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Posts posted by Forever8

  1. 20 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    Of course, 'Juicy Janet' will be there. No offense to Pins on but that's a hard pass for me.

    I like Julie Pinson as an actress.  But I didn't appreciate the last six months of World Turns being about Janet. I mean it wasn't the time to introduce her extended Italian family in Chicago who all hated her because she got pregnant as a teenager. The focus should've been on the Hughes, Lowell/Stewart Walsh/Snyder/Montgomery families until the finale. I wouldn't have minded a fast-forward for the final week. 

  2. 1 hour ago, DramatistDreamer said:


    That's sad to hear, especially considering Nate was born onscreen. Then again, trying to think of any character born onscreen that has been written well in the last decade.

    I hope either he or Lily mention how Nathan/Keesha's affair and the affect it had on their family is similar to the Elena/Nate one-night stand. But then again no one probably remembers or know about it on the writing staff. 

  3. 1 hour ago, DRW50 said:

    Thanks for the clips @Forever8


    You and @I Am A Swede might be interested in this. I'm going to tag @vetsoapfan and @NothinButAttitude @All My Shadows as well. It's the episode where Jackie Merrick dies. Other than the Pete/Rachel material, which isn't awful, but still grosses me out and feels like the real shift toward more needlessly melodramatic times, it's a slice-of-life episode with a lot of warmth and light alongside melancholy, and a slight unease in the air leading up to the final scene. That scene is impeccably done - a world away from what you get on soaps like EastEnders now with an emo woe chorus blaring from the skies. 


    (in case anyone is curious, this was that strange year or two year period where Clive Hornby [Jack] had left the show)



    Thanks for the info on the clip! @DRW50


    I hope they do something with Victoria running her own farm like you said but I don't hold my breath sadly. 

  4. 1 minute ago, soapfan770 said:

    The one Avant I’d love to resurface is Sasha, the actress did so much with so little back in 2016. I still can’t get over how B&B absolutely squandered Mosley/Maya for a shock value twist that served little purpose. 

    I wanted so much for them to delve into Sasha's background with having a mother who suffered from mental instability. I wishful cast her as Telma Hopkins, Jackee Harry or Robin Givens for the role. However, I can't tell you the last time they've mentioned Sasha. 

  5. 10 hours ago, NothinButAttitude said:

    Did we mention Sarah Brown on ATWT, B&B, and DOOL?


    Madison would've been a success had they actually played up on her being a business tycoon and her rivalry with Kate. 


    Her character on ATWT was doomed from the start being named Julia and being wedged in between Jack/Carly. Dare I say it but I always wished that they would've just made her Cassie on GL seeing as Laura Wright was on her way out. 


    And B&B totally fumbled SB's talent as Aggie. I hate that they had her as some frumpy surrogate for Bridgette that pined over Nick when she oozed of sex appeal that could've rivaled Brooke, Katie, and Donna. 



    I would have loved to see Sarah tackling Cassie. I think she would've had chemistry with Kim Zimmer and probably might've been written with Cassie's street smarts she retained from her life prior coming to Springfield. I also imagine she and Crystal Chappell would've been great together as friends/business partners. 

  6. 9 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Chris Robinson (Rick, GH) Jason, AW

    Judith Chapman (Gloria, Y&R) Diana, DOOL

    Ian Buchanan (Duke, GH) Ian, DOOL

    Sharon Wyatt (Tiffany, GH) Rachel, Passions

    Judi Evans (Beth, GL/Adrienne, DOOL/Paulina, AW) Maeve, ATWT


    And I definitely have to add Robin Strasser. She was iconic on AW and OLTL, but she was awful as Vivian on DAYS.


    How about A Martinez? Would his role as Eduardo on DAYS be considered a flop? 



    Let's not forget A Martinez as Ray Montez on OLTL. Talk about a flop!!! 

  7. 11 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    Yeah they should have let that build a little more.

    I wish somehow someway someone will mention to Nate about how this reminds him of his father Nathan cheating with Keesha back in the day on his mother and how it affected the Hastings/Barber-Winters family for years. Nonetheless, since none of those players from that era and in that family is around. It probably will be a blip made by Nate. 

  8. I wonder are we getting a character from a defunct soap who played a detective to make a cameo in the scene with Carly/Diane next week? 


    Probably not but I can wish. 


    This whole money scheme between Scotty/Franco/Liz is dumb. For the simple fact Scotty has a billionaire daughter by the name of Serena Lee Baldwin who can probably lend some cash. 


    I'm enjoying the most since it returned from COVID. But it can still tighten some stories and get rid of about five more characters. 

  9. The Distinct Nostalgia podcast has a Soap Segment where they interview past and present Soap Stars. Included in this preview of upcoming episodes.



    Yasmin Bannerman who played Maddie Parker. The first black main character on Hollyoaks will be a upcoming guest. 

    See the source image

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