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S3 Episode 17

The Annual Masquerade Ball in Springfield... Upstairs the ladies get ready. Reva and Annie are standing together. Annie sighs, "Reva I appreciate you putting everything aside now for Marah's sake." Reva shakes her head, "Only for today. I still don't trust you and I never will. But Marah deserves to have the perfect day. I will not let anyone ruin that for her." Marah walks over to them in her wedding dress. The two smile. Annie grins, "You are beautiful." Re



S3 Episode 16

Valentine's Day continues in Springfield... Beacon: Eden is explaining everything to Coop. Harley and Gus watch. Coop shakes his head, "So you mean to tell me that it's just a crazy coincidence that we met?" She nods, "Yes. Maybe it was destiny, I don't know. But I had no idea you were a Cooper until after we were married." Harley sighs, "Coop we need to think about what's best for everyone. Eden is still in the witness protection program. If Vinnie Salerno fi



S3 Episode 15

It's Valentine's Day in Springfield... Beacon: Gus opens the door to his room. He walks in, "Eden... Coop is on his way up so-" He turns and stops. Eden is sitting on the couch... with Harley. Harley looks at him, "Finally." His mouth drops, "What are you doing here?" She looks at him, "Well I came to see if Cassie was here, but what do I find, your sister walking around the lobby. Your sister who is supposed to be dead." He looks at Eden, "Why were



S3 Episode 14

Emotions flood Springfield..... Cemetery: Frank and Eleni are with their daughter. Marina puts flowers on Danny's grave, "Wow... it's really been a long time Danny. I think about you all the time. I know everyone remembers you and Michelle's guy. The father of her children. I got news for you... we have a son too. Baby Daniel is alive. But maybe you knew that and helped us keep him alive. I just need him here with me." Eleni puts her hand on Marina's shoulder, "It's



S3 Episode 13

Sometimes it's hard to do the right thing in Springfield... Motel: Lucy and David are with Davey. They've been hiding out for a while. Lucy looks at him, "Okay. How much trouble are we in right now exactly? Just tell me." David sighs, "Well obviously no one has informed the police. So it's not to late to turn back now." Lucy looks at him, "David, are you serious? This is our son we are talking about." David shakes his head, "Lucy, he is Marina's son." Lucy s



S3 Episode 12

Lives are changed FOREVER in Springfield... Company: Eden is outside with Coop. She sighs, "My name isn't Mary..." Coop hears the noise inside and stops to check on things. Marina is holding a gun on Cyrus. The rest of the family watches. Marina shouts, "Tell me where my son is!" Eleni sighs, "Marina, Daniel is dead." Marina looks at Cyrus, "Tell them it's true!" Cyrus nods, "It's true." Frank turns to him, "What?" Cyrus nods, "Your so



S3 Season 11

Everyone is in for a surprise in Springfield... Company: The Coopers are all getting together to welcome Frank and Eleni back on their visit to Springfield. Frank and Eleni are happy to be back. Harley hugs them, "How have you guys been? How's California?" Eleni smiles, "It's amazing what a difference the change made in our relationship. Things are so much better now." Frank smiles, "I couldn't be happier." Buzz nods, "Well I'm proud to see my Son and my daug



S3 Episode 10

People have to face the truth in Springfield... Farmhouse: Jeffrey walks inside. Cassie walks over, "Hey." Jeffrey looks around, "Where is she?" Cassie sighs, "I put her in the bedroom. She's sleeping. Stress isn't good for the baby." He shakes his head, "I can't believe this. Marah... she wasn't like this. She didn't' do these kinds of things before me." She sighs, "Jeffrey you can not blame yourself for all the things that Marah does." He sits down, "I



S3 Episode 9

Ulterior motives are all over Springfield... Prison: Doris Wolfe is being released. Ashlee is picking her up. Doris walks outside. The car is right there. Doris hops right in, "Ashlee I-" Roxie Shayne is the driver, "Hello Doris." Doris quickly realizes she's in the wrong car. Roxie smiles, "Buckle up!" Roxie hits the gas and drives off. Doris's door won't unlock from her seat. Doris looks at Roxie, "You already got your revenge on me. You h



S3 Episode 8

Parents want the best in Springfield... Spaulding Mansion: Alan's is walking Liz into the house. Remy is finally at the top of the hill. He runs up to the gates, "Liz! Liz!!!" Liz turns, "Remy!" Alan has her taken into the house. Remy shouts, "You can't keep her locked up forever Alan! It's not going to happen." Alan laughs, "Oh no? With all of the power and information I have, you and Elizabeth have no other choice. Go to the police? You'll be sorry. I've w



S3 Episode 7

Secrets are hard to keep in Springfield... Cemetery: Mary is walking through the cemetery of Springfield. She is holding a bouquet of flowers. She's looking for one in particular. She stops, "There you are. Wow it has sure been a while. This town sure has changed since you died. It's not like anyone misses you. Well some I guess. But they are much better off without you." She looks around. She shakes her head, "Why am I doing this? I could very well be ruining



S3 Episode 6

Everyone is not who they seem to be in Springfield... Lucy and David's: David and Lucy are getting worried. David sighs, "So Cyrus is back in Springfield?" Lucy nods, "He saw Marina. He came here looking for answers. He acts like it's our fault Marina is the way she is." David sighs, "Maybe..." Lucy shouts, "No! We were going to give him to Marina. But you saw her. She is so messed up. No child deserves to live a life like that. Marina just isn't ready to be a Mom." He



S3 Episode 5

Everyone's got a dirty little secret in Springfield... Lucy and David's: Lucy is playing with little Davey. The doorbell rings. Lucy walks into the other room and answers it. Cyrus is standing there, "Hello." She stares, "What the hell are you doing here?" He smiles, "I had to do some digging to find out where you were living now. Nice place. Didn't Mel and Alan Michael live here?" Lucy sighs, "What do you want?" He looks at her, "I want answers Lucy. You



S3 Episode 4

Very interesting parent/child relationships in Springfield... Spaulding Mansion: Lorelei looks in the mirror. She smiles, "Well Lorelei you did it. But it looks like you're gonna be Beth from now on. Beth Spaulding. I like it. I am Beth Spaulding." Lorelei has lost her accent now and found joy in her designer clothes and expensive jewelry. She enjoys her new classy lifestyle. Alan walks in, "What are you so happy about?" Liz follows. She smiles, "Oh Alan.



S3 Episode 3

People try to run from the past in Springfield... Spaulding Mansion: Phillip and Harley are walking up the the front door. Harley sighs, "This place always gives me the creeps." Phillip nods, "Well if we want to be free of it we need to go in and talk to Beth." Harley shakes her head, "I bet you 20 bucks there will be more screaming then talking." Phillip nods, "Beth has changed a lot this past year." Harley shakes her head, "No. This is the Beth that we saw wh



S3 Episode 2

The New Year Begins in Springfield... Reva Bend: Reva begins to sleep in her bed. Roxie smiles, "We made it to 2011. Now get your rest sis." Reva's had a rough year. No one thought her battle would be so difficult this time around. Roxie walks out into the living room and pours some drinks. She hollers, "Marah come on! You missed the countdown." Roxie's trying to stay upbeat in a sad atmosphere. She's never been so alone in her whole life. Inside the



Episode 129: All My Eggs in a Basket

- - - Smoke infests Blake’s living room. The fire has spread throughout his home. Blake, London, and Alexia are in the kitchen. All are unaware of the danger in the other room. Blake: Tonight really was fun. It was great that we all had a chance to catch up. Alexia: Agreed. By the way, if you’re ever in need of a second wedding. Let me know. Blake and London look at each other awkwardly. London: Um…Blake and I aren’t together. Alexia: (shocked) What?

Matt P.

Matt P.

S3 Episode 1

It's New Year's Eve In Springfield... Beacon: Josh Lewis stands before the crowded room. Josh grins, "Can I have everyone's attention please? Thank you all for being here this evening. Thank you to the Beacon for allowing us to host here this year. It's been a crazy year. Lewis Enterprises has truly succeeded far greater than I think anyone expected. And we thank you all for your great support." The room applauds. Ava walks up, "As co owner of the Beacon Hotel, I



A Lost Episode?

FTL plans to post an episode that was written before the hiatus. A very important episode that must be posted before the relaunch of the series. Episode 194.




For very personal reasons FTL was put on a very immidiant hiatus. As the writer I've struggled in finding a way to bring it back. My whole timeline was thrown off. FINALLY I feel like i've found the perfect way. As crazy as it will be, I think I've found a way to hook people and actually make it understandable. I'm very excited. Later this week there will be more explanation. Thank you all for being patient. Sorry that the light faded for a bit, but put on your sunglasses




FADE IN: INT. SPRINGFIELD U - DAY - MEL'S CLASS Mel stands by the open door handing out an assignment as the students leave. Mel: Everyone have a good weekend. And these are your cases that you will be arguing on for the final. So be prepared. Kevin, still by his desk, kneels down and grabs his backpack. Mel looks past the outgoing crowd onto Kevin. Mel: Kevin. Kevin looks over at Mel, attentive. Mel: Could you stay for a second so I can speak



(LIS)448: Is Vivian getting High?

Hotel, Lucas and Eugenia’s Suite Jan, with her son Bentley in her arms are stunned to see an eerie looking Greta, with a gun pointed at them. Jan “Greta come on, Halloween was weeks ago.” She tries to brush past Greta. Greta puts the tip of the gun against Bentley. Greta, growling before she speaks, “No one is going anywhere Janet. Now get back in this apartment and no one is going to get hurt.” Jan “Greta please, I was just



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