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Sex Me! #113

Evening is becoming in Pasadena. Brookside Park, Jenn grabs a seat on a bench as she waits for Santino. She pulls out her compact from her purse and applies lip-gloss to her lips. Santino walks up to her. Santino “MMM, getting your lips ready for action?” Jenn looks up and smiles at him, “I wish I could jump up and wrap my arms around you.” Santino “But you can’t because of that peeping tom named Karl.” Jenn “How you been holding up? I miss you so much.” Santino



Episode 132

A day of returns in Springfield..... Malah House: Dinah is going through her paperwork. Mallet walks over, "What's going on?" She grins, "The tests are back. It's official. I am Belinda's biological mother." He smiles, "That's great. Now we can be 100% sure we've found your real daughter." Dinah nods, "And of course now the courts are going to have to side with me when they see this." Mallet stares, "Oh so you are still planning to take it that far?" She turns to him, "Mallet I'll take it




ALFONSO PROMOTED! In a shocking turn of events, Kristian Alfonso(Hope Williams Brady) has been promoted back to contract status on LIS! Alfonso was on contract with the soap from 2006-2008, until she was dropped to recurring in June. "Hope needed to pay for her crimes, and also we needed more room for other stories and characters. But, Hope is an important vet and important part from LIS, so its time to bring her back into play....though its going to be interesting because just as she becomes



Casting News!

We here at A New World Turns are saddened to announce that Phil Carey has left the show. The role of Clark will not be recast. Clark's exit from Oakdale will be briefly addressed next week. In other casting news, Jake Silbermann has been let go from the show. Silbermann originated the role of Noah Mayer on the show. His last airdate was February 6, 2009.



Episode#310: Stefano Realizes The Truth!

Episode#310: Stefano Realizes The Truth! -Celeste is at her house, and she takes out her Tarot Cards….as she performs a random reading, suddenly she shouts “DEATH”! -Hope and Julie are still in jail together, and they simply sit around and chat a little bit….but suddenly, Ji’Min, their lawyer, comes in and tells them he has some news! -Lucas sits in the waiting room at the hospital, and Mike comes out of Eugenia’s hospital room. Lucas asks if she’s alright, and he smiles and nods, and s



Episode 266

Carly learns from the school that Parker skipped class. At the hockey rink, she implores Mac to call her if her son happens to stray there. She reveals that Parker is no stanger to running away, but this time, she's frightened that Jack isn't here to help look for him. Later, Mac spots him and asks why he's not in school today. Parker admits he's worried about Jack, and he needed time to think. Parker adds they haven't heard from Jack in a while, and he knows something's wrong. Mac assures him J



Episode 265

Lily sets up arrangements for Jade to get off on bail. Margo informs her that Luke is still being held accountable for obstruction of justice charges, but she's thinking the charges will be dropped due to the state's lack of funds to be able to prosecute both cases. In her cell, Jade promises Luke that it's not his fault that this happened, but adds that she would have liked to known that he was covering for her. Craig goes by Lyla's with champagne, ready to celebrate Lyla's positive test re



Episode 131

A day of confessions in Springfield.... Old Cabin: Edmund stares at his kidnapper, "Oh my God! Beth?" Beth sighs, "Edmund... this is not what you are thinking." Edmund backs up, "You? You? Are you... Oh my God! Beth you are the one who locked me up in here?" Beth looks at him, "Edmund I know that you are going to think I'm nuts but I just need to explain." He gets up, "Save it! I am out of here! I am going to town and I am having you arrested." Beth grabs him, "Edmund. Edmund no! Please! J




"Feburary Sweeps has just begun in the last couple eps....I know this year, due to the digital switch, Feburary isn't a Sweeps month...but here at LIS, we're treating it like one! Feburary and March will be jam-packed. December and Janurary had alot of happenings but was sort of slower, we're speeding it up this Feburary. Last year, Feburary Sweeps featured the "Secret Storm", this one will be just as big!" Tara Smith said The DiMera's/Marlena's Death: "This is probably the biggest story on L



I Declare War! #112

Downtown Pasadena, City Jail DC looks at his daughter for the first time ever. Mona “Took you long enough to come down here to meet me.” DC “Thangs been hard out here for a pimp. You killed my brother….. My own daughter, who I didn’t even knew existed until a few weeks ago, killed my brother. How do you expect me to come down here with opens arms? I am having a hard time dealing with this bullsh!t. My life been turned upside down and inside out!” Mona “Oh is that what you ca



Episode 264

Carly gives Brad a piece of her mind. Lily thanks Dr. Michaels for coming over on such short notice. She's dismayed when Margo trails in close behind, reminding her that there's an open investigation. After Jade tearfully reveals what she remembered, Margo calls the station to see if the reports have come back in on the knife. The deputy responds that three sets of prints were found: Jade's, Luke's, and an unidentified set of prints. Recalling the mystery person in the video, Margo asks if an



Episode#309: Another Accomplice

Episode#309: Another Accomplice -After Greta leaves, Jan turns to Nicole and tells her this can’t be happening…she’s not doing this, she’s not letting Greta or some crazy nurse she hired care for her! Jan says this is it, they HAVE to get out of here! Nicole tells her she agrees but they’ve been saying that for awhile, and Jan says this time she’s serious, she’s pregnant and can’t risk Greta doing something to her baby! -Lucas asks Eugenia if she’s alright, and Eugenia continues to clutch



Episode 263

Jade remembers something from the night of Colin's murder. Brad ends up overstaying his welcome with Carly and the kids. Carly keeps hinting for him to leave, but he ignores her. Finally fed up, Carly hauls him into the kitchen and asks him why he's being such a pest. Brad reasons that it's because Jack's gone. He blames himself, saying Jack wouldn't have left town if Brad hadn't bought into Katie's lies and accused Carly of instigating Katie's "miscarriage". Touched, Carly chuckles he's goin



Episode 262

Alison and Emily face off. Jade comes down the next morning and informs Lily that she's moving back in over at Cal's old place. Stunned, Lily asks if Jade's ready to make such a huge step. Jade reasons that she might be less of a burden. She already almost sank Will and Gwen's marriage; she's not about to be the cause of Holden and Lily's problems. Softening, Lily explains that she and Holden have been married on and off since they were young. No matter what the problem, she knows that at the



Episode#308: Home Free?

Episode#308: Home Free? -Greta walks into the Secret Room, and Jan grumpily asks what she wants. Greta tells her she should be happier….she fulfilled her wishes! Nicole asks if that means she’s letting them out of here, and Greta shakes her head and says no, and reveals that she got Jan a nurse! -Lucas is jogging around Salem, not far from the Spears Mansion grounds. He thinks to himself how he wishes he could get ahold of Jan, and he calls her cell phone, but to no avail. He continues to



Episode 130

A day of shocks in Springfield.... Old Cabin: It's snowing around the cabin. Inside it's very quiet. Edmund Winslow is still tied up inside a bedroom. Edmund opens his eyes. He passed out last night. He hasn't recieved a visit from the kidnapper in a while. Edmund takes a deep breathe, "This is how it's going to happen. This is how I'm going to die. Everyone was right. I'm going to die alone. No Cassie, no Ava, no Grandson, nothing." Suddenly he hears the door opening. Edmund remains quiet



Episode#307: To Kill or Not to Kill?

Episode#307: To Kill or Not to Kill? -At the Salem Inn, Jennifer is there now, but she hears a knock on the door. She answers it to see Laura, and she gently smiles and greets her. Laura tells her she’s sorry about earlier, she and Robin haven’t been on the best of terms lately, but she shouldn’t have brought her into it…Jennifer tells her its alright, she understands. Laura and her hug, and Laura goes on to ask when she’s leaving Salem! -Greta is on the phone in the middle of Salem, and s



Episode 261

Craig has a proposition for Dusty. Fuming over what Carly just told her, Lily confronts Craig as he sit down for dinner at Al's. She demands to know why he kept his pursuit of custody a secret from her. Craig shrugs that he knew she would probably take sides with Carly, and therefore Rosanna, with the whole matter. Lily angrily blasts Craig for using Cabot to get back at Rosanna now that she's moved on with Paul. Craig denies that he would do any such thing and feigns surprise that Lily would



Jan Spears is CRAZY

So since it's been... forever since I've even been here, or posted anything at all, or even looked at this blog for that matter, I figured I would post something just for the heck of it. (On a side note, I'm going to have to go back through and look at this blog, simply because I have totally forgotten what I've even posted in here O__o) So I've seen quite a bit of the Jan Spears saga (as I'll call it) on Youtube. To be quite honest, I think she's insane and she's evil... but that's what m



Episode 260

Lily learns what Craig's been up to. Mac nearly gets run over by Parker, JJ and Sage as they rush out the door to the bus. Laughing, Carly offers him a cup of coffee while she waits for the cab to take her to work; her car is still in the shop. When Mac asks if the cops have any suspects yet, Carly admits she hasn't heard anything from them yet, and she doesn't really expect to. Vandalism is a low-priority, and besides, if it's who she thinks it is, the Chief of Detectives is sure to bury it.



Episode 129

A lot of information exchanged in Springfield.... Company: Coop is hugging Buzz, "It's so great to see you Dad." Buzz smiles, "Look at you. God I missed you!" Coop looks over at Ashlee, "Hi." She nods, "Hey Coop." Buzz backs away, "Don't let me stand between you two you must have missed each other these past few weeks of being a part." Ashlee walks over to Coop, "Did you have a good flight?" He nods, "Yeah." The two kiss. Buzz notices that the passion seems to have disappeared. Ashlee look



Episode#306: A Proposition

Episode#306: A Proposition -Jennifer comes back to Maggie’s house as the funeral is over, and Laura asks how it went. Jennifer explains to her what happened, and Laura asks why she didn’t give a euology, and Jennifer simply says it didn’t feel right. She goes on to ask Laura how her life has been since she’s been back in Salem, and Laura explains that she’s been enjoying it, there’s just been drama between Mike and Jeremy…not to mention that Jeremy’s mother, Robin, is here! -Greta tells Ni



Episode 259

Rosanna and Paul make their relationship official. Dusty admits that he would like to give their relationship a fresh start, but first, there's some stuff that they need to settle. They take a seat as Emily explains her reasoning for coming here tonight. Susan informed her that just like any man, Dusty made a mistake. She realizes that now; she was wrong to jump to conclusions. Dusty interrupts her and tells her that the main reason why they even got into this mess was because of her. If she



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