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A Days fanfic that has love, mystery, and adventure.

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Episode#324: History Repeats

Episode#324: History Repeats -Jan and Nicole sit in the Secret Room…Jan still worried about her baby and everything between Lucas and this Eugenia Willens, and Nicole continues to try to come up with other plans to escape….Jan looks at Nicole, and asks if she really thinks Lucas would get with another woman. -Lucas and Eugenia spend time together, Eugenia asks how Will and Destiny are, Lucas says they’re fine, he told them they were just in a minor accident, and didn’t mention Sami or the




THREE CRITICAL ACTORS EXIT LIS....BUT FOR HOW LONG?! A very stunning and shocking announcement has just been released after the airing of "Episode#323: Leaving Salem": Alison Sweeney(Sami Brady), Christie Clarke(Carrie Brady), and Matt Cedeno(Brandon Walker) have been axed...temporarily! Their characters all left Salem on March 18th when they decided to take off to find any evidence that Stan(Dan Wells) really killed Marlena, but vowed to be back! "I don't know if axing would be the right



Episode#323: Leaving Salem

Episode#323: Leaving Salem -Rhonda says that’s quite…odd…Suga explains that apparently she’s being charged with shooting an infant…and Rhonda just blinks at that one! Suga says that Pasadena jails were too crowded so she had to come here…Rhonda tells her that’s quite interesting…but regardless, she’s pleased to meet her! She and Suga shake hands. -Steve and Kim are down at the Brady Pub, and Steve says he shouldn’t have left Kayla at the apartment so soon…she hasn’t even woken up yet…Kim t



Episode#322: Vivian Tells the DiMera's

Episode#322: Vivian Tells the DiMera’s -It is a brand new morning in Salem! All the rain and clouds are gone, and the sun shines brightly throughout the town! -At the Spears Mansion, Lucas and Eugenia slowly wake up in the living room…lying together…again! Eugenia looks at him and says they must have fallen asleep together again…KISSING! Eugenia says she’s sorry about last night, but Lucas slowly tells her to stop…and maybe…it was good that they did! -Forrest and Billie are at the DiMer



Episode#321: The Phoenix Has Fallen!

Episode#321: The Phoenix Has Fallen! -Greta asks Lea what she means, and Lea says she just wonders if, with one of these women pregnant with a baby, if she really has to keep them down here…Greta snaps that her job is just to take care of Jan, no questions asked! Lea says she knows but, however Greta interrupts her and just commands her to do her job if she wants that money! Lea slowly nods as she leaves… -Lucas and Eugenia walk back into the Spears Mansion, with Will and Destiny in wheelc



Episode#320: Will's Fate

Episode#320: Will’s Fate -At Maggie’s house, Maggie, Julie, Abe, and Laura all continue to talk…but suddenly, they hear the doorbell ring, and Maggie answers it to see…HOPE! Maggie is stunned and tells her to come in and get out of the pounding rain, and Hope slowly walks in, and after shutting the door Maggie pulls her into a tight hug, saying she missed her so much…and is so glad she’s out of jail..but she asks what she’s doing here, she expected her to be alone at home with Bo! Hope sighs




LONGTIME VET, JOSEPH MASCOLO, FIRED AS MARCH SWEEPS GOES ON! Its now official: Joseph Mascolo, who has played Stefano DiMera off and on since the 80's, has been cut from LIS! Mascolo last aired on March 10th when his car, in a huge rainstorm, went flying off a cliff, after he was nearly killed by Sami Brady(Alison Sweeney) and his wife Vivian Alamain(Louise Sorel)...however before his death, he also nearly killed Will Roberts(Stevie Brock) and Destiny Stokes(Ambyr Childers) in the process! St



Episode#319: Did Stefano Survive?

Episode#319: Did Stefano Survive? -Julie is at Maggie’s house, and has reunited with Maggie, Laura, and Abe…and has gotten caught up to date on all the happenings…she tells Maggie she is so happy that she’s happy with Abe, and both Maggie and Abe smile and Maggie tells her she’s just glad she’s out of jail, and Julie nods and says she is mostly happy for Hope…she just wonders what will happen between her and Bo now! -Bo tells Hope that it was nothing, but Hope says that she won’t buy t



Episode#318: Sami Calls Lucas

Episode#318: Sami Calls Lucas -Bo looks in shock at Larry grabbing onto Hope…Hope and Larry both look at Bo, and Larry says this is just like old time! Hope orders Larry again to LET GO, and Bo tells Larry he doesn’t know how the hell he’s out here but he had better just let Hope go…Larry laughs and says not this time…this time, Hope Williams Brady, who should have been Hope Welch, will die! -Everyone goes back to the doorway inside Rhonda’s house, and upstairs…the officers find Rhonda’s s



Episode#317: The Other Car

Episode#317: The Other Car -Greta tells Nicole that she’s no better than her, but Nicole goes on to say that Greta has so much money since her mother is truly dead….she had a chance with such a great man, Eric, yet she’s spent so much time seeking revenge on HER, and even Jan, for something that happened years ago! She tells Greta she knows this is much deeper than her and Jan shoving her out of town in 2007, or just some fight where she got rabies…she still holds a grudge against Nicole for



Episode#316: Crash!

Episode#316: Crash! -Greta says to Jan that its very possible, Lucas and his new women seem so very close…Nicole says that she must be twisting the details, but Greta just laughs, and Jan looks down to her stomach and holds it as she walks around…she says she’s carrying Lucas’s baby, she’s his fiancee, he helped her give birth to her first child…he wouldn’t do this… -Megan again grins and says this is all going excellent…her seducing Bo that one night after drugging him and dressing up as



Episode#315: Dead or Alive?

Episode#315: Dead or Alive? -Greta walks back into the Secret Room…and Nicole and Jan ask what she’s doing back so soon, and she tells Jan that she’s here to tell her something…she saw something VERY very interesting up in the mansion above them…Jan anxiously asks what, and if Lucas is alright…Greta laughs and says he’s VERY VERY alright…especially in the arms of his new woman houseguest! -Steve continues to bang on the door of the house at that address he found at the pier…Shane tells him



Episode#314: Getting to the DiMera Mansion

Episode#314: Getting to the DiMera Mansion -In the Secret Room, Lea packs all her supplies up after checking up on Jan and the baby. Greta asks her how everything seems with Jan’s little bundle of joy, and Lea says she’s unsure, but the baby is alive and doing alright…however, she tells Greta that she may need to improve how and what she feeds Jan…and also, the baby may be in danger due to a lot of stress and perhaps a lack of care. Jan exclaims that she WOULD care for her baby, but she’s stu



Episode#313: The Escape

Episode#313: The Escape -Down in the Secret Room, Greta and Lea walk in…and Lea slowly and nervously tells Jan its time for her first check up, basically where she sees how the pregnancy is coming and how the baby is doing. Jan snaps to not touch her, but Greta happily says she doesn’t have a choice! Lea has a kit of medical supplies in hand, and Greta takes out a gun and tells Jan and Nicole to not move, as she unlocks the door and lets Lea in… -Above the Secret Room in the Spears Mansion



Episode#312: The Riot Begins

Episode#312: The Riot Begins -It is nightfall in Salem, a thunder storm is brewing! -At the Spears Mansion, Destiny sits by a window and watches as the rain pours. Will walks in, and Destiny smiles when she sees him as they greet each other. Will is all dressed up, and Destiny asks him why…he tells her he knows there’s a real bad storm out tonight, but to get their minds off all the custody drama, he wanted to know if she’d….go out to dinner with him! -Lucas walks into the Java Café, an



Episode#311: The Calm Before the Storm

Episode#311: The Calm Before the Storm -It is a new day in Salem! -Jan and Nicole are down in the Secret Room, and Jan is sitting on her bed, rubbing her stomach gently…she whispers to her unborn baby that she’s going to protect it no matter what. Nicole just rolls her eyes, and Greta walks in and tells them today is the day…Jan gets to meet her nurse! -Above the Secret Room, in the Spears Mansion, Eugenia is getting something to drink for herself in the kitchen…she thinks about how nic




ALFONSO PROMOTED! In a shocking turn of events, Kristian Alfonso(Hope Williams Brady) has been promoted back to contract status on LIS! Alfonso was on contract with the soap from 2006-2008, until she was dropped to recurring in June. "Hope needed to pay for her crimes, and also we needed more room for other stories and characters. But, Hope is an important vet and important part from LIS, so its time to bring her back into play....though its going to be interesting because just as she becomes



Episode#310: Stefano Realizes The Truth!

Episode#310: Stefano Realizes The Truth! -Celeste is at her house, and she takes out her Tarot Cards….as she performs a random reading, suddenly she shouts “DEATH”! -Hope and Julie are still in jail together, and they simply sit around and chat a little bit….but suddenly, Ji’Min, their lawyer, comes in and tells them he has some news! -Lucas sits in the waiting room at the hospital, and Mike comes out of Eugenia’s hospital room. Lucas asks if she’s alright, and he smiles and nods, and s




"Feburary Sweeps has just begun in the last couple eps....I know this year, due to the digital switch, Feburary isn't a Sweeps month...but here at LIS, we're treating it like one! Feburary and March will be jam-packed. December and Janurary had alot of happenings but was sort of slower, we're speeding it up this Feburary. Last year, Feburary Sweeps featured the "Secret Storm", this one will be just as big!" Tara Smith said The DiMera's/Marlena's Death: "This is probably the biggest story on L



Episode#309: Another Accomplice

Episode#309: Another Accomplice -After Greta leaves, Jan turns to Nicole and tells her this can’t be happening…she’s not doing this, she’s not letting Greta or some crazy nurse she hired care for her! Jan says this is it, they HAVE to get out of here! Nicole tells her she agrees but they’ve been saying that for awhile, and Jan says this time she’s serious, she’s pregnant and can’t risk Greta doing something to her baby! -Lucas asks Eugenia if she’s alright, and Eugenia continues to clutch



Episode#308: Home Free?

Episode#308: Home Free? -Greta walks into the Secret Room, and Jan grumpily asks what she wants. Greta tells her she should be happier….she fulfilled her wishes! Nicole asks if that means she’s letting them out of here, and Greta shakes her head and says no, and reveals that she got Jan a nurse! -Lucas is jogging around Salem, not far from the Spears Mansion grounds. He thinks to himself how he wishes he could get ahold of Jan, and he calls her cell phone, but to no avail. He continues to



Episode#307: To Kill or Not to Kill?

Episode#307: To Kill or Not to Kill? -At the Salem Inn, Jennifer is there now, but she hears a knock on the door. She answers it to see Laura, and she gently smiles and greets her. Laura tells her she’s sorry about earlier, she and Robin haven’t been on the best of terms lately, but she shouldn’t have brought her into it…Jennifer tells her its alright, she understands. Laura and her hug, and Laura goes on to ask when she’s leaving Salem! -Greta is on the phone in the middle of Salem, and s



Episode#306: A Proposition

Episode#306: A Proposition -Jennifer comes back to Maggie’s house as the funeral is over, and Laura asks how it went. Jennifer explains to her what happened, and Laura asks why she didn’t give a euology, and Jennifer simply says it didn’t feel right. She goes on to ask Laura how her life has been since she’s been back in Salem, and Laura explains that she’s been enjoying it, there’s just been drama between Mike and Jeremy…not to mention that Jeremy’s mother, Robin, is here! -Greta tells Ni



Episode#305: The Funeral of Peter Blake

Written by: Tara Smith and Special Guest Writer ML Cooks Episode#305: The Funeral of Peter Blake -Carrie is hesitant to answer Eric’s question, and she says she knows Sami is a liar, and she’s not sure….but…she may. Eric exclaims that’s ridiculous, Sami’s story is crazy and ridiculous! Carrie says she knows, but she HAS to stop and think! Marlena claimed, before she died, that Sami had been acting oddly, that’s why she called her back to town! She says that this town has seen such crazy th



Episode#304: A Face From The Past

Episode#304: A Face From The Past -It is morning in Salem, two days after Peter’s death! -Jan and Nicole are up and around in the Secret Room, and Jan tells Nicole this is the day…its time she finds out whether she’s pregnant or not. -Vivian is sitting in the living room of the DiMera Mansion, as people rush around and prepare for Peter’s funeral. She reads the newspaper, and at the headline of Peter’s death, she flashes back to how she set him up to be killed. She however shrugs it off



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