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College Never Looked This Good!

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Episode 82: Tempting Habits

Previously on Point Palace: - Alley knew that she was caught at the wrong place at the wrong time. Dylan was angry to find that he thought she tried to pull Carrie's life support. The doctors and nurses saved her, yet again, only to have her fall back further in her coma. John tried to stop Dylan from getting Officer Wendell but he couldn't and Alley was taken in for questioning. - Owen got news from Dr. Quarr that he's going to have to stay longer in the hospital to try and fix his d

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 80: When The Oppertunity Rises

Previously on Point Palace: - The familiar students that returned were Alley and John who were believed to be dead by Carrie and Dylan. They are both happy to see Blake and London. The reason why they returned was because of the explosion and its impact on their friends. Officer Wendell and Detective Miltner arrive to talk to Dr. Quarr. Blake overhears everything and demands to know how many people have died so far. Trella, Brandon, and others were involved. Blake accidentally has the

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 79: Leaving Lenvy

Previously on Point Palace: - Nan's revenge had many people injured and some already dead. The gala had turned into a sight of horror. - Lenvy was rushed to the hospital with Will by her side who was freaking out at the fact that she was hurt so badly. He calls Gloria to tell her about her daughter's mishap condition. - Dylan has a dream about seeing John and Alley drowning in a lake. They blame him for their death. He was in the back of the head with a rock. When he comes to he trie

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 78: The Aftermath (Season Premiere)

Previously on Point Palace: - Owen decided to end the love triangle with Tanisha and Ginny by breaking things off with Ginny and choosing Tanisha. - James left Ava but she pleaded for him to stay because she's lost without him. He told her that she was never lost. He drove away, leaving her in despair. - Alexia gets news that her mother has breast cancer, which means that her and Owen may have to go back to Raleigh. - London begins having pains so she calls Dr. Harnlo who makes sure

Matt P.

Matt P.

Casting News

Though some cast members may be departing from the series, three are getting contract roles. Andrew Levitas plays Blake's past friend Nate Mavick who seems to have one thing on his mind. Heather Papinchak last seen playing Carrie in the Pilot of Point Palace, has rejoined as lesbian Sky Safford. Sky will be hooking up with another cast member. Days of Our Lives star Joy Bisco joins the cast as the mysterious but sexy Mika Tomukuzai. Other cast members who might be taking a leave of absence

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 77: Hearbreaks, Exits, and Nan's Revenge (Season 3 Finale)

Previously on Point Palace: - Peggy was hauled off to an insane asylum but before she went, she admitted to James that she was always in love with him and how jealous she was of both Laney and Ava. James and Ava wants her gone and when she is put in the back of the truck, she screams how "she'll always be misses Peggy Vaughne." Officer Wendell gets the whole story and finds out what really happened to Laney. James informs Ava that the saga with Peggy is officially over. - London and Tani

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 76: Owen's Choice

Previously on Point Palace: - Dylan decided that it was time to let John and Alley know the truth about what they did. Dylan tells them all about it and Alley freaks out at Carrie. The two begin to physically fight, while Dylan and John, try to break it up, a fist fight breaks out between them. John and Alley left together, but Alley had the final word by slapping him across the face and telling him that it's through. Later on, both couples thought of getting back together with their exes

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 75: Over Edged

Previously on Point Palace: - Ava was cleared of all charges and could go on to live her normal life. She briefly saw Ike and Vicki in disguise but wasn't able to thank them. Peggy was upset about everything and was thrown out, when she sees Ava outside, Peggy tells her that everything wasn't over. - Ginny decided to maybe give Owen another chance after finding out that he wasn’t British. - Tanisha went to find Alexia in London's room but both begin to worry when she is no where to be f

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 74: Will They Tell the Truth?

Previously on Point Palace: - Alexia and Owen's stepfather Frank, turned out to be the one who was making threatening phone calls to Alexia. He shows up to her door and begins to strangle her with rope. After letting her go, she tries to escaped but is knocked out. The next day, she wakes up to being tied to her bed, and when Owen tries to call her, Frank pretends to be her and says everything is fine. - Tanisha went to apologize to Owen for telling him that she loved him because she

Matt P.

Matt P.

Season 3 Opening & Casting News

The Season 3 Opening In casting news, John Gotti Angelo Jr. has returned as Victor DiMarco. Last seen in the first season to reclaim Carrie (Sarah Lancaster), Victor has come back upon a lie made by Alley (Dani Rowley). Angelo also returns as the character from the then cancelled series Legacy in which Lancaster made appearances on prior to it's cancellation. Jeremy Zimmerman, not related to Point Palace Logo Designer Mary Zimmerman, returns as John Snaldry (Ryan Gaus)'s brother Guy Sn

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 73: The Verdict (Part One)

Previously on Point Palace: - Trella was shocked when she found out from Ava that Zak was killed by Will. Trella was furious and was determined to bring Will down. When Lenvy and Will were alone, Trella went to see just Lenvy but Will was there too. She attacks him and tells Lenvy that Will knew Zak enough to murder him. When Trella leaves, Will doesn't even know what to say to Lenvy. She asks him if it is true, but without saying anything, he walks out and leaves Lenvy in agony. - Blake and

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 73: The Verdict (Part Two)

The second part of Point Palace is sponsored by The Wraith & Kensington Way Crossover ___________________________________________ (Ginny is wiping off the counter at the café. It seems to be a pretty slow day. The phone next to her rings, she answers it.) Ginny: Palace Café this is Ginny speaking, how may I help you? Owen: (British voice) You can help me out in many ways. Ginny: Oh really

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 72: Back to His Past

Previously on Point Palace: - Dylan gets a call from his family friend, Dr. Rebecca Ralma, who explains to him that none of the girls are pregnant. Dylan is happy and when he gets a chance calls Carrie who tells him that she is happy and guesses that it's the end for them hiding the lies. - Carrie explains to John that she went to the doctor because she thought she was pregnant. John quickly worries but she tells him that she's not. Carrie still feels guilty for what happened. - Alley i

Matt P.

Matt P.

Casting & Special News

Casting News & Upcoming Events: It's nearing the end of Season 3 and characters are coming and going. The contract characters stay the same but the other supporting character list are rising. Special Guest Star James Franco plays the scorned Brian Daniels who powers up with Nan (Lorena Chacon) to get back at Blake (Daniel Cosgrove). The other recurring board members include The Bold and The Beautiful vet Susan Flannery as Secretary Lanoi Dickson and ex-The Young and The Restless vet J

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 71: Fast Relief

Previously on Point Palace: - Ava gets hauled off to jail in her own single cell with mean inmates around her. The only friend that she has is Officer Smith (wing monitor and Officer Wendell's partner). When she goes to sleep she then dreams that Laney is in her cell and tells her "there is only one thing that will save her." - James tries to make sense of what has happened to his wife and thinks that Ava told Laney everything, but doesn't know that it really was Peggy. When he is alone

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 70: The Doctor Knows All

Previously on Point Palace: - After having a nasty cat fight with Laney, Peggy walked in on Laney falling down her steps, and claimed that she was dead. Peggy called the cops and for an ambulance while almost saying what exactly happened, Ava (without thinking) slapped her across the face to calm her down. James walked in, saw Ava, and then found his dead wife. - The woman, Cairina Gartiez, who was watching Carlos confront Nick at the hospital, found him, and offered him a part in the hit

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 69: Upstairs to Downstairs

Previously on Point Palace: - Edmund explained to Blake how he bought the rights off of the ex President, who wanted to actually give the school to him, but Edmund wanted to give it to Blake. Everyone is shocked but even though he knows how young and inexperienced he is, Blake is ready for the task. - Trella gets an application off of Ginny for the café because she was late for work, due to Will (which she still doesn’t know about), and Lenvy begins to wonder where her purse went (still no

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 68: The New Owner

Previously on Point Palace: - London's father Gavin told London about how Blake persuaded all of the parents that they are in love, so London walks down the aisle and the ceremony began. - Nan walked into the church after the reverend asked for objections and Jenny kicked her out. Nan threatened to tell Carlos about the kidnapping and Jenny told him that he knows everything. Jenny demands Nan to stay away from Blake and London. When Jenny goes back in, she locks the door to the chapel

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 67: The First Wedding (Part Two of Two)

Previously on Point Palace: - Laney demands to know what's going on with Ava and James so Peggy decides to tell her the truth. Blake and London's parents meet each other but after finding out that London is pregnant, everyone says how they don't want them to get married. - Nan finds out from Owen and the co wedding planner, also Owen's date, Tanisha about the wedding and decides to get her revenge on the couple during their most precious day. - London's siblings Bradley and Joanie (

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 66: The First Wedding (Part One)

Previously on Point Palace: - Carlos was shocked when Jenny admitted to him that she kidnaped Nan and he told her that he would have done the same thing and only to be more honest with him. She makes a big deal about the wedding, when Nick purposely tells him that he needs to work the rest of the week on night shift. Leaving Carlos to choose between his job or Jenny. - Blake and London convince each other to have Owen and Alley in the wedding but when London calls Alley she tells her that

Matt P.

Matt P.

Casting News

It’s a Party of Five, well sort of. Three cast members of the cancelled FOX drama have reunited with Point Palace day player Lacey Chabert (London). Neve Campbell will be playing London’s oldest sister Joanie, Matthew Fox plays Joanie’s husband Derek Havenworth, and Scott Wolf plays London’s older brother Bradley. Jennifer Love Hewitt was in talks to play Joanie but couldn’t due to scheduling conflicts. Fox was the hardest to book because of his tied down schedule to the ABC show Lost but to

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 66: Knowing Something Juicy

Previously on Point Palace: - Alexia admitted to London that Owen shot Blake and explained to her that it was all Nan's doing. -Dyan convinces both Alley and Carrie to go and see a doctor to make sure that they are not pregnant and John finds out why he is still talking to Carrie. -Ava was tried to talk to James about his wife but couldn't when Peggy showed up at the cafe with Laney (who is still clueless) but Peggy began to rub it in her face. -Owen gave news to London and Alexia that Blak

Matt P.

Matt P.

Episode 64: A Sisters Trust

Previously on Point Palace: - After thinking that she were being kidnapped again by Patrick, it turned out to be Will, who planned a romantic evening with her. Will asks her if she would let him be her first and she agrees as the two make passionate love. -The day after Blake was shot and had to go through surgery, London calls all of his friends to come and see him. - Carrie tells John about Blake and he tells her that he's not going to go and see him because he hates him and thinks Blake

Matt P.

Matt P.

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