.


    But they could've sent her off to go with Steve and Traci to New York City. Or perhaps she went out of the country to find herself and come back within six months with a new face. Maybe Colleen could've stayed in a coma to a recast could be found. Perhaps some top-notch surgeon could've helped her to wake from her slumber?! 

  3. Drucilla on YR : Alex Perez, Karen, Tyra, Yo Harmony, Leslie, Hilary, Amanda 


    Chloe on YR : Chelsea 







    2 hours ago, Vee said:

    I just don't think Olivia, in concept or character, resembled Brenda in any way beyond having dark hair. She was obviously a Lois clone and why they didn't just cast her as Lois in the first place is beyond me. She did audition for it in the 2000s but Lesli Kay got the part. I think Reese was an original Pratt concept that bombed bc in Wuhrer they thought they were casting a "name" from his old Spelling soap days and primetime cable who has never been a good actress or capable of authority.


    Annie Wersching (Amelia) went on to fame as Kiefer Sutherland's love interest and costar in the later seasons of 24. They stupidly killed her off in the final season.


    I liked Kate a lot. It's a shame what happened. What's strange is how they quickly brought in Olivia with Dante in the wings as a spoiler for Kate and Sonny and suggested she, not Kate, was his true love, after setting up Kate/Connie and her background with him so carefully. It's like someone (Guza or whoever) didn't like Kate/Ward and decided they needed to hedge their bets and establish Olivia as having an equally strong backstory with Sonny. That always pissed me off.

    I was hoping when Brook Lynn got slashed I was hoping for an appearance from Lois. 

  4. 51 minutes ago, carolineg said:


    I mean, they can always pair LW with Ingo.  They actually have chemistry.  I am genuinely surprised the show hasn't just bit the bullet and hired VM back to please MB.  Liz Hendrickson was way too young for MB and honestly just another petite brunette for him.  Again, MB and LW do work well together just not in a romantic sense.  Them being in domestic bliss for years now just doesn't ring true nor is it exciting at all.  

    I sense they were going there with Sonny and Margaux but it quickly ended before it even began. I mean it wouldn't be the first time Sonny cheated with a petite brunette or a legal eagle. 

    1 hour ago, ChitHappens said:


    CarSon is hardly Steve and Audrey Hardy.  Laurel and Hardy, perhaps.  


    And as much as some don't like the criminal element, I love the mob, just not Frank and Benard's mob.  Sonny is not a good guy and everyone respecting him is a colossal joke.  Bringing in a slug like Cyrus doesn't make Sonny less of a slug.  He's just another slug Jason and Sonny will eventually beat.  How many times have done this?!


    You know Frank can't be bothered with Benard/Sonny but he's afraid of Benard and let's him have too much influence over the writing.


    I strongly believe they brought in Fargo (Liz Hendrickson) for Sonny and LW wasn't having it.  At that time, she would be out in the cold and LW wasn't having that.  She'd rather the black hole aka CarSon than Carly not having a love interest.  We all know a woman not having a love interest on a soap is doomsday.    

    I know they aren't Steve and Audrey. I was talking about how they are written to be the show's main couple with the most history. 

  5. 13 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I am not a big Jason fan, but Steve Burton isn't half bad.  I have said this before, but he generally has the ability to create chemistry with his female leads.  He does really well with characters like Brenda and Carly where he can play the straight man and voice of reason.  I loved him with Robin, but him and KeMo are boring.  I get that they are popular, but they literally have been devoid of any energy for about 10 years or so.  But I have never been a KeMo/Sam fan.  She's just so bland and I always see her as a Brenda rip off.


    As for Sonny, I like MB/Sonny more than most.  I loved him in the 90's.  Labine really knew how to write Sonny as a grey character that was still likable.  We knew he wasn't the best guy but he had redeeming qualities (his caring for Stone, his love for Brenda).  He wasn't a hero, but he wasn't a villain either.  The problem is he is a hero now.  And honestly, him and Carly might be more boring than JaSam.   I know Mo has problems sparking with his female leads, but Carson might have anti-chemistry with each other.  Plus, MB's acting has just gotten worse.  It's crazy to watch 90's Sonny.  He doesn't mumble or stutter and he does really good work.  MB is extremely charismatic and charming and now I don't see that at all.

    They write Carson like they're the new Steve and Audrey Hardy. And I'm like no... 

  6. 54 minutes ago, Soaplovers said:

    I would love if Generations was rerun again...it was run on BET back in the day so why not run it again?

    I would love to see it rerun again on cable, streaming or perhaps on the over air channel called Bounce which showcase mostly black television programs. 

  7. 9 minutes ago, titan1978 said:

    Part of it, and Rena leaving was Guza just did not get Lois, and she felt her character was getting less intelligent as time went on.  It’s telling that she was willing to keep playing Lois if Labine’s soap had been picked up instead of Port Charles.

    I really liked him too.  I thought he had a personality, and was attractive and seemed like he would be in a family with NF’s Joey.

    Thanks!!! I know Port Charles came to fruition because ABC didn't want to spend the $$$ on having another show in NYC. Wasn't this the show with the two entertainment families or was that another show Claire was working on?


    Biggest Waste Of Talent - Elizabeth Hubbard (ATWT


    What was going on with Lucinda/Elizabeth at the time? 

  8. 2 hours ago, Vee said:

    It would be more bold for Frank to just recast him and then make Spencer bisexual. It's not like they haven't written that kid as a flaming little queen for years. Then they can actually pull the trigger, get a slightly older kid to play Aiden and make him trans/genderfluid to get some eyeballs on the show, but that would be too risky when you can just have that one dayplayer doctor at the hub set every few weeks/months, right?

    Frank will be running scared from the Winter of Kish for the rest of his career, probably one of the best things he or OLTL ever did and a moment I was truly proud of. He followed that up by freaking out over numbers, firing everyone non-str8 or non-white on the show and hiring three separate white guys to play str8 hunks romancing the women and dominating the airtime (at least one, ironically, played by a very obviously gay actor). And he followed that up by marginalizing and sidelining LGBT and POC story forever after, because he took the lesson of 2009 to mean it was time to stay home with the red states for good. This is 2020. Daytime soaps on daytime television are all but dead. You are not going to drastically move the needle any further than it already is by still hunting for Kristen Alderson's meager audience share from 2007. So why does he keep sticking with a formula that barely ever worked? I guess when you're this set in your ways and you came up under Paul Rauch determined to survive him by any means necessary, that stays with you.

    I hated all of that too. Not only no more KISH. It was goodbye Rachel who I was enjoying on screen and was rooting for a possible Rachel/Schuyler romance that seem it was about to happen. Before the massive cast cull. 

  9. 23 minutes ago, Vee said:

    I remember idiots insisting Dev was Alec Barrett. Alec? Alec, son of a global supermodel/philanthropist, who is suddenly living on the streets in the Middle East?


    The kid was wasted, but so is the girl playing Trina who has real chemistry with the boy playing Cam. In the 90s (or even the early 2000s, potentially, if Frons had just watched something on primetime) you'd have seen them become a key young couple. Today they're sacrificed on the altar of Frank spending his entire tenure chasing the 18-34 or whatevers, desperate to recreate OLTL's white-led teen scene, first with Molly who he brutally discarded when he realized no one liked the white Cole Thornhart-adjacent twink he hired to play opposite her, then with middling actress Joss and a series of also white teen boys. First there was Oscar, the single worst actor I have ever seen watching this show for over 25 years, and now he's chained the very talented kids playing Cam and Trina to her. The show is just a waste.

    All Of This!!!


    I wouldn't mind if they eventually cast a decent young actor to play Spencer and have him and Trina have a romance during their college years at PCU. They can be a modern throwback to Nikolas and Gia almost twenty years ago. It seems they're stuck on the idea of having Cam being in a chemistry-free pairing with Joss. 

  10. 1 hour ago, te. said:


    Did they also de-SORAS David at this point? I know Marx is five years younger than Guthrie, but it does seem like he's more appropriate as Julie's son at that point. (And again, it also just shows what a mess the early rapid SORAS of both David and Mike was)

    And you see how "old-fashioned" SSH came off in this promo. But from the clips of the early 90's she had big hair and her bosom were on display as well. 

  11. 52 minutes ago, soapfan770 said:

    A couple things from the cancelled soaps:


    AW never brought back Ricky Matthews, which would have given Liz a lot more to do for sure. 

    ATWT: The lost Hughes family members. Did John & Marion Hughes have any children? Also lost the lost Stewarts, with the Ward quadruplets never coming to Oakdale at all. Geez!


    Hope Dixon - Need I say more?! 

    MJ Dixon 

    The Ward Quads 

    Daniel Hughes 

    Ryder and Christina Hughes 

    So many more to choose from grr... 



  12. I think most of us still feel they're missing characters of legacy origin should be populating their families as well as stories too. Or perhaps the ones on our screens but hardly adequate screen time. 


    So who are the legacy character who need to return or should get more respect on their respective shows? 



    Lucas Jones 

    Serena Baldwin 

    Christina Baldwin

    Tommy Hardy 

    Kristina Corinthos -Davis 

    Molly Davis - Lansing 



    Andrew Donovan 

    Jeremy Horton

    Mike Horton 

    Peter Blake 

    Melissa Horton 


    Bold and Beautiful 

    Little Eric/Deacon Sharpe 

    Kristen Forrester

    Felicia Forrester 



    Chance Chancellor getting a good recast

    Jennifer Brooks 

    Brooks Prentis 

    Noah Newman 

    Ana Hamilton

    Fen Baldwin 


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